"I will prove my innocence to you."

The way he took her to the fields of bloom. Something she never saw before. He somehow unlocked the gate of the cage. The newly found freedom was intoxicating.

Agatha took a deep breath, as she carefully walked down the hill through a small narrow shortcut. The slippery road didn't make it easy. At some point, she almost slipped. The hem of her dress was all muddy. There was something fun in it too. The heels didn't make it better for her to walk. In the end, Agatha got annoyed and decided to remove them with her stockings and walk bare feet.

Now having a better grip on her balance, she tried to walk a bit faster, enjoying every bit of the moment. She finally reached the lakeside, stepping into soft moist grass.

Agatha loved this quietude, sitting down on one of the benches, she put away the umbrella. Letting the cold rain drench her. Agatha took off the gloves and accessories on her hair.

As her eyes stared at the droplets of rain hitting the surface of the lake making turbulence to the stillness. Something insignificant but her mind completely focused on it. Losing sense of the world, staring at it with no worry in her mind.

Agatha lost sense of time, she didn't know how long she stared at it. By the time she was out of it, the rain had already stopped. Herself completely drenched, somehow she didn't hate it, except for the fact her gown was ten times heavier now. Agatha stood up, gathered her stuff and was about to leave when her eyes fell on the man standing in front of her.

Xavier's eyes bulged out in shock seeing her like that. Her long brown hair was soaked, her gown was completely wet and out of all, her bare feet were covered in mud. From nowhere she looked like the lady she left the castle with.

"What happened to you?" Xavier questioned.

Agatha looked at herself and laughed, "It seems like I prefer rain way too much." She commented.

Xavier sighed, he can't be angry with her. At least not after seeing a laugh like that. She had laughed more the last two days than in her entire life before. How can he get angry seeing her finally enjoying her life?

"Reginald," Xavier called, letting him carry her stuff while he himself carried her in his arms and walked up the hills.

Agatha wanted to get down, walking up itself was hard and carrying her was too much. Xavier just glared, silencing her as he carefully stepped up the hills making sure he didn't step in the wrong place. As tedious as it was, Xavier didn't let her slip or lose balance as they reached the castle.

Agatha couldn't help but stare at the man carrying her. His face was covered in sweat, yet no complaint. Even after reaching the castle he didn't let go of her and took her straight to the bathroom, asking the maid to prepare a bath for her. While Agatha just kept quiet and let him do whatever he wanted.

Xavier made her seat on one of the stools, while a maid brought a bucket of warm water and a towel.

"Your majesty, let me…" The maid tried to reach but Xavier denied, sending them out once they were done preparing the bath for her. Luckily, Stanley asked them to keep the bath prepared the moment Agatha went out in the rain.

Xavier kneeled before her, dipping the towel in the bucket of warm water and gently rubbing the mud from her feet. "Next time, don't take off your shoes. You could get hurt." Xavier warned, worried after seeing small cuts on her feet. She might have been so busy enjoying to even felt pain.

After getting no answer from her, Xavier looked up to find her staring at him. A small smile curved on her lips. Xavier tried to call her, seeing her dazed like that, "Agatha? Agatha!"

Agatha woke up from her thoughts, trying to comprehend whatever was taking place. "Huh?" She raised a brow, puzzled.

"Wear shoes next time." Xavier pointed at her feet.

Agatha finally noticed her feet on his thighs. She quickly tried to withdraw, but Xavier held her ankle tight, not letting it go. "Stay still," Xavier commanded, continuing cleaning. Agatha gave in, embarrassed for not noticing earlier.

Xavier's eyes fall on the scar on her ankle. A smile curved on her lips thinking about their wedding and also their second chance. She was a great actress and almost fooled him to believe she knew nothing about the past.

"It's weird. Only a few days yet it feels like a lot of time has passed. If we had sat down to talk just after marriage…none of this would happen." Xavier remarked.

Agatha kept quiet, unsure what to say to that. For him, it was a chance to proclaim his love but for her, this was a chance to take her revenge. Now, she was torn between feelings and revenge. Was falling in love with your killer her second chance? Her face turned sour thinking about it.

"It's fine. I will prove my innocence to you." Xavier continued seeing her face turn sour at the mention of the past. It was still for her to believe it after all. How can she when he never gained her trust?

Agatha smiled, pulling away her leg and standing up, "I want to take a bath."

Xavier nodded, leaving the bathroom and walking back to his bedroom.

Once Xavier left, Agatha looked at the dirty towel and bucket. How strange. She can't seem to let go of him. Why did his words sound so genuine to her ears, that her heart flutters? What if she actually falls for him? Would she die the same death once again? How many questions and no answers? The only thing she hoped for was for his words to be true.