Professor Talks and Waterflower meetings

Professor Oak frowned as Vali finished her explanation about what happened, "That was very reckless of you, Vali."

Vali winced at that, but admitted it had been reckless of her especially given what had happened afterwards. If Magmar had insisted on fighting Vali and actually attacked, it could have ended badly for all those involved. What if someone had followed those pokemon? They could have found out the secret and might've spread it around. She couldn't not only endangered herself, but Sirius as well which wasn't something either of them needed. It was luck that none of that had happened and she knew it. She bowed her head, "I know, Professor. I wasn't really thinking about the consequences, but I had to find out what was going on. At least now, I know what's going on and won't do the same thing again if I come across a similar place," Professor Oak said nothing for a few moments and Vali raised her head to find him giving her an unreadable look, "Professor?"

Professor Oak shook his head as if forcing away some odd thought, "It's nothing, Vali. So long as you're careful, I suppose there is nothing else I can say on this matter."

Vali frowned at the Professor wondering what had just happened, "Are you okay, Professor?"

"I'm fine," Professor Oak smiled suddenly, "So you really saw into the lives of those pokemon?"

Vali was a bit thrown by the rather sudden change in mood and made a mental note to see if Delia could check on Professor Oak. She nodded lightly, "Yes, it was really weird. I felt like I was watching a movie or something tinted with these red flames. Seeing their lives, it was amazing if a bit scary in some places. I almost couldn't pull myself away."

Vali spent the next few moments telling Professor Oak about the lives that she'd seen. When she finished, Professor Oak looked really excited, "Vali, this might just give us more insight to just how pokemon think and adapt to the world around them. If only you could observe the bonds between people and pokemon, we might actually be able to figure out just how we're all connected."

"I don't think I'd be able to do that, Professor," Vali shook her head lightly, "Maybe if there were an aura user around, you could have them help you,"

Professor Oak looked a bit sad, "If only," He turned a bit serious, "Vali, that Magmar said she wanted to fight you, correct?"

"That's what Elrond translated and the Magmar nodded when I asked," Vali frowned feeling a little uneasy.

"That is troubling news," Professor Oak frowned at her, "On the one hand, it gives us some information about what exactly the Lord of Flames intends to teach you. On the other, it tells us that what awaits for you is not going to be peaceful,"

Vali swallowed at that, "But there isn't anyway to actually find out until he calls for me."

"Unfortunately," Professor Oak leaned back in his seat and cupped his jaw, "This just brings up more questions than we can answer,"

"That just seems to be the way things are going," Vali grimaced not liking the fact that every new piece of information just created more questions that they couldn't answer.

"I will keep trying to find something out about the carving," Professor Oak promised, "For now, you should focus on getting ready for your battle against Blaine,"

"We're still trying to figure out the last three riddles," Vali told him as it had been over a week and a half since getting the list from Blaine, "But they don't make much sense to me,"

"You'll figure it out eventually," Professor Oak chuckled softly.

With that, they said their goodbyes and Vali laid back on her bed with a groan. She looked at Vulpix when he nosed her with a whine, "Vulpix? Have I ever mentioned how much I hate riddles?" Vulpix looked at her in confusion and she smiled while setting her pokenav on the bed before reaching out to rub between his ears, "How about we go have some fun?"

Vulpix wagged his tail and barked at her. Vali decided to put everything behind her and just enjoy herself. After all, the questions would eventually get answered. She just needed to be patient.

The doctor looked over Vali's newest set of X-rays and smiled, "Well, Miss Potter-Black. It looks like your arm is finished healing."

"Really?" Vali looked at her arm in surprise, "I thought it would take another week,"

The doctor shook his head, "With the modification of potions and the benefit of moo-moo milk, it doesn't take quite as long for certain injuries to heal. Granted, you should avoid injuring your arm or using it overly much for another week just to be on the safe side."

"And drink plenty of moo-moo milk?" Vali took off her sling and tested how well her arm could move, "Thanks, Doctor Clark,"

"It's no trouble, Miss Potter-Black," Doctor Clark replied.

Soon enough, Vali was meeting up with Steven outside of the clinic she'd gone to and they went for lunch to celebrate the fact her arm was healed. Steven smiled as they walked down the street to one of the family restaurants that dotted this part of the city, "It looks like I won't have to write for you anymore."

"And thank Arceus for that," Vali offered him a playful grin, "Reading your chicken-scratch gives me a headache,"

Steven mock-scowled at her, "At least I won't have to rewrite whole pages just because you aren't satisfied with the way I wrote it."

The two of them started laughing and Vali said, "But seriously, thank you for helping me so much while my arm was banged up, Steven."

"It's no problem, Vali," Steven grinned lightly, "It was really interesting to see just how much information you're able to get just from watching a pokemon go about it's day,"

"Professor Oak wants as many details I can get and I've always been somewhat detail oriented," Mostly because Vali didn't want to give Petunia any reason to make her redo things over and over again, "It's actually kind of hard to put everything I see into words though without making it too wordy. Then again with a man like Professor Oak, the more details you have the better,"

"I-" Steven was cut off by a shout from behind them.

"Hey!" Vali and Steven turned around to find Grace Waterflower rushing towards them.

"Grace?" Vali murmured as they stopped to let the gym leader catch up.

"Vali, Steven," Grace smiled at them once she'd caught her breath after catching up, "I thought it was you two, but had to be sure especially since I didn't see Balto or Smaug,"

"We're about to go get lunch, would you like to join us?" Steven offered earning a nod.

"That sounds wonderful," Grace smiled lightly.