Capture targets and pokemon talk as celebration is at hand

Vali looked sat with Elrond perched on her lap and Thorin curled up beside her as dawn began to fill the sky. She could hear the various Ranger and Ace teams making their check-ins as she used her binoculars to keep an eye on the almost unseen base. Elrond spoke as the operation was called to begin, "Now we wait."

"Mhmm," Vali rubbed his side as she saw the first glint of movement from their forces, "Just relax, Eli. Our pack have things well at hands,"

"I know," Elrond sighed deeply as his tail became more relaxed, "They're all moving so slowly though. It's so..."

"Boring, anxiety inducing, etc.?" Vali asked earning a nod, "I know, but they did it last time. Just focus on me and my breathing, you need to meditate. You need to keep calm,"

Elrond nodded with a low sigh, "Calm."

Elrond wasn't the only one agitated. Thorin was constantly moving around and swishing his tail in annoyance. The pokemon she currently had out were doing the same thing even as they created their 'kill-zone'. They all wanted this to be over and done with. It was all she could do to keep calm. It was only the gentle warmth of Fawkes' feather on her chest that kept her from becoming agitated. With a soft breath, she let her sense of calm wash out over her pokemon which seemed to work until an explosion sounded from the base.

Someone shouted that they'd been discovered and enemy fire. The first explosion immediately triggered the main assault of the base and Blaine's attack with Surge once more acting as the barrier to keep them from leaving. From where Vali and her pokemon sat away from the fight, they were able to listen in though it was difficult to see any of the true battle unlike last time. She inwardly grumbled a little though kept her attention on her surrounds now that it had begun since people would no doubt be coming her way.

Idril's ears twitched as the earth vibrated beneath her feet. She sent out energy to open up the prepared pit traps as the human sized vibration raced across the earth. She could feel the slightest sensation of anxiety from the pokemon that had been running with the human, but it didn't really react to the disappearance. She could feel the vibrations of a small battle before the pokemon disappeared in a flash of motion. She heard through the vibration's Vali calling out for Smaug to drop the Donphan in with the other captured pokemon. They'd have to ensure it was well and truly knocked out just to be on the safe side. Turning her head as Terra's familiar vibrations approached, she spoke, "That makes ten since the fighting began?"

"Twelve humans and twenty-three pokemon," Terra corrected as the Larvitar settled beside her with a low sigh, "Pele will be joining us soon. I don't like this,"

"Nor do I," Idril shook her head while burrowing her claws into the ground as Terra grabbed a rock from the ground to eat, "It feels too easy,"

"We've grown much since the first time we did this," Terra reminded her, "I'm feeling tired though. And stiff,"

"Stiff?" Idril eyed Terra carefully and noted the subtle change in color to the thick armor plating coating the Lavitar's body, "Huh, you might be evolving soon,"

"Really?" Terra blinked at her in surprise before shrugging, "It has been almost two years since my birth and I've been fighting hard since then. I wouldn't mind it, but I'd prefer to wait a bit longer. I like being able to move and I'm sure Vali will need me to fight in her battle against Blaine,"

"Still two years and you're ready to evolve," Idril replied with a slight smile, "It's wonderful, Terra. Most Larvitar take four to six years from Vali's research,"

Terra shrugged while chomping down on a rock. Idril just shook her head and leaned back against the wall of their little cubby hole they'd created to act as the command center. Terra eventually stood up and walked back towards her tunnel, "And it could take up to ten years for me to evolve. Not that eager, Idril. You got off lucky with your evolution same with Smaug, Balto, and Elrond. So hold the congratulations for when I actually evolve, alright?"

"Okay," Idril nodded as her ears pinned back a bit.

It was sad that Terra couldn't enjoy her evolution, but understandable as well. Idril had to hope that Terra would learn to love it eventually.

Vali was startled by the radio crackling to life with an all clear signal six hours after the fighting had begun. Vali had to remember to that she was supposed to say something when Virgo Squad started sounding off. She spoke as the last member finished, "Valkyrie Potter-Black, Clear."

Vali was joined by Virgo Squad thirty minutes after the all clear. Serval looked her over as he jumped down from her Pidgeot, "Vali, everything go okay here?"

"My pokemon and I are fine," Vali answered as she stood up from where she'd been leaning against Balto, "We have 32 humans and 83 pokemon in total. Elrond has the pokemon in their pokeballs," She held out the bag of pokeballs to Serval, "It was definitely interesting to see what came our way,"

"Wow so many taken down by you guys," Dominic whistled earning a chuckle.

Vali shrugged lightly though she did preen a little on the inside at the compliment. Looking around curiously, Serval asked, "And the humans?"

"Underground with limited amount of space to move," Vali answered as while bending down to pat Idril on the head, "We used our improved captured strategy," It meant those humans wouldn't be able to move and only be able to breath enough air to stay alive, "It works well,"

"Ah," Serval nodded with a gleam of appreciation in his eyes, "Well, Let's get them into custody then,"

Vali found herself hoisted up by Surge who grinned savegley as he spun her around, "You did awesome, Brat! A perfect run with that capture strategy!"

"All thanks to that training we've been doing," Vali replied with a laugh feeling the adrenalin from the mission start to fade, "Now I just need to perfect it for my other pokemon and their types, it'll be difficult, but worth it in the end,"

"Mhmm," Surge dropped her down carefully and she yawned softly causing him to laugh, "Go get cleaned up, you'll probably pass out soon,"

Vali nodded as she turned and began heading through the Ranger base towards her room. Since no one had been injured and only exhausted their energy, they wouldn't need any healing. She got to her room and quickly jumped into the shower after releasing her pokemon. Elrond joined her with Thorin doing so only after the water warmed up. She helped both of them get cleaned up before getting out of the bath. She cleaned everyone off of the grime and blood from their battles making note of their various conditions with her pokedex. She could barely keep her eyes open and eating the food brought to the room by Blaine was done very sleepily. When she finally fell asleep, it was collapsed against Balto.