The Magmar looked slightly taken aback, but a considering look appeared in his eyes alongside some amusement. The Magmar stepped away and moved towards the magma pool making Vali frown a bit. Blaine spoke softly as they followed after it, "Do your best to knock it out quickly, it's the only way to end the trial without getting one of your pokemon knocked into the pool."
"Got it," Vali nodded to him as they reached the pool of magma, "Smaug," Smaug looked pleased as he began stepping forward, "Knock it out and be quick about it, you heard him," Smaug nodded while releasing a small gout of flames from his nose, "You know some weaknesses from our fights with Furnace, so use that to your advantage. Don't rely on them, we don't know these Magmar,"
Smaug nodded and reached out with his wing to carefully bump her before jumping up and gliding over to the platform. Furnace spoke to both the competitors, "Trial ends when one is knocked out or a death occurs. Try not to maim each other, I do want some fun battles after this."
With that, Furnace released another Flamethrower and the two pokemon practically threw themselves at one another. Magmar was unrefined as a fighter unlike Furnace though it still held a lot of power in it that was unexpected for a wild pokemon. That unrefined technique allowed for Smaug to have the upper hand just enough to avoid getting tossed into the magma and deal some nice damage, it didn't keep her starter from getting hurt though and she internally winced each time he got hit by one of Magmar's attacks. Smaug kept to Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rage, Toxic, Iron Tail, and Air Slash with Smokescreen being tossed into the mix when distance was needed. Magmar used Feint Attack, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fire Punch, and Mega Punch. Both of them had plenty of powerful attacks, the Magmar showing a lot of potential especially when it revealed that it knew Dynamic punch which Smaug barely managed to dodge.
Magmar hissed at Smaug from the magma as it swam around, "You're actually pretty good for a kept-one."
"My Vali would never allow us to be anything else in her care," Smaug replied as he threw down a Flame Burst and summoned another cloud of Smokescreen, "She ensures we reach our full potential,"
Vali smiled warmly at that as she rubbed behind Eevee's ears. Elrond spoke softly as the battle continued, "They're both getting tired, but Smaug is far less so. It will still be somewhat close, but I have no doubt the Magmar will fall first."
Vali nodded as Smaug scored another hit with Dragon Rage while Magmar hit him with a Flamethrower. The two backed off and went back to circling one another with snarling and hissed growls. She watched them carefully and could see when Magmar made the mistake that would end the battle in Smaug's favor. It lept out of the magma when Smaug began to get closer in a classic fake-out move of his. As soon as Smaug saw that, Magmar found itself being thrown off the platform with a heavy dose of Iron Tail and Toxic followed quickly by a Dragon Pulse before it sank into the magma.
Magmar found hard even with the poison sapping its' strength. The pride of being a fire-type and a Magmar showing through even when pain no doubt filled its every breath towards the end. Vali appreciated it and knew Smaug did as well. Just as the final blow fell, Smaug gifted the Magmar with a look of appreciation, "You're a good fighter. One day, we must fight again and perhaps a different outcome might occur."
Furnace called the match as Magmar fell into the magma pool below, "The trial is over! Vali and Smaug have won with no communication between the two. I believe that is enough to tell us how worthy they are of a hatchling."
Hisses both sulky and not echoed through the air, a pair of Magmar appeared to get the fallen one out of the magma while another approached. It was on the small side, but it wasn't young to Vali's surprise. It peered at her for a moment before grunting out a hiss, "Follow."
The Magmar turned and began walking away with Vali hurrying to follow after it. She was led to a nesting area in an offshoot of the cave where a group of 7 Magby were playing together. They stopped when the Magmar hissed at them and peered at their visitors with a mixture of emotions. They immediately cuddle against the wall looking at the newcomers with trepidation though one stood out from the group. It peered at them with open curiosity. The Magmar hissed at the group of Magby, "This trainer has come and passed the trial. One of you may go with her."
Vali spoke up as she bent down slightly to get more on their level, "You don't have to though. I'm fine if none of you want to join me. While I'd be happy to show you the world, I'm aware it isn't everything."
The Magby that was standing slightly aside from the group stepped forward. It moved closer though stopped a couple feet from Vali. It cooed at her and pointed between them. Elrond translated with a slight chuckle, "Me you, I see world? See more color?"
Vali giggled softly, "You'll see so many more colors and shapes," A gentle smile formed on her lips, "You'll see the ocean even if I'll never let you touch it. You'll see forests of emerald green leaves and dark brown bark. You'll meet pokemon of so many different shades of color."
Magby tilted it's head slightly before nodding and looking at the Magmar, "I go. I see. Please?"
The Magmar sighed before nodding, "Very well," It turned towards Vali, "Keep this little one safe, he is a curious one and tends to wander."
"I will. One day, we will return and hopefully he'll be able to tell you all of what he's seen," Vali replied earning a slightly pleased look.
Vali took out one of her Ultra Balls and moved closer to the Magby. The Magby looked at it curiously before tapping the capture button on it's first try. After a few moments where the Magby resisted the pokeball's pull, it dinged and she released her newest pokemon with a soft giggle. The Magby shook its head with a wide eyed look, "What that?"
"It's your pokeball," Vali explained as she carefully picked up her newest pokemon and grimaced a little at the slight strain he caused, "It tells other people your part of my pack and they can't try to catch you,"
"Oh," Magby nodded slowly with a slightly confused look.
Vali resolved later to have Elrond and the others explain this to him. They returned to the main cave where Blaine was waiting. He spotted the Magby and looked pleased at the sight, "Wonderful! We should head back to Cinnabar now though. We've got training to do and things to catch up on due to our absence."
Lance looked at his Pokegear for a moment before chuckling to himself and deciding why the hell not? It wasn't like it hadn't been done to him before after they'd met up, so he was well within his rights. He did think about the whole issue of information being leaked, but since there wasn't any mission parts in Blackthorn, it wasn't something he was worried about. Besides the person he was sending this to was safe, he just wanted to show off that he'd gotten to spend time with their mutual friend while they couldn't. With that in mind, he sent off the pictures and put away his pokegear as Ulric called him for a bit more training in regards for being a Drake.
Steven looked at his Pokenav as it beeped and frowned slightly. He wasn't expecting any messages from anyone. Checking the id, he was surprised to see that it was a bunch of images from Lance. Opening the message, he found an array of pictures detailing a visit Vali had apparently paid to Blackthorn city and the fact she'd spent the trip with Lance guiding her. Lance tagged on a final message of, 'Vali had a lot of fun with me and expressed a wish to return here. Apparently the pictures were to die for.'
Steven's eye twitched a little even as he saved the rather adorable picture of Vali being cuddled by a pile of Dratini and Dragonair. When had this happened? He wanted to text Vali about it, but his father was having them meet with Board members to go over something in the next couple of minutes. He inwardly groaned and mentally promised himself to find out what happened later especially since Vali was supposed to be on Cinnabar not in Johto.