Had you told Valkyrie 'Vali' Rosebud Potter that she'd end up transported to another world as a Eight year old due to an outburst of accidental magic mixing horribly with a patronus charm, time turner, and the presence of dementors, she would've considered it for a few moments before saying that her luck wasn't that bad. Of course, she would be underestimating just how much the Potter family luck could possibly do in situations like this. As a result, Vali ended up in another world filled with odd creatures. Thankfully, she had Sirius with her and they managed to survive with a little help. Sirius gained a wife and she gained a mother and brother. Having to adjust to pokemon wasn't that hard, she was actually eager to become a trainer. A life of adventure, companionship, and so much else? Sign her up. Dealing with criminal organizations, legendaries, and harsh realities? Not so much.
Awesome mixture of world building and action packed battles. Only real complaint is some of the scene shifts/breaks aren’t really separated very well and can be a little bit off putting. Excellent work otherwise. Keep it up!!
I have a question is the Mc male or female. The character list says male but reading chapter makes me think it is female character
my favorite pokemon fanfic on webnovel. I would recommend putting a chapter in with just pokemon names and nicknames as I forgot some.
I really enjoyed reading this novel. it kept my attention for more than just a few chapters unlike most fanfics. My only complaint was that the ending felt rushed. I hope that there's a sequel to this following Valid adventures even more.
Una historia increible, incluso si muchas cosas se han quedado en el tintero. Una pena que decidiera terminar la historia de forma tan abrupta. Me habria encantado que se explicara todo lo relacionado con Vali.