A sandy evolution and earth's thrumming song

Vali trailed off as a familiar glow covered Idril's body which slowly began to expand. Elrond's excitement must've been broadcasted as all her pokemon made their way into the clearing with Alakazam assisting those that couldn't arrive quickly. Houndour and Vulpix stared at the evolving Sandshrew in awe as they instinctively recognized that something big was happening. The earth around Idril rose up coiling around the evolving Sandshrew in withering tendrils almost completely enveloping her. There was a deep thrum emanating from the earth, the tendrils rose higher and higher almost above the tree-line before curling inward surrounding Idril in a cocoon of earth Everything stilled with no sounds or wind seeming to enter the clearing making it seem as if the very world was waiting breathlessly for what happened next, Houndour was completely silent for once.

The cocoon slowly began to crack apart starting with a single crack near the center at the very tip of it. Cracks formed everywhere in an almost spiderweb-like fashion before the cocoon crumbled to dust that froze mid-air before slowly lowering to the ground, a bipedal pokemon stood in the center of the former cocoon. The Sandslash stood taller than the Sandshrew had and lost the green color that had coated her body. Most of her underside is a dark mustard yellow with a tanned cream underbelly. Idril's muzzle was narrow and her eyes had become an almond-shaped dark purple. Idril's back is mostly covered in sharp crimson quills formed from her toughened dry hide. The claws on her paws and feet had become larger with a razor sharp edge capable of slicing through all but the strongest boulders like melted butter while also being hard enough to easily burrow through the ground like a fish in water. All in all, Idril's evolved form was dangerous.

Vali's eyes were locked with Idril's as the dust settled completely. Slowly she began to walk forward, Idril copied her movement until they were standing a step apart. Reaching out, she held her hand out to Idril who slowly held out one of her clawed paws. Coarse gritty skin met calloused, a soft smile formed on her lips and she murmured, "I'm so happy for you, Idril. You look amazing."

Idril let out a soft coo as her spines extended and vibrated slightly releasing a cloud of dust. Idril hugged Vali and the fire-type master returned it being careful to avoid the razor sharp spines feeling a great sense of pride run through herself. She had raised Idril up from that starving baby Sandshrew in the tunnels of Mount Moon into an absolutely beautiful Sandslash. Tears formed in her eyes, she heard all of her family raise their voices in congratulations even Elrond who was rarely vocal in the physical sense since his evolution.

Idril dug her new claws into the earth feeling a sense of awe as she stared at the ground. As a Sandshrew, she had always felt something from the earth hearing just tiny bits of a song when tunneling beneath cool embrace. Faint memories of her dame talking of the earth's song before the Sandslash was killed, she hadn't thought much of it even after Vali had begun training her to battle. Until now at least, the voice of the earth clear to her even above the ground and its throaty thrum almost deafening beneath it. It was no wonder why members of her kind often chose to live their entire lives underneath the earth never seeing sunlight save for a few moments. Even in slumber did the song reach her, it whispered secrets and knowledge just waiting to be grasped if only someone would listen.

Idril's spines flared at the soft touch to her head making it disappear and she turned towards the source to find Vali staring at her. Shame slipped through her, she dropped her spines letting out a regretful sound and bowing her head earning a soft laugh. Vali touching her chin, "Don't be like that, Idril. I startled you after all, so you're well within your rights to react like that," She peeked up at her trainer and nodded slowly, "You've been meditating a lot since you evolved a few days ago, you know?" She nodded slowly, "Elrond told me it has to do with some new sense that has developed since evolving. It's pretty distracting."

Idril cooed as she shuffled a bit and tried to figure out how to make her trainer understand. Elrond spoke from somewhere in her mind which was still unsettling despite the Alolan Raichu having evolved months ago, "I'll explain it. Just send me what you want explained."

Vali's eyes gained a slight glow that indicated Elrond speaking to her before she looked back at Idril blinking as the emerald green eyes cleared, "So you can hear the earth's actual voice? Or something close to it?" Idril nodded slowly earning an excited look from Vali, "Is that why the earth acted the way it did when you evolved?" Idril nodded wondering why she's so excited, "That's amazing, Idril. If we train you just right, you'll be able to sense where any enemies are within the earth and deal with them without even needing to actually move."

It was possible. Idril had heard the earth singing of such things, but it would take a lot of time. Did they have that time? Vali's eyes glowed briefly before she shrugged, "We have all the time in the world, Idril. You don't need to get it immediately, or even very soon, I only care about you being able to do well with your new abilities."

Idril's spikes quivered and Vali set a hand on her head, "We'll work through this together, Idril. I'll make sure you become as strong as possible."

Leaning into the touch, Idril mentally shook her head at Vali. Strength wasn't what she wanted, she just wanted to be with the family that had taken her in during those hunger filled days spent wandering the tunnels.