Blaine called Vali into his office as she was going about her duties. She entered his office, "You called, Blaine?"
"Sit down, Brat," Blaine told her as she closed the door behind her.
Vali rubbed Ninetales' ears before sitting down with Eevee sitting on her shoulder and Elrond floating along beside her. She looked at him curiously, "What's up?"
"I've been called on some League Business," Blaine told her with a slight frown, "Due to the nature of it and the fact its not exactly that serious, I am obligated to bring you along despite the fact you haven't been with me that long. While I'd prefer to wait a bit longer, I'm not able to,"
Vali looked at him in shock and surprise though she quickly pushed it down, "What exactly do I need to do?"
"Put together a bag, I've got a list for you here," He held it out to her and Vali took it, "Pack quick, we leave in six hours,"
Vali jolted at the quick time frame, "Why so quick?"
"Jobs for the League tend to happen quickly, you'll need to have a bag ready to go from now on," Blaine warned her, "I'd suggest you get going,"
Vali stood up as she began scanning the list, "I'll get started."
Vali left Blaine's office and headed towards her room. She ran into Zavian on the way and he asked, "Where ya going? Aren't ya on pokemon duty today?"
"I have to go pack," Vali told him earning a confused look, "I'm heading out with Blaine on League business in six hours,"
Zavian whistled in surprise, "Damn, they're calling you in quick."
"Yeah," Vali murmured with a harsh swallow.
Amity walked in as Vali worked her way through Blaine's list while inwardly cursing the old man out for not telling her about having a 'To-Go bag' earlier. Amity spotted her as she was tossing some clothes onto the bed from her dresser, "You're leaving, Vali?"
"League Business with Blaine," Vali closed her dresser after she'd grabbed enough changes of clothes, "Sudden as hell since the old man hadn't been expecting them to ask me to come along, I'm apparently trained up enough to come with him,"
"That's insane," Amity stared at her with wide eyes.
Vali shrugged lightly as Elrond floated past the wheel chair bound girl with a package of supplies for the trip that he'd been sent to grab, "But I can't help it, I'm just going with the flow," She looked at Amity curiously as Elrond set the package on her bed, "So what's up? You're normally busy working with Nemu and your Slowpoke around now."
"Nemu's taking a rest and George is currently having a staring contest with another Slowpoke," Amity answered with a slight flush and a disappointed look in her eyes, "I was hoping you'd have time to talk today about that thing from the day we met, but it looks like you're busy,"
Vali's eyes widened in realization and she inwardly cursed. It was true that she'd been busy since Amity had come to stay at the gym, but that didn't mean she couldn't offer some information. With a slight smile as she continued to work on packing her travel bag, she told Amity, "I might be packing for some League Business, but that doesn't mean I can't talk with you. Besides it's better if you get some form of information now rather than later, it isn't fun to wade through the dark alone," She folded her clothes carefully into the pack and added in the supplies, "Though make sure you don't tell anyone at the gym what I'm going to say. Trust me when I say that this something that is only on an absolutely need to know basis thing, okay?"
"Okay," Amity nodded as she reached up to grip her feather and Elrond closed the door.
"We are what's known as Bearers. Why? It's due to the elements we hold within ourselves," Vali tapped her heart and Amity pressed a hand to her own, "My inner fire,"
"And the water I've got," Amity looked a bit confused, "But how do we have these powers?"
Vali shook her head, "I don't know yet. All I know is that there are specific circumstances needed for our powers to activate which is why there are so few of us. We are also touched by legendaries," Amity's eyes widened, "No idea who, but we'll find out someday."
"What do you mean?" Amity gained a look of confusion.
"Each of us will one day be called by our specific Legendary to their home or somewhere close to it," Vali explained as she turned back to her packing, "They'll answer our questions and train us in our powers. But they'll also inform us about our duties then,"
"Duties?" Amity looked at her in confusion, "What duties?"
"We have these powers for a reason, Amity," Vali looked at her with a slight frown, "They're going to train us for a reason. It's only natural we'd have to do something for them in return. Think about it this way, Nemu and George will very likely have the best teacher in existence which will ensure they'll never willingly leave you. All you'll have to do in exchange is some kind of job for a Legendary,"
"True," Amity looked a bit dubious.
Vali shook her head, "It's years in the future, Amity. Don't both thinking about it now, you've got time to enjoy life and spend time with your pokemon before then."
"I've got to get to walking first," Amity looking down at her legs, "D-do you think the Legendary might be able to help me run dance again?"
"They're not all-powerful beings, Amity," Vali told her as she put her potion supplies away and walked over to place a hand on Amity's shoulder, "But if anyone can ensure you'll be able to dance again, it's you. We haven't known each other long, but I know that you're a determined girl who can do anything she's put her mind to. First though, you'll have to work on walking again,"
"Right," Amity smiled at Vali, "Thanks, Vali,"
"No problem," Vali took her hand away and headed back over to her bed where she returned to packing, "We've got to look out for each other. Besides you need to experience what its like to go on a journey with your pokemon, its a feeling like no other,"