Leaving the room after Professor Oak finished with the computer and she'd picked up her backpack, they headed to a nearby room where they'd be checking out her Houndour egg. Vali set down Vulpix and put her bag next to him on the floor. Unzipping it as Professor Oak got everything ready, she unlaced the ropes she'd been using to keep the incubator stable during travel and pulled it out. The Houndour egg's shell was a glossy black with a few wisps of fiery crimson and splotches of bright pearly white. Setting the incubator down, she carefully opened it and took the egg out. Cradling it gently against her chest, she hummed softly at the gentle pulse of energy and gentle warmth radiating off of it.
Professor Oak took the egg from her when she walked over to him and set it into the machine set up in the middle of the room. He began fiddling with the monitor and scanners before moving back to the computer once he was satisfied. Vali picked up Vulpix who was looking at the machine in confusion, "He's checking on our newest pack-mate, Vulpix," Vulpix tilted his head and gave her a confused look, "That machine lets him get a look inside the egg, it lets those use the machine check on the pokemon inside. It tells us if the little one inside is healthy and if not, we're able to figure out what we need to do in order to change that," Vulpix looked back towards the machine in interest, "You've been in that machine before when you were an egg too," Vulpix's ears twitched and he barked giving her a surprised look, "Mhmm, you were."
Professor Oak let out a soft chuckle, "It's true, Vulpix. Now, Vali," Vali and Vulpix focused on the Professor, "Houndour is doing very well and should hatch in about two weeks though that's just a general time-frame," Vali's eyes widened as she realized just how soon her family would be growing again, "Just keep a close eye on the egg, we'll know more once it begins to move," She nodded feeling a bit anxious, "Now would you like to find out Houndour's gender?"
"Yes, Professor," Vali and Vulpix both gave the Professor matching looks of eagerness earning a bright smile.
Professor Oak turned back to the computer screen and looked it over, "It looks like you'll be having a female Houndour."
Vali squealed and hugged Vulpix a bit tighter, "Vulpix, it looks like we're going to have a little sister."
After getting her egg checked out, Vali had given her pokemon to Professor Oak for a much needed check up before going to find Delia. She was directed to one of the lounges set up in the lab for visiting trainers waiting for their pokemon to get checked out or they'd had a meeting with Professor Oak. Alakazam was the one to direct her after welcoming the fire-type master in training home. Entering the room, she found Delia sitting on one of the couches with Will sitting on another. The psychic was sitting with his Natu and new Abra seemingly having a three-way staring contest. It was something she'd seen at the Saffron City gym quite often during her time there. In order to forge a deeper connection with their pokemon, a psychic would connect their minds to each of the pokemon and share memories.
Delia perked up when Vali opened the door and beamed at her, "Vali, welcome home!"
Some of the tension in Vali's body eased at those words, she smiled warmly back at Delia setting down her bag by the couch closest to the door, "It's good to be home."
Delia stood up and quickly pulled Vali into a tight hug. She hugged Delia back as the woman said, "We're going to have a big dinner tomorrow, Vali. To celebrate that you're all back home safe and sound, I'm so glad you're back."
Vali began telling Delia about everything that had happened in Viridian from seeing Zaria again to Steven leaving for Mount Moon. Delia listened with a patient smile and offered a few questions though mainly allowed her to talk. One of Professor Oak's aid's dropped off the pokemon she'd been having checked over and Vulpix immediately released himself followed by Eevee and Elrond who both focused on the unfamiliar beings in the room. Will released a harsh breath and shook his head lightly. Abra shifted a bit reaching up a clawed paw to its head while Natu fluttered around on the table a bit. All three focused on Elrond who stared at them silently. Will grinned brightly, "Oh, an Alolan Raichu! You must Valkyrie Potter-Black. Lady Sabrina told me about you."
Elrond's eyes widened and he turned to her. Vali nodded as she gestured for Elrond to settle beside her on the couch with Eevee climbing onto the backrest of the couch, "I am. That was very rude of you back in the Starter room, I would think Sabrina had taught you to be more polite."
Will flushed at that and ducked his head, "You're right. She did teach me better than that and I'm very sorry. I was just eager," He gave her a sheepish smile looking up through his bangs, "Lady Sabrina spoke of you quite often during the recent month making quite curious. The unique feel of your mental shields and their strength just begged for me to investigate. It's rare that I meet people outside of psychics like this," Natu bounced a bit fluttering to get onto Will's shoulder, "It doesn't excuse my actions."
Elrond let out a soft growl looking furious and Will winced which meant the Raichu was probably reading him the riot act. Vali wrapped an arm around Elrond, "Ease up, Elrond. He was simply curious."
Elrond turn his head to give Vali a look, "And let him get away with it?"
Vali shook her head, "Sabrina will likely punish him."
"You're correct, Vali," Sabrina spoke from the corner of the room as Will sank into his chair with a light blush coating his cheeks, "Will, we will speak later,"
Vali jolted alongside Eevee and Vulpix while Elrond directed a pleased look towards the Gym Leader. Clearly someone had sensed the psychic's arrival, she gave Elrond a look who shrugged slightly. Will pulled her attention to him as he bowed his head, "Yes, Lady Sabrina."
Sabrina nodded to him before turning her attention back towards Vali and smiled slightly, "Vali, it has been awhile. You've been well?"
"For the most part, I had a rather interesting trip to Cinnabar," Vali rubbed Eevee's ears as he glared at Sabrina for the much unwanted surprise, "Though it did lead to my relationship with Empress improving. And you, Sabrina?"
"Fairly well," Sabrina's eyes gained a slight pinkish blue glow to them, "Ah, I see. You did indeed have an interesting trip to Cinnabar," The gym leader shook her head slightly with a grimace, "Such a large amount of Gyarados, I wasn't aware that your magic could do something like that,"
"Not without a cost," Vali had been so tired during the days after the Gyarados attack even when conscious and hadn't quite returned to normal for around two weeks after reaching Cinnabar.
Delia let out a soft gasp and Vali offered the woman a sheepish smile. She hadn't exactly said anything about how tired she'd been to anyone and begged Steven not to say anything either since it would only increase the worry her family felt. Only after she promised to tell her family at a later point in time did Steven agree to not say anything, she just hadn't figured out when she'd say anything. Inwardly wincing at the fact she'd have some serious explaining to do once they got home, the fire-type master-in-training looked back at Sabrina. Sabrina's eyes flicked towards Delia likely realizing that fact. The gym leader changed the subject by asking, "Have you gotten your eighth gym badge?"
"Yes," Vali grinned as Elrond perked up with a bright smile, "It was difficult, but we managed. It was a difficult battle, but we managed it thanks to everyone doing their best. Elrond was key to winning the battles," Elrond flushed a bit and ducked his head, "We're going to be working hard once everyone's healed up and we've had a little time to relax,"
"I'll have to look up the video of your battle. And Steven?" Sabrina asked with a slight frown, "I do not sense him in the surrounding area,"
"He won his battle as well and headed for Mount Moon since he's helping to get fossils," Vali had spoken with Steven and found out that he'd arrived in Pewter just that morning thanks to Claydol, "Since the Conference is coming up, we both decided it would be best to train apart,"
"I see," Sabrina stared at her for a few moments, "You are welcome in the Saffron City Gym at anytime, Vali. Will, we must go,"
"Yes, Lady Sabrina," Will stood up returning his pokemon.
Ali, Sabrina's Alakazam partner and first pokemon, appeared beside the gym leader as Will walked over to his teacher. Ali inclined her head to Vali before setting a paw on both psychic humans' shoulders. Sabrina's eyes met Vali's moments before Ali whisked the two humans away to Saffron City. She jolted slightly as Sabrina's voice sounded within her mind, "Be watchful, Vali. That Gyarados pods unnatural size and attack wasn't a coincidence, your power draws attention of those that can sense it."
Vali's mind went to that fuzzy dream she'd had after passing out from using so much magic. A grimace formed as she realized that Sabrina was right. It would seem she'd need to train her magic just as much as her pokemon if only to be able to face what comes next.