The home of Magmar

When Murrow the Alolan Marowak arrived to get them, Vali had begun sorting through her pictures from the day and carefully picking out which ones would be worth putting on the website. She'd definitely be keeping a copy of the Ponyta and Rapidash one. She would also be giving one to Blaine as well since she'd seen the look on his face when they'd come across them. Murrow grunted at them when he arrived and beat his bone on the ground with a slight glare. Vali stood up once Eevee returned to his usual place. Empress and Smaug got up as well while Elrond returned to the air. Once everyone was standing, Murrow turned and began to walk away with barely a look behind him.

Murrow was an odd one among Blaine's pokemon. Being among the youngest of the old man's pokemon, he tended to be hot-headed and grumpy most of the time when Blaine didn't train him. He barely got much time to be trained out of the old man's pokemon being the newest addition, but Blaine did his best to give the Alolan Marowak attention where he could. When Vali came along, Murrow developed an intense dislike for her due to taking up even more of Blaine's time.

Murrow was not friendly to Vali or her pokemon seeing them as further reason for his trainers lack of attention. He pulled some pranks and even acted a bit cruel in his sparing sessions with the younger pokemon. Despite this, Vali did her best to befriend the surly pokemon much to his disgust. She brushed off his antics for the most part which spread to her pokemon doing the same. It infuriated the Marowak, but he couldn't really do much more than he already did without bringing down his trainers wrath. When Vali had overheard Blaine being complained to by the other Gym Trainers, she'd heard him wave it off and remind them that Murrow would eventually warm up to her.

Vali took everything Murrow threw at her in stride despite often finding some of the things he did annoying to deal with. If anything, it almost reminded her of how Draco had acted once they returned to Hogwarts during her second year. The nostalgia was nice even if it brought forth some longing and wistful thinking that she didn't want to focus on most of the time. Looking at the Alolan Marowak, she felt a small smile tug at her lips at the thought of his resemblance to Draco in action rather than looks once more. It made her wonder not for the first time how the blonde boy would have reacted to this strange, yet wonderful world only to inwardly laugh. He'd probably have an even worse melt down than she'd had once the shock had worn off. But after he got over it, she wondered over the path he'd choose and what pokemon might've been on his team.

Blaine stood not far from a small cave where Vali could hear the faint sounds of battle cried echoing. She looked at him as Murrow strode right over to him with an almost petulant look on his face. Blaine patted the Marowak on the shoulder, "Good work, Murrow. Take a rest, I'll see about a one on one session once we return home."

Murrow looked pleased as Blaine returned him. Vali walked up while peering at the cave feeling slightly apprehensive, "So is this where we're going?"

"Yup," Blaine looked at her with a slightly amused look, "The Magmar are inside. Currently mine is fighting his kin as a reunion and way of ensuring us safe passage, we'll be good to go inside in a minute or two,"

Vali nodded as she reached up to rub Eevee's ears, "I'm probably going to have a fight on my hands, aren't I?"

"Yup," Blane nodded as a chuckle left him, "Magmar won't let ya leave without testing you. Once they do, they'll let you take one of the willing Magby,"

Soon enough the sounds inside died off and Blaine headed inside, Vali trailed after him with her pokemon following. Smaug grunted as he tucked in his wings carefully. Vali felt the heat increase the further they walked inside and knew they were likely headed for one of the magma pools. She could feel the slight prickle of sweat beginning to form, but the heat hadn't even gotten close to unbearable yet. They soon reached an open cavern that was about the size of Blaine's training room if a bit smaller and rounded off. A few pockets sat around the area either acting as dens or storage most likely. Another tunnel sat across the way and would probably lead them deeper into the mountain's heart if they so wished to travel there. Within the center of the room, a rather large pool of magma sat with a few platforms just barely managing to keep from dissolving into the heat.

Scattered across the room were a couple of Magmar, Vali counted 16 adult Magmar with 3 newly evolved ones sitting outside the magma pool. Inside the magma pool, 4 adult Magmar were currently moving towards the edges of the pool looking slightly battered. A pair of adults were standing on the platforms looking battered as well. A single Magmar that Vali knew to be Blaine's was swimming in the magma with a pleased expression on his face. Even though it was a small amount compared to some species, the number of Magmar was the highest Vali had ever seen in one location, "Wow."

"This isn't the only group here," Blaine told her with a small grin, "We have this group, a scattering of loners, and a group of Elders,"

"Wow," Vali repeated her earlier statement.

Blaine merely laughed before turning forward and shouting, "Hey! We've arrived!"

The Magmar whipped their heads towards the humans and group of pokemon that had entered their home. A few of them slowly began to step forward only for Blaine's Magmar to release a large Flamethrower. They stopped moving instantly and turned a wary eye towards the Magmar that had obviously defeated many of those there. Blaine's Magmar gurgled and hissed at those standing there. Elrond spoke softly within her mind, "He's reminding them that they agreed to not only Blaine's presence, but yours."

Another Magmar spoke up and hissed back while jerking a claw towards Vali. Elrond translated it, "She tells him they didn't agree to those new pokemon being there."

Blaine's Magmar growled at the other Magmar, "A trial was agreed to be given to the young girl. How is she to show her strength without a pokemon to assist her. Bear it or face me once more, Whelp."

Vali felt grateful for Magmar's assistance and protection though she wondered over this trial business. Hisses and gurgles echoed through the air as the Magmar conversed, Blaine's Magmar left the magma pool and joined them with a slight glare towards his kin. Blaine grinned at his partner, "Keeping them inline, Furnace?"

Furnace nodded with a soft hiss while turning to peer at his kin. He promptly released a below, "Who will challenge this girl and see if she is worthy?!"

The Magmar continued to hiss among themselves while glancing at Vali. Eventually one of the older members of the group strode forward with a purposeful gate, it glared at Vali and Furnace. It beat it's chest and hissed, "I will test this pitiful human, Kept One. IF she manages to win, a Magby may join her, but if not, she and her tamed beasts may never return."

Furnace nodded without any hesitation and looked right at Vali. He knew without a doubt that Elrond had been translating. Vali stepped forward and looked at her opponent, "We will be happy to fight you, Magmar. I wasn't expecting to face any of your kind outside of Furnace so soon, but this will be a challenge we'll enjoy,"