Wedding prep Pt. 1

Vali found that she both enjoyed weddings and hated them with a burning passion. Delia had turned somewhat rabid in her fever to make things perfect for the wedding and Sirius was only feeding into it. She did her best to assist Delia while trying not to get too frustrated. Ash helped where he could, but unfortunately there was little the boy could really do. Throughout the handful of weeks that it took Sirius to return, Vali thought heavily of what Delia had asked of her.

It wasn't easy to decide unlike when Sirius and Vali had originally met. Vali admitted that the two of them emotionally damaged as they were at the time had immediately clung to each other at the thought of family. Vali at the thought of being taken from the beasts she unfortunately shared blood with and Sirius grasping at what was left of his lost siblings that he hadn't been able to grieve for. Like Lance had said, no one could take Lily Potter's place either as her birth mother or the woman who sacrificed everything for her. Mrs. Weasley was a wonderful woman who Vali might've been able to see as a mother figure eventually had she grown closer to the woman who often attempted to shove too much food down her throat and hugged just a bit too tightly. Delia had kept her distance when she knew Vali needed it and didn't push harder than necessary. When Vali saw how Sirius and Delia interacted together, she knew exactly what her choice was.

Vali looked at the pinkish and whites coloring her dress. Delia and the dress maker beamed at her while Elrond snickered at her shoulder. She looked up at Delia as the dress maker walked off, "Thank you, Vali! It looks perfect on you."

Vali inwardly grimaced before pushing back her current feelings to look at the mirror objectively. While she didn't enjoy pink much, the mix between it and white did look good on her. She spoke as her eyes shifted away from the mirror, "It does."

"You don't like it," Delia must've detected something in the tone of her voice to know what she really felt.

Vali shook her head, "I don't like pink, Delia, but I can tolerate this," She looked at the mirror again with a sigh, "I can deal with this for the wedding."

Delia smiled softly, "Thank you, Vali," A warm feeling coiled through Vali when Delia hugged her, "It'll only be for the wedding."

Vali nodded as she leaned slightly against Delia, "Hey, Delia?" Delia hummed softly in question, "I...I've decided that it's okay," She felt Delia stiffen slightly, "I still don't know what exactly I want to call you, but I'm fine with you adopting me as well."

Delia's hug tightened and Vali felt tears hit the skin of her shoulders where the sundress-like dress left them bare. Delia grinned brightly, "I'm so glad, Vali."

"Vali!" Arms curled her waist in a surprise hug, "I missed you~"

"Stella?!" Vali flinched and jerked a bit while Thorin growled loudly earning a loud gasp, "What are you doing in Pallet Town?"

"I came to visit my favorite photographer," Stella squeezed her lightly, "Oh man, Eevee evolved?"

"His names Thorin now," Vali extracted herself and moved to sooth Thorin, "Sorry, he's a bit of a guard dog now,"

"Not surprising," Stella grinned at Thorin, "Flareon are territorial of their trainers. Males tend to be down to earth with females being a bit prim and proper,"

"That's what I've been reading and Blaine's said," Vali looked at Stella curiously and noted the lack of ranger gear, "So you're off for a day?"

Stella nodded as a Pachirisu popped out of her hair, "Yup, I decided to visit you then head over to see my dad," She reached up to scratch the Pachirisu behind the ears, "Anyway, I was actually hoping you could help me with something. Dad's birthday is coming up and I had a specific present in mind for him,"

Vali figured out what she was getting at rather quickly, "If you're willing to give up some time today and help out with the wedding preparation, I'd be happy to help with your dad's birthday gift."

"Deal," Stella grinned at her, "Thank you, Vali,"

"Don't thank me just yet," Vali thought about Delia and her rather crazy attitude of late, "C'mon, let's go meet Delia,"

ali looked over the pictures she'd taken of Stella and her team. The best ones would be given to Stella's dad in the form of a collage along with the last photo Stella had of her mother and her together. She heard her Pokenav go off and answered it, "Hello?"

"Valkyrie Potter-Black?" An unfamiliar voice called since Vali hadn't used the Video call function.

"Yes, this is she," Vali replied with a slightly confused look, "Who is this?"

"My name is Loumine Flemine of Purpleheart Ranch on Western near the east of Vermilion City," The voice answered earning a light sound of acknowledgement, "We are a small ranch that mostly raises Ponyta and Rapidash with a few other breeds of rideable equine pokemon. I've been looking at your website and have to say your portfolio is amazing,"

"Thank you," Vali quickly looked up the ranch this woman had mentioned, "So how can I help you, Miss Flemine?"

"Well, I recently took over the ranch after my mother died in an accident a couple weeks ago," Miss Flemine said as Vali read over the brief history that was displayed on the webpage, "I'd like to make things improve here and part of that involves our PR. I'd like you to do a photoshoot with our pokemon,"

Vali considered it as she looked over the photo's that were already on the website, "I suppose something can be arranged. I just can't do it right this moment though. I am helping with preparation for a wedding and will be photographing it. Give me a call in about a week and we can make arrangements."

"Thank you so much, Valkyrie," Miss Flemine sighed in relief, "You don't know how much we needed this at the ranch,"

Lance arrived two days before the wedding with Zaria looking windswept and a bit tired though altogether alright. Lance grinned at Vali over Zaria's shoulder, "Sorry for not arriving sooner, I had to pick up this one."

Zaria laughed as they pulled apart, "Thanks for that, Lance. I'm so glad to see you, Vali."

"Good to see you too, Zaria," Vali told the dark-type master-in-training, "Lance, glad to see you in person," She grinned at him in return, "You will not believe how busy it's been,"

"I bet," Lance let out a bark of laughter, "It can't be that bad,"

Vali let out a derisive snort, "She is completely nuts and Sirius is only making it worse. I've barely been able to escape for a couple minutes let alone a few hours."

Zaria goggled at her, "It cannot be that bad. It's Delia after all."

"You'll see," Vali warned while turning to lead them into the house, "It's a mad house in there,"

Vali opened the door when they reached it and called out, "Lance and Zaria are here, Delia! Siri!"

"Vali," Delia called out from the kitchen, "Get them settled then bring me another pound of Oran berries, I need to make sure this recipe is perfect for the reception,"

"Yeah, sure," Vali inwardly groaned at the fact she needed yet another bundle of Oran berries, "I might have to take another trip to Celadon to get more though,"

"That's fine!" Delia replied earning a low sigh from Vali.

Vali led the way over to the guest bedrooms that had been set up fairly quick. Zaria spoke up once they reached the rooms, "Seriously? How many times have you gone to Celadon for some berries?"

"Not just berries, it's been fabric, doilies, water, and just about anything you can think of," Vali's nose wrinkled, "Just for the hell of it, I've taken Smaug and Celina both out flying to Celadon rather than teleporting just to get more time away,"

"Doilies?" Lance muttered with wide confused eyes.

"Damn," Zaria gave her a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry you've got such a busy schedule,"

Vali offered her a tired look, "Hopefully once the wedding is over, she'll calm down. I'm going to be a bit busy afterward though. I've got a photoshoot I've scheduled for a few days afterward. I'll be working on a couple of commissions as well soon."

"Photoshoot?" Lance grinned at her, "Where?"

"Purpleheart Ranch," Vali answered earning a few confused looks, "I'll show you guys their website later on,"