Decision's to leave or stay

Balto curled up beside Vali on the couch while Smaug sniffed at Steven. Steven looked amused by the fire-types antics, "So Vali, what's your ultimate goal?"

"I don't really have one yet," Vali admitted as she ran her fingers through Balto's fur, "For now, I just want to travel, earn gym badges, and get settled as a trainer before I decide to really do anything. I'm mostly interested in seeing the world, seeing how far I can go, meeting new pokemon, and maybe discovering some mysteries,"

"So you're going to try and find answers about why you ended up in this world?" Steven asked making Vali stare at him in surprise and he smiled warmly, "Professor Oak mentioned it and I've read some of the League reports. Not many, but enough to know some things,"

Vali felt a bit of anger, but mostly she was relieved. The idea of not having to keep her limited knowledge of this world a secret was nice. While she'd learned a lot about this world, she didn't know everything and that would get her into trouble. Deciding that being angry at Professor Oak wouldn't do anything, she said, "Yeah."

Steven didn't look bothered by her rather short reply and said, "I came to Kanto not only because it's a new region and learning to adapt is key to growing stronger, but due to the stones that can be found here. Like fire stones which can be used to evolve your Growlithe safely."

"So you like gem stones and stuff?" Vali asked him earning a nod.

"It's a bit more than that, but the simple answer would be yes," Steven leaned back against the couch he was sitting on as Smaug decided that he wasn't worth paying attention to and returned to Vali's side, "I also want to become strong enough to become the Champion of Hoenn. I expect that if I work hard, I can manage it by the time I turn sixteen. That gives me two years and a few months as my fourteenth birthday is in September,"

Vali let that information sink into her head, "Professor Oak also mentioned that you're trying to become a steel type master."

Steven smiled lightly and nodded, "That I am, I will say that traveling with fire types will be a new experience, but it should be worth it. I won't assume, but are you trying to become a fire type master?"

Vali refrained from snapping at the elder trainer, "No, I just love them. I want to train other pokemon too."

"You can still do that while becoming a master," Steven told her, "After all, I'm getting a starter that isn't a steel type and have a few pokemon that aren't of my favorite type,"

"True," Vali admitted, "I still don't know if I want to become a master. I might eventually, but for now, I want to bring out the best in every pokemon I end up with,"

"A good idea," Steven agreed before asking, "So, do you want to travel with me?"

Vali thought about it carefully before looking at her two pokemon, "What do you guys think? Should we travel with Steven?"

Balto got up and jumped off the couch before walking over to Steven. He eyed the human that the aged master his sire obeyed had suggested that his human travel with. Despite smelling of damp earth and dark caves, the human didn't smell bad nor did he give off any signs of bad intent. Locking eyes with the male, Balto looked for any sign that the male would be bad for his trainer only to find nothing. He would watch him, but for now, he'd give his approval of Steven. If he tried anything or made his human regress into that scared pup that had been brought here, he would show the human why it was a bad idea to anger a Growlithe.

With a yip, Balto licked the male before going back to his human. He nuzzled her earning a smile as his new pack brother, a fire lizard of all things, snorted and eyed the human. Smaug, an odd name though no more odd than his own new name, eyed the human before shrugging. It would see that he didn't care who the male was so long as their human wasn't harmed. Balto would need to teach the fire lizard what it meant to be in a pack since he didn't think Smaug's kind knew about pack.

Steven chuckled at the reaction, "It looks like they think we should."

"Then I don't see why not," Vali agreed earning a slight grin, "We'll have to stop by my house so I can grab my bag and say goodbye to my family,"

"Of course," Steven agreed.

Professor Oak chose to appear then and said, "Steven, your pokemon are ready and I have the starters lined up."

They followed Professor Oak into the room that Vali had gotten both her pokemon in. Vali returned Balto and Smaug feeling that it would be best if Steven met his newest pokemon without any others around. Professor Oak announced the choices and Steven chose Squirtle. The water type blinked slightly as it appeared and Steven bent down to it's level, "Hello, Squirtle. My name is Steven Stone and I've just become your trainer. I can't really say much at the moment since we've just met, but I want to tell you that I'm going to make you into the best that you can be."

Steven continued to speak to the water type for a little bit before returning Squirtle.

Vali led the way to her house while explaining about it, "Delia Ketchum took me in when Sirius took the offer to become a pokemon ranger for the Kanto sect. Sirius Black, as you've probably read, is my Godfather and adoptive father figure. He's more bark than bite. Lastly, we have Ash Ketchum, my adoptive little brother. He's Delia's son and four years old. He's a good kid and likes pokemon though he isn't too sure about what he wants to do just yet."

"I look forward to meeting them," Steven said with a smile as he walked beside her, "Though I suppose Mr. Black won't be happily about you traveling with me,"

"Like I said, he's more bark than bite especially is Delia is around," Vali giggled as she remembered Delia elbowing Sirius more than a few times when he'd complained about her perspective traveling partner, "Just act how you usually do and answer the questions he asks truthfully, you'll be just fine,"

"Of course," Steven nodded lightly.

Soon enough, they reached the house and Vali opened the door while calling out, "I'm home and going on my journey!"

"Vali!" Ash raced towards her, "Don't leave!"

"Ash," Vali bent down and caught him, "We made a promise remember,"

Ash pouted, "Yeah. Wait," He caught sight of Steven, "You're Steven Stone! You almost beat that guy in the finals."

"That I did," Steven looked a bit amused, "And you must Ash. Are you thinking of becoming a trainer?"

"Yup! I want to become a master though I don't know what kind of type I want to master," Ash said earning a smile from Steven.

"Well, you have a lot of time before you really need to decide," Steven said as Delia exited the kitchen.

"Welcome back Vali and who's this?" Delia asked while walking over to hug Vali.

Vali returned the hug before gesturing to Steven, "This is Steven Stone. We're going to be traveling partners."

Delia beamed at her, "I'm glad you decided to go. Why don't you head upstairs and grab your pack?"

"Right," Vali turned to Steven, "I'll be right back and we can head out once I say goodbye,"

"Of course," Steven looked at Delia, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Ketchum,"

Vali rushed upstairs towards her room to grab her bag only to pause in front of the hallway mirror. She was a lot more healthy than she had been at ten last time and definitely stronger. Her eyes settled on the grey and white spots threaded through her hair, they had appeared after Sirius and her had arrived in this world. They figured it was a response to the immense strain that had been heaped upon her magic and body. Regardless, Vali was happy as it help distance her from the girl that had been brought to this world. Running a hand through her hair, she pulled up her bangs and looked at the nearly non-existent scar that had once been the main way people recognized her. She smiled briefly as she decided that it was better this way. She wasn't the girl that had been transported to this world a year and some months ago. While the scars of her past would always be with her, she was healing and far stronger than she had been before. Taking a deep breath, she turned towards and began walking towards the stairs. It was time to start the next chapter in her life.