Chapter 96 Antidote

Andrew's POV


The room crackled with tension as I shifted my focus from my thoughts to the soft knock at the door.


As the door creaked open, Sophia's figure appeared, her demeanor fraught with unease. Her eyes darted around the room before settling on me, and a forced smile tugged at her lips. "Andrew, you're here. What's wrong? You seem quite tense."


My impatience and irritation surged, a palpable wave of agitation coursing through me. "The reason for my tension should be evident. I explicitly told you to stay here and avoid any risks. Yet, despite my words, you chose to disregard my advice and venture out."


A tremor tainted Sophia's voice as she spoke, her unease evident. "I... I apologize. It wasn't my intention to defy you. I simply wanted to bid farewell to Matt. I assure you, I won't repeat this mistake."