Saffron City Gym battle Pt. 2

Smaug let out a roar and spat an ember onto the ground as Sabrina released one of her famed Kadabra. If it had been for her last badge, Vali and her pokemon would facing a fully evolved Alakazam at the moment. Thankfully, it was only her sixth badge meaning that they'd probably only have to deal with a newly evolved Alakazam should Sabrina decide to use one. Smaug eyed the Kadabra he'd be facing with narrowed eyes. Despite being a prideful bastard, he knew to be wary of psychic-types especially after Professor Oak's Alakazam had smacked his ass around the ranch twice when she'd been irritated by him and Professor Oak's Charizard.

Smaug started the battle off with a Flamethrower attack that Kadabra dodged by teleporting away. Kadabra reappeared moments later behind Smaug to send a Shadow Ball towards him, "Smaug, behind you!"

Smaug lashed out with an Iron Tail behind himself and managed to hit the Shadow Ball making it explode. Vali frowned softly as Kadabra disappeared again and glanced towards Sabrina who was observing Smaug with a slight smile on her face. Fighting a pokemon that could teleport wasn't easy, she needed to change things up, "Smaug," He let out a low growl showing that he'd heard her, "This match up isn't going to work. Do you mind me switching you with Balto?" Smaug nodded and she returned him before sending out Balto, "Balto," Balto barked while looking around curiously, "Our opponent is a Kadabra and able to teleport. I switched you out with Smaug because you'll be able to sniff it out," Balto barked in acknowledgement and narrowed his eyes, "It can use Shadow Ball, so try to either dodge it or block it with an attack. Any other attacks should be blocked with Protect or dodged. Heat Wave if you can get close to it and Flamethrower if it's too far. Other than that, do your best."

Balto barked in acknowledgement and got ready. Kadabra appeared to the side and sent a Shadow Ball towards Balto. Balto dodged and sent a Flamethrower towards Kadabra. The psychic-type disappeared as the attack raced towards it and Balto darted towards where Kadabra had been. He began scenting the air taking in Kadabra's scent which would make it easier for him to find the psychic fox-like pokemon even with it teleporting around. The next time Kadabra appeared it barely had time to form a Shadow Ball before Balto appeared beside it with Extreme Speed and used Heat Wave. Kadabra let out a cry of pain and quickly teleported away. When it reappeared by Sabrina, she could that quite a bit of fur had been seared off on it's right arm and chest leaving some rather painful looking burns. Sabrina narrowed her eyes, "I see, so it looks like we will have to do things a bit differently."

Kadabra let out a sharp sounding growl and disappeared. Vali called out, "Balto, move around. Be wary of anything that happens from now on."

Balto barked in acknowledgement and began darting around the field. Kadabra appeared in the middle of the field and aimed a Psybeam at Balto. Balto sped up and aimed a Flamethrower at Kadabra who dodged it quickly by teleporting away. Vali understood that Kadabra was attempting to snipe Balto or tire him out when this continued for awhile. But given the fact Arcanine were stamina monsters it was likely attempting to lure Balto into a trap, she frowned while running through the moves that Kadabra could learn. Which was quite a lot, she frowned a bit. She called out, "Balto, Double Team as many times as you possibly can!"

Balto quickly began creating copies of himself before using Sunny Day. Kadabra began using Psybeam to destroy any copy of Balto that got close before teleporting away. Unfortunately for Kadabra, Balto kept adding new clones into the mix which only confused the psychic-type. Balto appeared beneath Kadabra when the psychic-type teleported again and caught Kadabra with Flare Blitz which knocked the psychic-type down. Kadabra managed to teleport itself away while Balto flinched and suffered from the recoil of using such a powerful move. When Kadabra reappeared, it dropped to the ground breathing heavily. Balto recovered from his recoil after a few moments and darted towards Kadabra using Extreme Speed. Kadabra caught Balto using Psychic and held him in the air for a few moments before passing out from the pain dropping her pokemon onto the ground roughly.

Balto pushed himself up with a soft growl as Sabrina returned her Kadabra. Sabrina looked at Vali with a slight smirk, "Not a bad showing, I wonder how you'll do against my last pokemon."

The next pokemon Sabrina sent out was a Mr. Mime which wasn't a pokemon she'd actually battled before. Vali narrowed her eyes, "Balto, mind staying out?"

Balto barked and shook his head. While she normally would've recalled him and sent out Smaug, she was aware that Sabrina had likely taught Mr. Mime teleport which would put Smaug into the same position as before. Thankfully, Mr. Mime could only use the move a limited number of times compared to the Abra and Ralts-line more so the former than the latter. She just needed to force it into using teleport until it couldn't and then send out Smaug if Mr. Mime managed to knock out Balto. Mr. Mime sent a Psybeam towards Balto who dodged the colorful beam and sent back a Flamethrower in retaliation. Mr. Mime used either Barrier or Light Screen causing the damage done by Balto's to be halved. She glanced at Sabrina than back at Mr. Mime realizing that she'd probably have to force the jester-like pokemon to teleport if she wanted to use Smaug on the off-chance Balto was taken out.

Balto used Double Team while using Extreme Speed and Flamethrower. Mr. Mime kept using Barrier or Light Screen to halve the damage while attacking with Psybeam. While Balto was able to cause damage, it would take awhile for them to take down Mr. Mime which made Vali a little irritated. Why couldn't Sabrina have sent out a Jinx or Alakazam? Okay, she knew why Sabrina hadn't sent out a Jinx given that there were two fire-types that could take it out somewhat easily. She couldn't wait until her Houndour egg to hatch if only so she could deal with pokemon like Mr. Mime that were able to spam certain moves without much trouble. Inwardly growling, she looked at Sabrina with a deadpan expression. Sabrina had the gall to just smile warmly at her and she bit back the growl that wanted to leave her throat. This was probably payback for the first match, she could understand that even if it still left her quite frustrated.

Balto shared her irritation when he let out a loud howl losing his cool after Mr. Mime managed more than a few lucky hits. She felt a bit sorry for the Mr. Mime when Balto decided to end things quickly and use one of the moves that one of her other pokemon, Arwen most likely, taught him since she definitely didn't remember teaching him Toxic. He released a blast of foul looking sludge that looked more like a dark magenta than the deep amethyst it was supposed to be. She would need to give him the TM later on just to give him a better understanding of the move. Due to the poison-type nature of the move, Toxic passed through Mr. Mime's barriers and splattered all over the psychic jester. Mr. Mime let out a harsh cry of disgust and quickly began trying to get the sludge off of itself before the poison could seep in. As Mr. Mime was more distracted by the Toxic to maintain his defensive walls, Balto raced forward in his second Flare Blitz of the day and slammed into the poison covered pokemon.

Balto managed to fight the recoil long enough to knock Mr. Mime out with an Iron Tail. Vali congratulated Balto as he trotted over to her slowly while Sabrina returned Mr. Mime, "Good job, Balto," Balto let out a tired bark as he reached her, "Did you learn Toxic from Arwen?" Balto nodded with a slightly guilty expression, "I'm fine with that so long as you taught her something in return though I will be giving you the TM just to cover all our bases, Alright?"

Balto nuzzled her lightly and Vali returned him. Vulpix rushed towards her while Eevee followed at a sedated pace with Steven. She bent down and picked Vulpix up, "Did you enjoy watching the battles?" Vulpix yipped and wagged his tail, "I'm glad to hear it. Once we get you cleared with Nurse Joy, we'll see about you battling."

Vulpix licked her cheek excitedly as Steven said, "Well done, Vali."