Fuchsia City Gym Battle Pt. 2

Koga eyed Arwen as the Ponyta danced a bit making sounds of annoyance at the webbing which caught on her hooves and legs, "So now I get to see your fire-types."

"Mhmm," Vali spoke to Arwen, "Arwen, get rid of the webbing as much as possible,"

Arwen began releasing Embers which caused the webbing to burn away quickly showing that the sticky fluid that coated the silky strands was highly flammable. Vali made a mental note to remember that for when she battled any other web-spinning pokemon. Koga ordered his Koffing, "Koffing, use Smog."

"Arwen, Flame Wheel," Vali needed to see if Ponyta were able to learn Flamethrower since that would be a useful move right about now.

Hopefully, Koga wouldn't use that thrice damned Explosion or Self-Destruct because that would suck. Arwen took off into the poisonous smoke with flames coating her body which would hopefully keep the poisonous air from getting to her. Koffing had floated a bit close to the ground while releasing the smoke and Arwen managed to hit it. Fortunately, it caused Koffing's flammable gases to ignite and explode thus knocking the poison-type out. Unfortunately, Arwen was too close and ended up taking almost the full brunt of the attack.

Arwen managed to get to her feet while Koga returned his knocked out Koffing, "Arwen, do you want to take a break?"

Arwen looked at Vali then at the Weezing Koga released and nodded with a tired whinny. Vali returned her and sent out Balto. Balto immediately disappeared into the ground upon seeing Weezing causing Koga to ask, "Is he going to be hiding the whole match?"

"No," Vali had planned this out with Balto on the off chance he'd end up against one of Poison Gas pokemon, "Balto, we only need to knock out Weezing and another pokemon to win. Idril and Arwen won their battles though aren't in the best shape,"

Koga called out, "Poison Gas, Weezing."

"Light it up, Balto," Vali thanked Arceus that most poison-type moves were flammable especially the ones involving gas.

Balto began releasing Embers which looked like it might turn into Flamethrower fairly soon if they spent a bit more time on it. The gas immediately ignited and due to the fact Weezing was still releasing it, caused the flames to enter the floating poison-types body thus causing it to explode. Thankfully, Balto was under ground and far enough out of the blast radius to avoid getting more than a few scratches. He popped up carefully and shook the dust off his fur with a bark. Weezing was surprisingly still conscious, but a quick Iron Tail took it out pretty quickly after that. Koga spoke with a pleased gleam in his eyes, "It has been awhile since one of my opponents has managed to defeat my pokemon without any real loses in awhile."

"We're a pretty good team," Vali replied as Koga released his last pokemon which wasn't one she recognized right away, "What is that?"

"He is a Whirlipede," Koga answered making Vali's eyes widen in surprise before she inwardly cursed as it began releasing purple spikes.

"Unova," Vali knew that it had to be a bug/poison-type like Ariados if only because of it's outward appearance, "A bug/poison-type. Balto," He glanced at her while eyeing the curled up pokemon with distrust, "Don't get caught by it or try to touch it. We have no idea what abilities it might have,"

Balto nodded with a bark and lowered his body closer to the ground though made sure to avoid getting near the Toxic Spikes on the ground. Koga actually chuckled as he caught her words, "You have good instincts. He is one of my newer pokemon that I received via the gym pokemon exchange."

Vali was definitely going to be branching out with her pokemon knowledge to prevent getting flat-footed after this. It would be a good idea for when the League Conference came around since there were always a few pokemon trainers bouncing around the various Regions. She should see if Professor Oak might be able to update her pokedex's database if only to safe time later on. Balto started off the battle with Ember and began moving around the battlefield in a slow walk being careful to avoid the array of Toxic Spikes littering the ground around Whirlipede. Based on the small amount, it was quite clear that Whirlipede hadn't practiced the move long enough to cover an entire battlefield which was lucky for them. Whirlipede released some Poison Stings in retaliation which Balto quickly dodged as he continued releasing Embers. She spoke as Whirlipede released a spray of poisonous liquid that Balto quickly moved away from, "Balto," Balto looked up at her, "Divide and Steel."

Balto used Double Team and began racing around causing Whirlipede to let out a confused shriek as it tried to find the real one. The Balto's darted forward and slammed into Whirlipede with Iron Tail sending it flying. Koga spoke as Balto continued slamming into Whirlipede with Iron Tail and spitting Ember at it while pulling off some impressive acrobatics to avoid the Toxic Spikes littering the ground, "You're hoping that the steel-type energy of the Iron Tail will keep any poisonous conditions from affecting your Growlithe which actually deals with my Whirlipede's Poison Point ability quite nicely."

"So that's the ability he has," Vali murmured as Balto broke away from Whirlipede when it released a loud Screech after using Protect, "Balto, take a break. I think I've got a plan,"

Balto nodded and let her return him knowing that she wanted to give Pikachu a chance. Pikachu appeared on the field and looked around only to pause at the sight of Whirlipede. Koga looked a bit confused at her switch over, "You're using a Pikachu rather than your Growlithe?"

Vali didn't reply to him, "Pikachu, that is a Whirlipede from Unova which is a poison/bug type. It has the Poison Point ability, so try not to touch it without Iron Tail," Pikachu nodded as his cheeks spark, "He also has Toxic Spikes littering the ground. Avoid them as much as possible otherwise you'll get poisoned," Pikachu nodded again while taking in the battlefield with a frown, "Start off with Electric Terrain and Thunder Wave."

Koga blinked as the battlefield became charged up with electrical energy, "I wasn't aware that Pikachu born outside of Alola had the ability to use Electric Terrain."

"Me either, but I'm not questioning my luck," Vali replied as Pikachu used Thunder Wave which promptly slammed into Whirlipede stopping it from releasing anymore of that poisonous liquid from earlier, "Pikachu, Divide and Shocker,"

Pikachu began using Double Team to a greater extent than Balto or any of her other family members were currently capable of due to how long he's been able to practice the move. Koga's eyes widened at the sheer number of copies Pikachu created before seemingly shaking off his surprise as he shouted, "Whirlipede, use Protect and wide spray Poison Sting."

Vali eyed the battlefield carefully as Whirlipede's body was shielded from the Thunder Shocks Pikachu was releasing before it began spitting Poison Sting in a wide ark. To the surprise of everyone observing the battle, the battlefield became empty of all inhabitants save for Whirlipede earning a confused clicking sound from the bug/poison-type as it's green shield disappeared. Pikachu appeared behind Whirlipede and hit it with a high powered Thunder Punch that sent the curled up pokemon skidding away. Pikachu followed up his punch with a Thunder Bolt that caused Whirlipede to shriek in pain as it paused in it's efforts to get up. Pikachu created more copies of himself and disappeared into the sea of Pikachu as Whirlipede picked itself up and whirled around with shriek as it began spraying Poison Sting again. Showing that it had learned something, Whirlipede didn't drop the Protect it covered itself in this time when the sea of Pikachu's disappeared.

Too bad for Whirlipede, Pikachu had finally learned Feint yesterday. Whirlipede's Protect shattered like glass allowing Pikachu to slam an Iron Tail into it's back and send it skidding back. Pikachu released another Thunder Bolt before creating more copies of himself and disappearing. Whirlipede righted itself with a pissed off sounding shriek as it once more used Poison Sting to get rid of the copies. Instead of using Protect, it disappeared from sight leaving Pikachu blinking in shock when his opponent wasn't standing nearby when he came back above ground. Vali hurriedly called out, "He's using Agility!"

Pikachu was slammed into by Whirlipede and sent flying with a cry of pain. He managed to right himself before he landed though the purple aura that enveloped his body moments later showed that he had been poisoned. Mentally cursing at the fact they now had a time-limit, Vali was pleased to note that the use of Agility had cost the bug. It was panting heavily and shaking slightly as electrical discharge slid across its body. Pikachu used Electrical Terrain again as Koga said, "It would seem that you're now on a time-limit."

"We'll see about that," Vali noted the determined look on Pikachu's face, "Pikachu, use that move!"

Pikachu nodded with a growl as Koga gained a frown, "What are you planning?"

"You'll see," Vali watched as an electrical aura engulfed Pikachu's body.

Thunder was going to exhaust Pikachu, but with the additional power of Electrical Terrain, it wouldn't knock him unconscious. Pikachu released the pent up electricity into the sky which came down upon Whirlipede too quickly for the curled-up pokemon to react. When the electricity faded, Pikachu was panting heavily and clearly on his last legs while Whirlipede was unconscious. The referee called out, "Whirlipede is unconscious. Winner Challenger Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town and Pikachu!"