Chapter 97 Who Could Save You Now?

Chapter 97


Emma's POV


Days had slipped by since Alex's departure, leaving me longing for his presence. Seeking a moment of solitude, I retreated to a quiet nook within the hospital yard. Though I could have easily made the call from my ward, the watchful eyes of Tyler, stationed outside, made me feel somewhat uneasy, a tad shy even, about conversing with Alex.


The season had shifted to autumn, the crisp air tinged with a cool dryness. Seated on a bench, I embraced the tranquility, the soft rustling of leaves as the wind swept them in its gentle dance soothing my senses. Holding my phone with a hint of anticipation, I dialed Alex's number, my heart aflutter with excitement.


The call connected, and his voice filled my ear with a familiar warmth that caused a delightful shiver to run down my spine. "Hey," he greeted, the simple word carrying a world of emotion.