New schedules

Once the gym opened up, Vali settled into a new routine with her team. They'd get a group of riddles to give out to prospective targets with whoever else would be going out that day with them should it be their day. They spent time searching for targets to battle and observe them. Depending on their observations and the following battles, they'd decide which set of riddles to give them. Unlike the others, she often decided with Elrond who got what riddles as he passively scanned the opposing train during their battles provided they didn't have a psychic-type with them. It was done with Blaine's agreement and the knowledge of the League. Already the changes in quality of trainers facing Blaine could be seen, the volume was that much easier on him and everyone was getting much in some actual battling.

Vali found out that Magby was perfectly suited for some of the beginner level battles. He was a bit clumsy and slow compared to her other pokemon. He had power, but he's unable to direct it properly at the current moment. He worked hard to improve himself with each battle and training session which impressed even the reluctant Aragorn. Only Eowyn continued to ignore him much to everyone's exasperation, it would take something great from their newest pack member to get Eowyn to notice him.

On her first day off since the new schedule began, Vali headed to one of secluded beaches that rarely had anyone around. She released her pokemon and smiled as everyone quickly settled down into their various forms of relaxation. She headed over to the water and bent down to run her fingers over Bombur's wet back, "Enjoying yourself, Bur?"

Bombur barked and twirled slowly. She giggled softly and took out a rubber ball that he liked to play with. Bombur lit up at the sight and she threw it for him. She played fetch with Bombur for a bit before allowing Elrond to take over when she got a bit tired. She settled down with Irmo. The Litleo raised his head from where he'd settled it and peered at her. She laid her hand on his warm back and spoke softly, "A nice lazy day after everything recently."

Irmo nodded with a soft yawn and Vali noted that the fang that he'd lost recently during a training accident had finally started to grow back. Irmo returned his head to the still too large paws curled on the sand under him. Vali looked at Elrond as she heard his mental voice call out, "Some trainers are approaching this beach. A psychic is leading them to us. It's a Kadabra," Elrond was frowning at her, "They're purposefully seeking us out. For what reason, the Kadabra is shielding it from my passive scans and I'm not about to dig deeper."

"I wouldn't ask you to," Vali replied with a shake of her head, "Guys," Everyone looked towards her carefully, "Get ready since apparently someone has decided to interrupt our day off, I'm not sure why, but it can't be good news,"

A lot of grumbles sounded from her pokemon. Irmo groaned in exasperation. Elrond spoke as Vali took out her pokenav, "They're getting closer."

"I know," Vali muttered under her breath while dialing Jackson's number, "C'mon, Jackson,"

Jackson answered after a few minutes, "Vali? Is something wrong? I thought you and your pack were heading out to the beach."

"We are at the beach only some trainers are seeking us out," Vali informed him earning a surprised noise, "Don't know why, I'm not having Elrond read too deeply in on them especially with a Kadabra on one of their teams. Can you send someone to join us? I'll send you the coordinates in a few moments. I have a feeling they're attempting to get certain riddles from me and catch me off guard just to gain them. Seeing as this is both my day off and a violation of the new gym rules, I think that Blaine should know about this,"

"I'll make arrangements immediately," Jackson agreed with a slight frown, "If this is true and they're daring to do this, I cannot believe they have the audacity to do something like this,"

"More than likely they assume that the new rules in place are fragile and they can find loopholes," Vali rolled her eyes as she typed in the coordinates, "The coordinates should be showing up now. I'm going to get prepared,"

"Right," Jackson nodded to himself, "I'll get things set up on my end. I wouldn't be surprised if these idiots end up blacklisted from the gym for at least six months,"

Vali was only somewhat surprised, but Blaine had blacklisted trainers from the gym for less. Jackson ended the call soon after and Vali slowly stood up. Smaug landed in front of her. He let out a loud grumble and she reach up to run her fingers along his scaled nose, "We just got to deal with these guys. Punish them for their stupidity, Smaug. We'll ensure they understand why interrupting our days off is a bad idea."

Smaug's grumbles quieted immediately and he looked at her in pleasure. She smiled at him as Elrond murmured, "They're here."

The crunch of shoed and booted foots on gravel sounded their arrival followed by gasps of surprise. Vali spoke before any of the intruders could, "You know no one really comes to this beach. It's why we decided to come here on our day off. It's somewhat annoying to have our solitude interrupted especially when there are only a few reasons why someone would come along," She turned her head towards where Elrond had pin-pointed them and found three male trainers around 11-13 years old, "Seeing as darling Elrond informed me you were looking specifically for us via your Kadabra, I'm just going to assume you're about to irritate me a lot more than just coming over here," She offered them a sarcastic smile, "So why don't you just turn back around and leave before you do something especially stupid?"

Vali watched in slight amusement as all three seemed to snap out of their awe and turned varying shades of red. One of them stepped forward prompting the Kadabra to follow. He glared at her, "You can't talk to us like that!"

"I can't?" Vali retorted with a snort, "Are you not the ones who were planning to ambush me likely in an attempt to get some riddles?" The red flushes got worse and the elven year old of the trio looked away from her, "Look you three, it's my day off and I'm not obligated to give out any riddles. So go back to town and find someone else who isn't currently attempting to enjoy their day off,"

"No," The boy stepped forward, "You're going to give us battle us and give us those riddles,"

"It's my day off," Vali retorted, "I don't have any riddles. Even if I did, I wouldn't give any to you," He would most definitely be turned around more and more with his hot-headed nature, "But since you decided to interrupt our day off and want a battle, we'll battle. Smaug," Smaug growled at them and released smoke from his mouth, "You'll be first darling," She watched the boys for a few moments waiting for one of them to step forward, "Well? Are any of you going to step forward and actually give us a show?"

The hot-headed one stepped forward and barked at another of his companions, "Dilan, you ref."

Vali watched the middle member of the trio step forward and move to the side, "Right. This is a battle between, Rodrick Ryan of Cyan Town and..."

The boy trailed off somewhat much to Vali's slight surprise. She heard a small mental laugh from Elrond. Inwardly smiling at that the fact they didn't know her, Vali said, "Valkyrie Potter-Black of Pallet Town."

Looks of shock were directed towards her, Vali grinned slightly as they all paled further. Rodrick stepped back slightly before grimacing and palming one of the pokeballs on his waist. Dilan spoke after regaining his ability to speak, "V-valkyrie Potter-Black of Pallet Town. This will be a-"

"Two-on-one," Vali interrupted earning a surprised look, "Why bother dragging things out too long? You do need a chance to win and my pokemon could use some stress release. I'll only be using Smaug against you,"

Smaug stepped forward in front of Vali with a low growl as the boy snarled at her. He released a smaller than normal Nidoking with a mixture of overly large stingers. The redden veins flushed through the whites of it's eyes and too small pupils. The oddly small tail and mauve colored scales that were more a pale pink color than purple. All of those signs pointed to a rushed evolution. While technically not illegal, it was not good for the pokemon and could severely impact their quality of life especially if they battled. Seeing this sight made Vali's stomach turn and pissed her off severely since she had a feeling the Nido hadn't chosen to evolve, she bared her teeth slightly at the boy he dared to this. The boy refereeing spoke up with an alarmed look, "A-alright! Lets start."

Vali spoke softly enough that only Smaug heard, "Knock it out hard, Smaug. We're trashing these idiots."

Growling in agreement, Smaug released a large Smokescreen that immediately covered the field. The Nidoking let out a startled roar from somewhere within the black smoke. Rodrick shouted, "Nidoking, just use Poison Sting all over the place!"

Vali didn't bother to hide her snort. While a Nidoking's Poison Sting would normally be something to worry about with the heavy toxins and outright corrosive nature of it depending on the anger levels of the nido in question, the pokemon before her is very likely not able to produce a proper Poison Sting on the level of its kin any longer and would need months of therapy before such a thing would be possible. The dusting of thin needles across the field where Smaug's flames didn't burn it away revealed the turth to her thoughts. In place of the vibrant purple that continually pulsed through the needle was a dim almost dead brackish purple, it flickered weakly with the edges of the needle being a pale white which showed just how unevenly balanced and weak the poison was.

Smaug easily knocked the poor thing out while Elrond took discreet pictures of the creature. They would definitely be documenting each pokemon within this group and sending the data to the League. Just the Nidoking alone warranted an investigation into the boy's training practices, they wanted to get more dirt just to make sure no others had suffered too deeply. The next pokemon to be released was a worn out looking Poliwhirl. Thankfully, it looks like the kid had saved up for a moon-stone rather than a water-stone. But the soul-deep tiredness within the poor things eyes was something that worried her, how long had it been battling and training for to look so tired?

Elrond spoke softly, "She's so tired. Mind, body, and soul," The sadness both of them felt filled the bond, "Months of little rest if not longer, he's pushed her to the point that she's close to breaking. I...If evolution were to happen, she would very likely die. Whether due to her soul just leaving or her body unable to withstand, she can't do it," A spark of anger filled him and he was speaking to Smaug as well, "Be quick and do not let her suffer long. Once she's out, we're taking this one down like any poacher. He's disgusting."

Vali understood his feeling exactly and felt the sharp need to gain retribution for this Poliwhirl. That sliver of anger she felt coaxed up a spark of flame that wanted to rush out and burn the one that'd harmed such wonderful creatures. She controlled herself though it was difficult and she could feel sparks of flame coil around her finger tips. Smaug roared in acknowledgement and easily dodged the Poliwhirl's attacks before beginning his assault. And just like Smaug had promised to do, he quickly knocked out Poliwhirl.

When Poliwhirl was returned, Smaug landed in front of Vali as Elrond spoke, "Jackson is almost here with Blaine. I am informing them of what has happened as we speak."

"Thank you," Vali murmured before focusing on the trio of idiots, "You had a battle and lost. I doubt your buddies want to try their hand at getting trashed," Vali looked at them with a glare, "None of you are going to knock out a single one of my pokemon,"

Rodrick took a step forward only to falter and step backward as Smaug growled loudly in warning with Balto joining him for the first time. It was then that the trio was reminded of her other pokemon that were very clearly unhappy about their presence their. Dilan spoke before Rodrick could, "Dude, let's go. Poliwhirl and Nidoking both go the shit knocked out of them without any trouble. Poliwhirl even had the advantage, dude."

"Dilan's right," The other boy spoke up, "Especially since I really don't want to end up pokemon chow. They're giving us the evil eye,"

Rodrick growled as if he was an animal and shouted, "It doesn't fucking matter! We're going to get those riddles and face Blaine!"

"Those riddles are given to proper Cinnabar Gym Challenger," Jackson spoke from behind the trio making them jump and Vali to grin severely, "And you have revoked your right to that challenge by attacking Gym Apprentice Valkyrie Potter-Black on her day off. The other two members of your trio may still be allowed to challenge the gym pending investigations, but for now we are barring you three from the gym,"

The two quieter members of the trio paled considerably while the idiot Rodrick promptly turned a purplish red, "W-what?! You can't do that!"

"As this is my gym and you're attacking my apprentice, I can," Blaine replied with a glare towards them, "Now scram if you don't want your punishment worsened especially you, Mister Ryan,"

Rodrick was grabbed before he could say anything else and pulled away from the area quickly. It was only when the trio were fully gone that Vali spoke, "I'm reporting him to the League. The Nidoking was bad, but the Poliwhirl was even worse."

A frown decorated Blaine's face as Elrond handed him the camera to look at the pictures that had been taken, "This Nidoking, I doubt it could've been even a year old when the idiot evolved it."

"No idea," Vali shook her head, "From what I could tell based on the needles, the poison glands aren't fully developed and it's poison is weak,"

"Damn kid really screwed it especially if it was unwilling," Blaine muttered before swearing deeply, "That Poliwhirl,"

"Elrond said she was so tired evolution would've meant death," Vali murmured earning sharp intakes of breath, "How he could train her so long and hard that would happen," She shook her head, "I wanted to rip him a new one or have one of my pokemon do it,"

Blaine handed the camera over to Jackson before saying, "We'll send in the report and I'll ensure the kid is canned."

"I'll inform Professor Oak and Surge," Vali replied as she hugged Smaug lightly.