Vali walked out onto the battlefield and found a rock area staring her in the face meaning Pele would have an advantage if she was used. Aragorn walked beside Vali once again looking at the battlefield in awe and slight envy. She found Zaria walking out across from her with Sableye on her shoulders though the ghost/dark moved to her side once they reached the trainer box. The announcer spoke up, "Welcome to the final matches of the Prelims where we finally get to the real deal, six-on-six, battle royals! Our first battle of the day is by two rather wonderful ladies. In the green corner, we have Zaria Warner of Cocona Village in Oblivia!"
A cheer rose from the crowd as Zaria waved, "Hey everyone! I hope to give you a wonderful battle."
"And in the red corner, we have Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town here in Kanto!" The announcer shouted earning a louder cheer from the crowd, "She is quickly becoming a crowd favorite here,"
Vali flushed lightly and waved to the crowd, "Hello everyone! I too am hoping to give you all a wonderful battle," She looked towards Zaria and grinned at her friend, "Let the fires within our hearts and that of our pokemon's become visible to all here today, my friendly rival!"
"I hear that!" Zaria shouted with a matching grin and took out a pokeball as Vali mimicked her.
The announcer let out a gasp, "What's this I'm hearing? Are Valkyrie Potter-Black and Zaria Warner rivals?"
"Friendly rivals," Zaria said as the Referee stepped up.
"This will be a six-on-six match!" The Referee began as the pokeball in Vali's warmed, "The rules are much the same as any other match within the tournament only we will be taking a short intermission once one side loses three pokemon to switch around the terrain at random between the three remaining field-types. If both trainers are ready, you may begin!"
Both of them released at once, Zaria shouting, "Darken the skies with your wings, Murkrow!"
"Battle with me, my friend!" Vali released Elrond who appeared opposite of Murkrow.
The two immediately began to attack one another with Elrond simultaneously setting up Electrical Terrain. Murkrow revealed that Zaria had ensured that she'd taught him every dark-type move naturally available to it and made sure he'd been able to master it as much as possible in his first form state. True mastery would only come in his secondary state, the level of skill Murkrow showed was still definitely above what any of his species being trained by a non-single-type mastery trainer could hope to gain though. Elrond dodged each attack as best as he could and ripped up pieces of the field to guard against that which couldn't be dodged. He spoke through their bond sounding excited, "Murkrow is definitely powerful. I can beat him soon enough, but this is definitely a lot of fun."
"I'm glad to hear it, Elrond," Vali smiled warmly at her partners excitement, "The energy isn't causing you any pain, is it?"
"Houndour's presence alongside Litwick's has actually helped me become somewhat used to it," Elrond managed to hit Murkrow with a high powered Thunder Bolt earning a loud squawk of pain and causing the dark/fly-type to lose altitude due to the electricity paralyzing its nerves for a few moments, "While uncomfortable, it doesn't cause me pain unless I'm actually hit by it. I won't allow something as simple as discomfort to let me lose a match like this especially when I have an advantage,"
"I would never accuse you of such a thing," Vali shook her head lightly earning a low chuckle.
"I know you would not," Elrond got in close to Murkrow as the bird began to shake off the electricity that had been introduced into its nervous system, "Lets move this onto the next match shall we?"
Elrond used uppercut-ted Murkrow with Thunder Punch sending the avian upward and followed after him to finish it off with an Iron Tail towards the ground. Zaria returned her pokemon before he could hit the ground as Murkrow wouldn't be able recover in time to prevent a bad landing. She gave Vali a look of acknowledgement while switching pokeballs, "Elrond is definitely going to be a tough pokemon to beat despite being a psychic. You've done great work with him though having the those two new pokemon of yours have definitely helped to build up his resistance to dark-types haven't they?"
"As much as they could, it doesn't replace variety and experience though," Vali replied as Elrond settled in front of her as Zaria primed the pokeball, "You've trained Murkrow well. Had he been in his evolved form, we would've likely fallen, but then again, it couldn't be guaranteed especially as he'd likely only been newly evolved meaning not quite in control of his power giving us the upper hand,"
"True enough," Zaria shrugged lightly, "Whatever would've happened, we won't know until our next battle and Murkrow has evolved. For now, we must focus on the here and now," She released her next pokemon, "Cut loose and shred them, Nuzz!"
Nuzz the Nuzleaf appeared on the field and gave Elrond a quick nod as Vali mentally groaned at Zaria's choice. Of course, Zaria would choose Nuzz who Elrond would have to work double time on damaging. Then again, Zaria would have a hard time hurting Elrond unless she managed to find some of the prized dark-type TMs that could get pretty costly especially when one was trying to get permanent versions which was the one the other girl likely looked into getting. She took a deep breath as the Referee announced for them to start and Elrond added onto Electric Terrain which would hopefully ensure their attacks would do more damage against the Nuzleaf. Elrond started off the offensive attacks by using Electro-Ball. Nuz dodged the attack and retaliated with Razor Leaf releasing it in a cloud-like formation that was actually quite common among higher levels of competition. Elrond dispelled it using Psychic, but had to back-peddle quickly to avoid Nuz who's fist was alight with dark-type energy. Rather than peruse the attack, Nuz released another cloud of Razor Leaf that Elrond quickly dispelled.
This pattern continued for a short while, Vali frowned slightly and spoke to Elrond through their connection, "They fight like we do. Not exactly, but..."
"Similar enough that it is somewhat disconcerting," Elrond sounded slightly annoyed, "I understand why our opponents get so annoyed with us now,"
"Agreed," Vali eyed the battlefield and came up with a plan, "Elrond, let's give them a taste of their own medicine. Use the discarded leaves as a smokescreen to hide, you remember what happened back during those first couple days in Pallet after Viridian, right?"
Elrond's left ear twitched a bit and a mental chuckle sounded, "While I do not appreciate the thought of getting wet, I suppose I shouldn't complain too much especially if it means overcoming our disadvantages."
With that, Elrond began to set things up by gathering the discarded leaves created by Nuz's Razor Leaf attack. Nuz stared at the leaves swirling around him as the announcer shouted, "What's this? Elrond and Valkyrie turning Zaria's attack back on their opponent?"
Elrond sent the leaves rushing towards Nuz and created a large amount of clones to shield himself with while working on the next phase of their plan. Nuz cleared away the Razor Leaf cloud with what looked to be Air Cutter revealing the Double Team clones. Nuz began using a mixture of Bullet Seed and Air Cutter to get rid of the clones. Elrond was revealed to be floating above the battlefield with an Electro Ball held at the tip of his Iron Tail coated tail. He had his eyes closed and his cheek pouches were glowing brightly as electricity built up within the air. Vali looked away from him towards Zaria when the other girl asked, "What on earth is he doing?"
Vali let out a light laugh, "Something we just came up with on the fly," Zaria stared at her with a wide eyed look, "Might as well give it a shot and even if it ends up failing, we'll just figure out how to use it in a diffrent way," She felt the electricity in the air reach that same level it had back during that sudden storm, "Elrond, go for it!"
"Got it!" Elrond shouted as he released the Electro Ball and a good bit of the electricity he'd built up into the sky.
The ball of electricity shot upwards and disappeared into the sky as Elrond floated towards the ground panting a bit heavily looking slightly exhausted. Nuz eyed the sky in distrust for a few moments, but when nothing happened, he resumed the battle. Elrond dodged the initial strike, but was grazed by the follow up Sucker Punch causing pain to flow through their connection. She winced slightly, but focused on sending strength to Elrond while glancing towards the sky. A small smile formed on her lips at the sight of clouds forming unnoticed due to the fact the sun had yet to be covered. Sending a mental image towards Elrond, she spoke in an encouraging tone, "Keep it up, Elrond. The plan is coming together."
"Good," Elrond grimaced as Nuz scored yet another blow, "I hope it starts soon. This one is becoming difficult,"
It would seem that the dark-type energy was beginning to wear on Elrond. Elrond landed a Thunder Punch and Nuz retaliated with a Sucker Punch only to pause when rain began to spatter. Zaria muttered softly, "Rain?"
"Huh?" The announcer spoke up, "It seems that we're being struck by a sudden rain storm folks,"
"Elrond, you know what to do," Vali grinned as the rain began the dripping rain slowly harshened into a down pour, "Let's shock them into unconsciousness!"
"This was your plan!" Zaria realized with a shout earning a bright laugh as Elrond began using the water to boost his electrical attacks, "You called this storm, didn't you?"
Vali merely smiled at her friend as Nuz did his best to deal with Elrond's attacks. Nuz's inbuilt resistance was good, but getting soaked to the bone with water gave Elrond's electricity an easier path into his nervous system. Despite getting a rather harsh dose of electricity, Nuz dealt quite a bit of damage to Elrond. Enough so that when the sudden storm finally eased, the two were barely standing with Elrond unable to continue floating and their connection just barely holding on. She gripped his pokeball tightly feeling pain coiling through her mind and knew she'd need to meditate deeply in order to deal with it. Elrond and Nuz stared at one another before their eyes slowly closed as one with their bodies collapsing onto the ground. The referee raised his flag and called out, "Dual knock out! Both trainers please return your pokemon and release your next pick!"
The crowd screamed and cried as they returned their pokemon. Vali whispered praises and thanks to Elrond before placing his pokeball in its spot. She took out Pele's pokeball after glancing at the field and released her, "Come out and battle with me, My Friend!"