"I prefer the rain."

Agatha pouted, hitting his chest lightly. Her brows furrowed together at his vulgar words. Xavier opened his eyes to find her sulking like a kid. He couldn't hold himself back from chuckling at her.

"Stop laughing. You are talking like an ill-bred. Move your hands. I want to get up." Agatha complained, struggling to move his arms. In the end, she gave up, turning her back towards him.

Xavier didn't know she was good with such tantrums. He pulled her closer until her bare back touched his chest. His arms wrapped around her chest while he gave a quick peck on her shoulder. "Your husband washed you up and you can't even sleep for longer in his arms as a reward?" Xavier spoke with a tone.

Agatha saw where his hands were playing with. If it wasn't for his actions, she would have been fooled by his dramatic acting. She smacked at his arms, and glared back at his llbpface," And where are you touching?"

Xavier sighed, getting busted. Snuggling into her shoulder. "It's your fault for being so intoxicating." He remarked placing kisses on her cheek.

"Enough with your antics. Let me get up now." Agatha didn't budge at his remarks. Xavier finally gave in, and let her get up. Agatha wrapped the bed sheet around her and walked off to the bedchamber connected to it.

Once Agatha was out of sight, Xavier stretched his arms, staring at the plain ceiling. 'You were my killer!' Agatha's words echoed in his mind.

He was well aware, her faith was not restored in him and it was understandable. But that also meant someone used his name to kill her. Someone from the assembly? Or was it Edgar? If they tried to kill her once, they will try again.

Xavier got up from the bed, put on his robes and walked to the desk and took out paper and pen, soon scribbling down something and folding it and putting a wax seal on it. Xavier rang for Reginald who entered within a minute.

"Your majesty."

"Send this to Arthur. Also, prepone our return to capital." Xavier ordered, handing over the letter to Reginald.

"As you wish, your majesty." Reginald nodded, leaving the room with the letter.

Once done handing orders, he called his servant to get dressed up and eat with Agatha. On the other hand, Agatha closed the door that separated both rooms and lay on her bed. Puzzled by those feelings that were budding inside her head and the fact of him ordering her killing still stood in her mind. If only…if only she misunderstood it. If only, there was a miscommunication and his words were the real one. Agatha wanted some ray of hope for the turmoil. But she knew it would be foolish to hope for such a thing.

Being alone with him was eating her mind. She was having such weird thoughts. Agatha instantly got up. She needs to get out of this place as soon as possible. Her mind grew restless the more she thought. Afraid that she might lose it all, she rang the bell.

The maids entered the room, bowing to her. Bringing out her clothes and accessories and dressing her up. In a lace gown of sage green, her hair was left open.

Agatha looked at her maid, "I wish to take a walk outside."

"Your majesty, it's drizzling outside." The maid answered, looking towards the window.

Agatha saw the droplets of rain on the window. She was so busy with her thoughts that she didn't even notice the rain. Maybe it was of utmost importance for her to divert her mind.

"It's fine. Just get me the umbrella." Agatha waved at her dismissively, as she got up from the vanity table. With the maid bringing her gloves and an umbrella. As soon as she opened the door of her chamber, Xavier stood there.

Agatha's heart skipped a bit seeing him in a white linen shirt paired with black breeches. His dark hair was still ruffled. His face was shaven and his inky eyes still sucked her soul.

Agatha gulped, trying to not look at him. Xavier went forward, placing a peck on her lips. "Going somewhere?" He queried seeing her holding an umbrella.

"Just a walk," Agatha replied, her eyes gazing in every other direction except him.

Xavier pulled back seeing her gaze gleaming everywhere except him. Her cheeks are slightly red. He looked towards the window, "It's pouring."

"I prefer the rain. Give me a moment to ponder." Agatha replied, her lips curved up into a smile.

Xavier didn't argue and agreed to her arrangement. "Very well. Make sure you don't get drenched and eat before you go. I am afraid I can't join you on your venture." Xavier sighed, just thinking about staying away from her.

After going back, he should do something about those old men. Sending work to his honeymoon. They shall be hanged for such audacity.

Agatha finally looked into his eyes and nodded to his words and left. Reginald saw Xavier awestruck as he watched Agatha walk away. He cleared his thoughts to bring Xavier to reality.

Xavier glared at Reginald walking off to his office, annoyed at those old men and Reginald for making him work.

Agatha looked at the drizzle, moving his hand to feel the rain before opening the umbrella and taking a step outside. The maid tried to follow after her.

"I wish to be alone."

"But…your majesty -" The maid tried to refute only to get a sharp glare from Agatha, silencing them. Agatha walked off, towards the lake, enjoying the scene in front of her eyes. The earthy smell tingled at the tip of her nose. The cold breeze swept her off. It felt good. Outside always felt fresh and good.

Agatha hated indoors. It felt like a prison to her. Suffocating her but her mother didn't find it ladylike. If there wasn't any reason for her to go out, she shouldn't.

Enjoying the rain, letting her dress get dirty or enjoying the warm sun on her skin was confiscated for her. Most of the time she stayed in her room, doing needlework or watching the outside world. After marriage, Xavier didn't force her to stay inside but it felt strange to go out alone after spending years inside.

Yet it all changed yesterday…