"I want you..."

[Warning: Contains smut. Skip if you don't like it. (I know you are all hungry for it but I will act as if I don't know about it.)]

[Few things I would like to clear up. In this world thirteen is legal, also it's historical, don't compare with today's world. And she was twenty-seven before she came back in time.]


Xavier scoffed, grasping her reddened cheeks and placing soft kisses on those cheeks, as his lips trail down to her neck, while his hand went down, slipping underneath her skirt with his fingers brushing her bare thighs. Agatha gasped, her body instinctively arching upwards with her neck craning to give him a better taste.

Xavier nudged the top of his nose on her collarbone, suddenly biting onto the skin causing her to let out a suppressed moan from her lips. As Agatha grasped onto the bedsheet trying her best to hold back those moans.

Xavier's finger went down her back, and it started to remove her garments one by one until her bare skin was revealed to his hungry desire. He moved away from her and stood, his eyes devouring every bit of her. His mouth desired to taste her. He took off his shirt and tossed it away on the ground, before leaning above her.

Agatha tried to keep her eyes averted, as she could fill his stare on her unclothed body. She swallowed hard, closing her eyes trying to hide her embarrassment. Xavier was not at all happy seeing her hideaway.

Devouring her mouth again, Xavier gave a firm squeeze to one of her breasts, causing her to gasp and open her eyes in astonishment.

"Don't hide the fact that you are enjoying it as much as I am," Xavier whispered in her ears, heaving and nibbling on her earlobe. His fingers stroked her naked thighs.

Agatha's toes curled up with every touch of his, her inside twisting, carving to be devoured by him. Every inch of her body wanted to be ravished. Her mind and body scream to be his.

"Tell me what you want?" Xavier questioned, withdrawing his hand from her thighs making her desire for more.

Agatha's face flushed, at his question. Her pride not wishing to tell him while her body yearned for it. And between pride and desire, desire won.

"I…w-ant you to…to-uch me." Agatha fumbled, with embarrassment.

Xavier's eyes gleamed in fun, watching her fumble. He couldn't help but want to tease her more. "Touch you where?" He continued.

Agatha narrowed her gaze, glaring at him. He was doing this on purpose. But Agatha held back, gathered all her courage and muttered in a soft voice, "Everywhere…". She wished to dig a pit and hide away in embarrassment for saying such vulgar stuff.

Xavier chuckled, seeing her close her eyes again. His hand cupped her chest, kneading and fondling it; while his other hand travelled down to the back of her knee and then slowly travelled up to her other cheeks and gave a tight squeeze, causing her to gasp.

Xavier's face traced down to her other breast, sucking it into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the nip, biting onto it causing her to moan softly. Agatha's hands slipped to the back of his head, ruffling through his thick locks, as her body bent up.

Xavier moved back up to her lips, pressing his lips on her slightly parted mouth, slipping in his tongue swirling around hers. The more he touched her, kissed her, the more she desired. With each of the warm strokes of his warm hand, her insides are carved. She wanted more. No, she wanted him inside her…

Agatha could feel his bulging member pressing against her even with his trouser on. It was not just her who yearned for more. Pulling away from the kiss, she met his gaze, her lips slowly moving, "I want you…"

Xavier felt his heart jumping out, at her asking. He instantly got up, taking off his last piece of clothes. Agatha saw his erect member, and couldn't help but felt embarrassed.

It was weird…they did it so many times but how strange that it might be her first time seeing it clearly. Her eyes shifted, as his body pressed against her once again.

Xavier saw her nervous face, and gave a quick peck on her cheeks, "I will be gentle as much as I could." He consoled her, spoiling her with kisses as he slowly entered her.

Agatha gasped, bursting out into tears. Her insides felt like being ripped apart as a scream left her mouth. She didn't remember it to be this painful. Xavier tried to comfort her, seeing her in tears. Pressing his lips on her cheeks. "Want me to stop?" He asked a bit worried, he might have hurt her.

Agatha looked at him with teary eyes, shaking her head, "It's not that painful anymore." Agatha answered, wrapping her arms around his neck, and nestling her face on his shoulder, as he slowly started moving inside her.

Soon the pain she felt first, was no longer there as pleasure took over her, as their bodies moved in rhythm.


When Agatha woke up again, to find herself in his embrace. Xavier was still asleep, his arms holding her.

Agatha saw the clean bed sheet and herself too, as if someone cleaned her up and put her back in the bed. It was difficult to believe it was Xavier who washed her up and put her on the bed.

"You are awake already. Sleep some more." Xavier woke up, snuggling her. His eyes were still closed.

Agatha got up, sitting up straight. "Was it you who changed the bedsheet and bathed me?" She questioned raising a brow.

"The maid did it while we bathed together," Xavier answered, his eyes shut.

Agatha saw her naked body just covered with blankets. He could have asked the servants to change her into some clothes. It was not like something weird.

"Why didn't you ask them to dress me at least or wake me up?" Agatha argued, covering her breast with the sheet, annoyed at him.

Xavier finally opened his eyes, raising a brow, "Because I prefer you naked." Xavier grabbed her arm pulling her back into his embrace, "Now stop asking weird stuff, lay down quietly. Let me hug you a bit more." Xavier continued not giving Agatha a chance to speak.