Rodrick was arrested by League officials and charged with eight counts of pokemon abuse along with nine minor charges. He would never again be allowed to train any pokemon or care for them unless it was under heavy supervision. The other two were charged with other minor crimes, but they were allowed to train pokemon in two years though they'd have to undergo several psych evaluations a year for the next 20 years not to mention therapy throughout those two years. While a part of Vali wished more could've been done to the boys, it was better than nothing and they would all have this on their records for years.
After she finished reading the results, Vali looked up at Blaine, "It doesn't feel like it's enough, but I suppose I've got to settle for that. At the very least, they'll have that on their records for years and years."
"It never does, Brat," Blaine agreed with a nod, "Now I didn't ask you to come in here just to discuss the trial," Vali looked at him in confusion, "As two months have passed and everything settled somewhat, the League has decided to make use of us again. We'll be going on a few jobs for them before the rush fully hits,"
Vali nodded feeling surprisingly excited, "Considering we're actually rested from our last ones and everyone is much stronger, I'm actually almost looking forward to this."
"Good, brat," Blaine chuckled a little, "Our first one will be taking us to the island of Aqua Berry where the ranger's have been having some trouble lately..."
Vali settled in for the briefing with Thorin and Elrond listening eagerly alongside her. Even they were ready for some outside action, it had admittedly felt like Cinnabar was getting a bit cramped even with the gym routine starting to settle down a bit.
Days turned into weeks and months as Vali working with her pack to continue to grow stronger with each mission they took. Each training session with Blaine or someone else from the gym increased that strength in someway, they grew closer and closer. They never gave up even when something troubled them or they hit a stopping point. It was only when the next Indigo Plateau Conference came around and they finally got a true break that Vali realized they'd pretty much been running without end since coming back from Christmas Break. At the announcement of them finally closing the gym for the rest of the season, Vali slumped against the table and groaned as everyone else cheered from their various positions around the room, "Holy fuck."
"Just realized how harshly you've been pushing yourself?" Zavian asked from beside her.
"Mhmm," Vali muttered softly.
"Well you now have a whole month to pretty much relax," Zavian grinned at her, "Enjoy it,"
"Brat, you'll be heading with me to see the finals," Blaine announced earning a groan and a confused look, "It's customary for those with apprentices to bring them and I'm not suffering alone,"
"Fine," Vali didn't mind seeing the other gym leaders beside Blaine outside of a mission situation.
"For now, all of you can go home if you want, but check in at least once a week," Blaine informed them earning grins, "Jackson, I should only need a week this year so enjoy your vacation,"
Grins and laughter filled the air as everyone began talking about where they'd spend their vacations, Vali smiled as she took a bite of the cake Martha had purchased from a nearby bakery for the impromptu party. Jackson noticed her being a bit quiet, "You okay?"
"Fine. We'll probably head home after a trip Blackthorn," Vali revealed earning a surprised look, "I was asked to go by Lance and I figured why not since I've got the vacation time. Delia and Siri will understand me being a bit late coming home,"
"Isn't he due to challenge the Elite Four of both Kanto and Johto?" Jackson asked earning a nod, "Brave guy. I can't blame him for wanting to see a friendly face before all that,"
Vali nodded as her thoughts went to the red haired male that was quickly realizing his dream. His first elite four battle would come next week and the one after would be the following. Lance would get to schedule the next set after his battles with the first Elite of each region were won. Kanto and Johto both were waiting eagerly for the results though neither battle would be broadcasted unless Lance won or the battle was really exciting. The League wanted to ensure that if a new champion was crowned they were able to awe the crowd with their battles whether it be by might or by showcasing the skills of each pokemon used. There were rumor-mills among the forums and leaked videos of failed champion battles, the masses got a kick out of them which is why none of them were ever taken down.
Vali took a deep breath of Blackthorn's mountain air and smiled softly before thanking the Alakazam that had been arranged by Lance to teleport her. She looked around once it had teleported off with barely a nod back to her and found that she'd been dropped off in front of Lance's house. She knocked on the door while releasing Thorin, Elrond, and Aragorn knowing that they'd be the only ones truly welcome outside their pokeballs until after Smaug had his usual welcome bout with some of the local dragons. The door opened to reveal Ulric. Ulric looked at her in some surprise before grinning brightly, "Vali! I knew that you'd be arriving at some point during the next few days. How are you doing?"
"Fairly well," Vali replied with a warm smile, "My pack and I have been doing well though we've been doing a lot lately. And you?"
"Very well now that we are done the season," Ulric laughed with a shake of his head, "Now let's get you settled into a room then get Smaug set up with his battles, I doubt he'll want to be waiting long,"
Vali nodded as he smile turned into a grin, "He's been looking forward to it since Lance voiced the idea."
Ulric moved to the side and Vali headed inside with her pokemon trailing after.
Lance hugged her with a grin, "Man, I'm so glad to see you, Vali! Talking via Pokenav is nice, but nothing beats actually seeing each other."
"Agreed!" Vali hugged him back, "It's wonderful to see you again, Lance,"
They parted after a moment and Vali plopped down on one of the nearby logs, "So challenging two so close together?"
"The first is a bug-type primary which shouldn't be too difficult though I'm going to be cautious while the second is a Water-type," Lance revealed as he took a seat as well and his Trapinch, Dust, rushed up from underground, "We'll have more trouble with the second,"
"Still not evolving, huh?" Vali asked as she noted the increased size of the Trapinch.
"Trapinch take awhile just like any dragon-types do even if they're not true dragons," Lance replied earning a soft hum of acknowledgement, "I'm okay with it," Lance grinned a bit, "So Vali, how the Magby? I noticed you didn't let him out with the others,"
Vali's hand dropped to Magby's pokeball as she thought about the little fire-types, "He is becoming a bit more aggressive in his attempts to become friends with Eowyn. And she's been aggressive back, I love both of them to bits, but it's driving me a little bit insane," She sighed deeply, "Magby's in his pokeball right now because the little shit decided to start a severe fight with Eowyn. It almost started a forest fire, so I decided to effectively put him in time-out."
Lance stared at her with wide eyes before chuckling, "Damn, I can't believe they did it. I knew you said they were fighting, but I didn't think it was that bad."
"Well believe it, Dragon-boy," Vali grumble sulkily, "Blaine's no help either. He says it's normal and that they'll work it out in time. I get that, but how the hell does that make me feel that any better about this shit now when it feels like they're attempting to tear each other's throats out just because one of them seems like she hates the other?"
Lance patted her shoulder as he lost his chuckles, "I get it, Vali. It sucks, but unfortunately you've got to deal with it for now."
Vali slumped in her seat with a groan, "Doesn't make me feel better."
When Vali finally returned home after a week in Blackthorn, she found Delia practically running around the house like a chicken with her head cut off, "Delia? What's going on?"
"Vali! You're home!" Delia shouted and rushed up to Vali earning a yelp, "I need your help,"
"What's up?" Vali asked with a small frown as worry bolts through her.
"We need to prepare to have the wedding a week early. Apparently the ranger core got a couple people's vacations mixed up and booked Sirius for the damn tournament," Delia practically growled at her, "They'll give him a week off afterward for a honeymoon, but we still need to be married before that. Vali, help me please!"
Vali gapped at her for a second before nodding as she inwardly shook herself, "Yeah, I can do that, Delia. Give me time to put down my stuff and get everyone settled, Okay?"
"Yeah," Delia told her with a relieved grin.