A gift

Blaine spoke once Agatha had disappeared among the trees, "We're going to be heading out soon. Are you ready, Brat?"

Vali nodded as Dragonite let out a saddened coo, "I packed everything up last night. I just need to say my goodbyes and grab my things."

Blaine inclined his head as Eevee jumped off her lap and Vali began carefully making her way to a standing position with Elrond assisting with Psychic. Dragonite stood once she'd gotten up and hugged her softly. Vali smiled gently and returned the hug as Blaine said, "We'll head back to the lab by teleportation so you may speak with Professor Oak and anyone else there."

"Sounds good," Vali was released by Dragonite as the large dragon-type gave her a stern look and didn't require a translation to get the meaning, "I'll be more careful, Dragonite. We all will,"

Dragonite reached out with a paw and carefully tapped Vali's nose with a claw before backing up a bit. With a slight crouch and single powerful flex of her wings, Dragonite was soaring away into the pretty blue sky. Vali watched her go with a slightly sad smile already missing the powerful dragon-type's warmth and calming energy though knew she'd always just have to return to the ranch if she truly wanted to see Dragonite. She returned all her pokemon save for Eevee and Elrond before turning to Blaine. Blaine called out his Delphox, Delphi, and they were teleporting after the fox-like pokemon gave her a once-over. Once they'd arrived at the lab, they headed inside where Lance was talking to one of the aides. Blaine spoke upon spotting the red head, "Lance Blackthorn, I thought you were in Johto."

"Gym Leader Blaine," Lance turned towards them and his eyes lingered on Vali, "I have been since a bit after the Conference, but returned to Kanto a few days ago when Vali was released from the hospital. I assume by your presence its time for her return to Cinnabar?"

"Yes," Blaine replied as Vali stepped away from his side.

"I see," Lance turned back to the aide he'd been speaking to, "If you'd allow me a couple minutes, I'd like to continue our conversation,"

"No problem, Lance," The aide replied with a light grin, "I need to go tell Professor Oak that Vali's going to be talking to him,"

The aide headed off with a small wave leaving the three of them alone though Blaine was quick to say, "I'm going to go speak with Oak. We've got a few things to discuss."

With that said, Blaine headed after the aide. Vali looked after him for a couple moments before focusing on Lance as the red head said, "So you're leaving, huh?"

"Yeah," Vali nodded with a sad smile, "I figured today would be it which is why I packed last night, but still didn't quite expect it," She eyed him a bit, "Are you heading back to Johto soon?"

"In a day or so," Lance ran a hand through his hair, "It's going to be a bit awkward being here without you, but then again, I think your little brother will appreciate it,"

"They will," Vali agreed, "Lance, thanks for coming to see me. It was good to have one of my friends come visit me and help keep my mind from what happened," She hugged Lance carefully making him stiffen for a moment before he returned the hug, "I'm truly glad we got to spend time together. Hopefully next time, it won't be because I was injured,"

"Hopefully," Lance chuckled softly as she let him go and he released her, "Keep me updated, okay? Therapy isn't going to be easy,"

"Same for you," Vali replied as they started down the same path as Blaine and the aide with Elrond to guide them, "I want to hear how my future Champion is fairing,"

Lance grinned at her, "Sounds like a plan, Future Elite Four Vali."

Vali playfully rolled her eyes, but felt warmth fill her chest at the sound of that, "Got to impress me by becoming Champion first, Lance."

Lance let out a bark of laughter as they quickly reached where Professor Oak, Blaine, and the aide were. By the worried look the aide was giving the two quietly but heatedly discussing old men, it probably wasn't a very good discussion. Lance's laughter broke the two old men from their discussion though the glances they exchanged definitely meant the matter wasn't settled. Professor Oak smiled warmly at the two trainers, "Vali and Lance, I'm glad to see that you've joined us."

"I'm only joining you for a few moments so Travis and I can resume our discussion," Lance said as the aide quickly crossed the work area, "Vali, I'll talk to you later,"

"Talk to you later, Lance," Vali confirmed with a smile.

Lance left with Travis and shut the door behind him. Vali looked between Blaine and Professor Oak feeling how tense the room was. Professor Oak spoke as he stood up, "Vali, I hear that you're leaving today."

"I am, Professor," Vali dipped her head lightly, "I wanted to thank you for continuing to look after my pokemon and helping me with their training. Not to mention letting Dragonite practically attach herself to me since I came back, I've already said my goodbyes to her,"

Professor Oak nodded his head as he walked over to one of the tables, "It was no problem especially since Dragonite was insistent on doing it. I assume you're saying goodbye to me then heading out to find the boys?"

"Yeah," Vali nodded as she watched him begin to rummage around the table he'd walked over to, "They're in one of the other parts of the lab, right?"

"Yes, they're helping to take care of the younger normal-types," Professor Oak answered, "I'll be starting them on some of the other-types of pokemon as they've shown a rather remarkable ability to take care of them,"

"It helps that I've let them help me with Aragorn and Houndour," Vali saw him pause for a moment and hum softly, "Professor?"

"Vali, do you remember those stones Steven and you found back in the Safari Zone?" Professor Oak asked as he picked up a small wooden box from the table.

Vali nodded as her mind went back to the one sitting in the dresser of her room at the Ketchum-Black-Potter residence, "Yeah, you wanted to do further testing with the stones. I haven't given much thought to them."

"Well with recent events, it's pushed me to decide something," Professor Oak turned to her and began walking over until he stood just before the young fire-type master-in-training, "Unlike Sirius, you're not as reliant on magic, but it's also not something that you use often. As recent events have told us, you need to use magic if only to ensure your life is not in danger like it was during this mission. Both of you have mention that its harder to control your magic without a focus and without spells, I have hopefully fixed that with this," He held out the box to her, "I'm giving you the stone that was used during your portion of the testing,"

Vali looked at him in shock for a few moments before carefully taking the box, "But Professor, you wanted to do more tests..."

Professor Oak shook his head causing her to trail off, "I have, Vali. Without you and Sirius here, the results remain inconclusive. Seeing as neither of you are able to be here often, I cannot accurately study these and to be honest, it's probably for the best. You two would be even more vulnerable after all."

Vali felt her eyes burn a bit as she carefully opened the box and found the stone attached to a bracelet made of corded leather. The stone had been smoothed and transformed into a flame-like piece. Smiling softly, she spoke while lifting it out of the box, "Thank you, Professor. It's amazing."

Professor Oak took the box from her and Vali attached the bracelet to her wrist. The stone was cool against her skin for a few moments before becoming warm with the stone becoming a fiery red. Blaine sucked in a sharp breath at the sight and she looked at him curiously, "I didn't truly believe the whole magic thing, Brat. Seeing that, I can actually start believing it."

"Vali," Professor Oak said prompting her to look at him and he looked grave, "I dislike the idea of you being in danger, but with the path you've chosen, it's inevitable. With this, you should at least return home intact,"

Hearing his words, Vali curled her fingers around the bracelet feeling both calm and anxious.