After being unable to get ahold of Vali during on of the days they normally talked, Steven called Lance while accepted a cup of Lemonade from Metagross. Lance answered after a couple moments, "Couldn't get ahold of Vali, Steven?"
"How did you know?" Steven asked as he saw Lance smirk at him.
"Because you usually end up calling me when Vali's too busy to talk with you," Lance replied while one his Dragonite, Diaval if Steven remembered correctly, laid it's head on the other teen's head, "Just like she usually calls me when you're too busy to talk with her,"
Steven was struck by how much had changed since they'd all met back during their journey through Kanto. Just like with their pokemon, they had a unique bond between the three of them. Inwardly shaking his head as Metagross silently prodded him, he asked, "Do you know wat's going on with her? I thought it wouldn't be so busy for her right now what with the gym being closed due to the League."
Lance let out a bark of laughter, "Not busy? Vali? She's always running around doing something," He reached up to pat rub the Dragonite's head, "She's helping Delia prepare for the wedding. Apparently it's been moved up by a week,."
"By a week," Steven did a mental calculation and cursed, "Damn. Alright, Father and I will be able to make it. Father just won't be able to adjust his gift's arrival period,"
Lance snorted at that and Steven rolled his eyes. Lance's Pokegear began to chime softly and he played around with the screen for a second, "Hey, Vali's calling. I'll add her into the call."
The screen went black for a second before it flickered and Steven was faced with Vali on one side with Lance on the other. Vali was giving the screen a surprised look while Thorin was sitting on her lap. In the background her other pokemon were running about, Steven could heard sounds of training in the background, "Hey, guys. It's awesome to see you both."
"Hey, Vali," Steven greeted alongside Lance.
Lance spoke as Diaval greeted Vali, "So Vali, taking a break from the wedding madness?"
Vali let out a groan, "Yes, Delia has decided that I can't be trusted in helping with deciding colors," She rolled her eyes, "I'm going to be taking the photos for the wedding which I don't mind at all. Delia agreed to let me post certain pictures to help increase my portfolio. I've been working with Elrond and a few of the others to ensure they're able to take good pictures, so I'll be able to actually be in some of the photos as per Delia's wishes so she doesn't need to hire another photographer."
"That's wonderful Vali," Steven told her with a soft smile, "I can't wait to see your portfolio in person,"
Vali grinned at them, "I've really expanded it especially with some of the battles I've taken pictures during. Some of those pictures are my most popular pieces, I can't wait to see what you guys think of them," She let out an excited gasp, "Oh, before I forget. When you two get here, I managed to get you both something during my last trip to Celadon. They were doing this weird hodge-podge market place thing. I'm not saying what I got, but you two will hopefully enjoy it,"
Lance and Steven both looked at her in surprise, "You got us gifts? Why?"
"Felt like it," Vali replied with a shrug, "Besides we'll be seeing each other all together for the first time in about a year. They were also running a sale," She gained a small look of discomfort, "Hey, can you guys help me with something?"
"What's up, Vali?" Lance asked as Steven felt a bolt of concern run through him.
Vali hugged Thorin to her chest as she spoke, "When Delia and I were working on some of the preparations today, she mentioned that since I was still in Siri's custody that she'd like to adopt me as well. It'd be my choice to accept, but she wants me to know that she."
"That's amazing, Vali," Steven offered her an encouraging smile.
"What's wrong?" Lance asked at the grimace Vali gave him.
"I...It's not that I'm not happy about her wanting to adopt me," Vali looked a bit pained, "It would mean Ash would be my brother for real. I just..." She seemed to be internally struggling over the words for a few moments, "I knew in the back of my mind this would maybe be something that might happen at some point, but it never occurred to me it would be so soon,"
"You don't want her to adopt you?" Steven asked her carefully.
Vali shook her head, "I...I don't know," She looked at them with a completely vulnerable look in her eye, "A part of me wants it, but a part of me doesn't. The rest is confused over it. I just don't know," She peered at them with confusion clouded green eyes, "Delia's as close to a mother as I've ever found, guys. Unlike Mrs. Weasley, she understands boundaries once she knows what's going on. And she always willing to listen, she never judges and helps me figure things out that my pokemon can't,"
"You're scared," Lance commented earning a confused look from Steven while Vali had a look of realization on her face, "Sirius hasn't tried to be a father to you. He's always been an uncle with fatherly tendencies. When he does try to be a father to you, it's an unspoken thought between both of you that he's not trying to replace your father,"
Steven realized what was going on as well, "You're scared she'll replace Lily Potter."
"It's silly isn't it?" Vali asked in a small voice, "To fear it?"
"No," Lance shook his head, "Being scared to finally have something you haven't known since you were barely a toddler, it's alright to be scared," He spoke in a soothing tone, "Delia doesn't have to be your mother or mom, Vali. You can call her something else," Vali nodded slowly, "She'll never replace Lily, Vali,"
"I know," Vali sniffed softly and rubbed her eyes, "I know,"
Steven hesitated before asking, "Vali, are you going to be okay?"
Vali nodded after a moment, "Mhmm. I even know what I'm going to do now...well, once I think a bit more," She paused and looked away from the screen for a moment, "I'm going to have to go. Delia's calling us back in to help out once more. I'll see you guys later."
Vali offered them a strained smile before ending the call. Lance looked at Steven as silence reigned for a few moments, "I think she's going to accept it."
"How did you know that was her problem anyway?" Steven asked with a small frown.
"I've seen it happen before," Lance replied with a sigh, "Back in Blackthorn, my uncle helps with the adoption process just like the other gym leaders,"
Steven was surprised by that, but supposed it made sense that some regions had their gym leaders as part of their foster/adoption system. Steven had to ask, "Does that mean your clan has adopted many members?"
"No," Lance shook his head, "And a bit personal, Steven,"
Steven let out an embarrassed chuckle, "Seemed prudent to ask, sorry."
Lance rolled his eyes, "Prudent my ass. Clans secrets are secret for a reason, Steven as you well know."
And Steven did know, he was a Stone for all that their clan had dwindled. He thought of the few members left compared to the large Blackthorn clan which rests within the home of its dragons and felt just a hint bitter. He shook away that feeling and thought as he replied, "Couldn't hurt to try. Well, I need to go talk with Father and explain the situation. I guess I see you in person soon enough."
Lance nodded and they ended the call. Steven looked at Metagross as his partner commented, "Vali will be fine."
"I know," Steven wasn't surprised his partner knew what exactly he was about to ask, "Let's head to see father, he'll be wanting to know about our tickets needing to be adjusted and that his gifts will very likely not make it to the wedding in time,"