Vali looked at the fishing pole in her hand for a few moments before shaking her head and casting the line like everyone else. When there was a tug on the line, she pulled and grimaced as water suddenly splashed outward as the Magikarp attached to her hook began flailing. The Nurse Joy in charge gave her an apologetic look and a towel, "Sorry about that, I honestly don't know why they need to use Magikarp."
Because most people think Magikarp are useless until they evolve into Gyarados, Vali avoided saying it as she took the towel, "Thank you."
"Twenty," The attendant read out as they got the Magikarp to stop squirming before putting it into a tank off to the side.
Vali nodded and took the plastic card offered to her. A gleaming red 20 printed on the white plastic and she wondered who her opponent would be. Heading over to where she'd agreed to meet up with the others, she could see Steven already standing there and wondered if he was holding the matching twenty in his hand causing the light weight plastic to feel like lead in her hand for a few moments before she steeled herself. If one of her friends held the other card, she'd face them with all the fire and bravery she was able to muster. After all, they'd come this far and her pokemon were ready to face any challenge no matter how difficult it would be. Steven looked up at her from where he'd been scanning his pokenav's screen, "I've got 40."
"20," Vali felt relief run through her, "Looks like our match will have to wait a bit longer,"
"Seems like it," Steven grinned lightly as she moved to settle against the wall beside him and he spotted Litwick peering out of her shadow, "Litwick's in your shadow today?"
Vali nodded as Litwick bounced a bit in greeting, "She wanted to see all the people and absorb some of the excess energy everyone was giving off. During times like this, she can do it safely."
"That's good," Steven reached out and carefully rubbed the top of Litwick's head, "I'm happy she get's to enjoy herself then,"
"I hope Lance and Zaria get done soon though," Vali said as she looked around them, "It's a bit too loud and crowded for my taste,"
Steven chuckled softly, "Just a bit, it's always a surprise even if there are only 64 people left."
Vali nodded while giving each of those around them a careful look. Not many around her physical age were left, she bet only herself and maybe one other were among the group of contestants vying for the chance to challenge the Elite Four as well as the Champion should they manage the former. Hell, a majority like herself were attempting to prove themselves worthy of becoming apprentices or Ace material. She felt a sense of amazement at the fact that she'd made it to the top 64 in her first year as a trainer. Grinning slightly, she said, "I can't believe that I've managed to make it this far in my first year as a trainer. The top 64."
"You've done very well," Steven's lips pulled into a warm smile, "I hope that I'll actually be able to catch one of your matches this time around,"
"Same," Vali murmured in agreement, "Things are going to get a lot tougher,"
"No doubt," Steven nodded as he began scanning the crowd much like she had, "I wonder who we'll be facing in the next round,"
Vali nodded as she felt Litwick move within her shadow. It was an odd half way physical and mental sense that appeared whenever Litwick appeared in her shadow. She could actually 'talk' with Litwick though it was more through impressions and colors than anything else unlike the words she shared with Elrond. She would need to speak with Agatha at some point to find out if she'd be able to actually talk with Litwick just like Elrond, but that would be for later. Still it was weird feeling Litwick move within her shadow, it was somewhat itchy and uncomfortable though she was becoming used to it.
"Hey," Zaria called out as she walked up, "Got your numbers?"
"40," Steven said holding up his card.
"20," Vali held up her own.
Zaria's eyes widened, "2-20?" She held up her own card and revealed a gleaming red 20, "Looks like we're facing one another in the next round."
"Y-yeah," Vali stared at the plastic card in shock, "Huh,"
"Hey, guys," Lance walked up with a grin, "I'm number 10-" He paused for a moment with a frown, "What's going on?"
"Vali and Zaria are going up against each other in the next round," Steven told him as Vali gripped the plastic card in her hand just a bit harder than before and Litwick shifted at her shift in emotions, "Given that we're heading into the final stretch of battles and we've all made it this far, I'm not that surprised,"
"Kind of brutal though," Lance commented with a shake of his head.
"Not really," Zaria grinned suddenly clenching the plastic card in her hand with a determined look on her face, "We decided to become rivals back in Vermilion, but we haven't really had much of a chance to face each other on a competitive stand point. Officially speaking,"
"Right," Vali shook off her nerves as she realized what Zaria was talking about, "It should be interesting to battle against one another,"
Vali's pokemon took the fact that they were to battle against Zaria rather well all things considered. They'd understood that as the Conference progressed there was going to be an increased chance they'd face their friends. So despite feeling some initial reluctance, they were ready to face their friends in battle and give them one to remember no matter the outcome. To ensure that, they threw themselves into their training. On Vali's side of things, she focused on creating strategies to beat Zaria knowing that it wouldn't be an easy fight despite the other trainers struggles within the Conference so far.
Any time not spent training or going over strategies was strictly for relaxing, Vali would not let her pokemon train at all during this time even if they weren't participating in the Conference. She didn't want to risk anyone burning out or getting sick because they were training too hard especially since Aragorn was now able to begin the harsher battle training and actually participate in battles as per Professor Oak's check up. Houndour was still a few days from being allowed to do light training and would be stuck with baby toys. Aragorn was all too eager to train himself into the ground though meaning her attention had to be focused on him much of the time.
Balto took him to the side at the end of their final training day and gave him a talking to as was his duty as Alpha. When they came back, Aragorn actually looked scolded and came to sit by Vali's feet. Elrond spoke from across the clearing where he was keeping most of their activities from damaging their surroundings, "Aragorn wishes to apologize for worrying you, Vali. He was just so excited to finally get to actually train it didn't occur to him that his actions would worry you so much."
Vali bent down with a warm smile and rubbed between Aragorn's ears causing those amber grey eyes to spark a bit, "Just try not to train so hard at this age, alright? You're very young and while a pokemon's body can stand up to a lot, you are still far too young for such a thing. I don't want you to exhaust your inner flame, Little one."
Aragorn barked and Elrond translated, "I understand, Vali-Sis-Mama."
"Good," Vali stood up, "Now take a break okay, you've trained enough for now. I'll get you a snack and something to drink," She headed over to her bag, "When you're finished, I want you to take a little nap okay, Little King. When you wake up, we'll continue on, okay?"
Aragorn let out a soft bark and followed her towards where she left her bag. Once Aragorn was taken care of, Vali walked over to where Balto had settled down to rest for a few moments and wrapped her arms around his neck earning a low rumble, "Thanks, Balto. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you," Balto nuzzled her softly and sighed deeply against her shirt, "Tomorrow is the battle against Zaria, she might've had a had time so far in the tournament, but it doesn't mean we'll have it easy. She's probably training like crazy just like us too," She hugged him just a bit tighter, "But we're not going to let her win tomorrow, we are going to win. I want to face Steven or Lance at some point in the Conference and won't let Zaria beat us. But that's not just why I want to beat her," She released Balto to look at him and grinned brightly feeling a fire burn in her chest, "I want to show all those people watching what exactly we can do. We're awesome, Balto. I want to make it further than the top 64. Maybe the top 16 at least, I want to be one of the few first year trainers to reach that kind of spot. I want to show Blaine just want kind of skills we have. We've done well in doing that so far," She sat down and pulled out her pokedex, "I've made a few modifications to that one strategy like I said I would..."