Battle between Traveling Partners Pt. 2

Elrond got straight to work setting up Electrical Terrain and working on electrocuting Blastoise while confusing him. Psychic was employed to keep any water-type attacks from getting close as well as keeping Blastoise still long enough to hit the turtle. Blastoise did manage to hit Elrond with an Icy Wind before he went down which sucked quite a bit. Steven returned Blastoise and sent out Claydol making Vali inwardly curse though she'd expected it of him. Steven spoke with a slightly cheerful tone, "Didn't think I'd make this easy, did you?"

"I'd be angry if you did," Vali told him as Elrond began zipping around the field while Claydol raised mounds of dirt to follow him, "But it is admittedly aggravating,"

Elrond got close enough to use Iron Tail only for it to hit what looked like Light Screen and Claydol hit him with a close ranged Psyshock. Elrond went through two mounts of dirt before he managed to stop himself. He shook himself and resumed flying around the field as he spoke, "That didn't work and it's likely that Claydol will counter me like that again."

"We'll have to abuse the storm cloud trick," Vali told him earning a sigh from Elrond, "We don't have many options for Claydol. Work on layering the field with seeds, we'll need them,"

"True enough, I hate getting wet for this stuff," Elrond complained though he went to work.

Vali felt semi-amused especially since Elrond absolutely loved getting a bath and taking a long soak especially if his tail was submerged. She made a note to see if they could get a spa day after this since he definitely deserved it with all the hard work he'd put in during the Conference. Claydol shot Shadow Balls and Psybeams towards Elrond while creating more mounds of earth. Elrond managed to shoot an Electro Ball into the sky before having to duck and weaving as Claydol's attacks got closer to hitting him. Each one that clipped him sent a jolt of pain down their bond, the Shadow Ball that managed to hit even numbed their connection to the point they couldn't speak and she barely felt him sending a thrill of alarm through her. She clench her hand into a fist, but forced herself to think in a calculative manner as she considered the options of how they'd do this. With the water, they'd be able to use the stronger electric-type attacks to effect Claydol for a short while, but it wouldn't be enough. The grass knot wouldn't be enough either even if they'd manage something. She wished that they'd managed to get the Volt Switch TM at some point if only so Elrond would be able to switch out with someone better suited for the match, but even then no one on her team was really suited for it. Inwardly gritting her teeth, she shouted out, "Elrond, Agility."

Vali vowed to see what it'd take to get Surge to cough it up since he was bound to have it. No way in hell was she letting Elrond get hurt like this anymore if she could avoid it and Pippin could learn it too if she remember correctly. Elrond sped up as he worked on avoiding Claydol's attacks and increasing obstacle course though he had to take some of it out with Iron Tail soon enough. As soon as he did, Claydol struck grabbing Elrond with Psychic and shooting him with a volley of Shadow Balls before letting go as a Psybeam followed slamming Elrond into the ground. Elrond laid there for a few seconds before raising up slowly as rain began to fall slowly at first before beginning to pour down. With it came a powerful Thunder that struck Claydol, it was stronger than Vali was expecting and actually made the psychic shields around the field vibrate.

Before the smoke could even clear, it was pierced by a second Thunder attack that struck Claydol who'd apparently moved to a new position earning a groaning sound from the clay doll pokemon. While not as powerful as the first, it still carried a powerful charge boosted by the water falling from the sky. Claydol cleared away the clouds with Sunny day not seeming to want to risk another Thunder attack before resuming its onslaught. Elrond worked on dodging as best he could, but Claydol wove a net of earth that managed to trap him though not with getting hit with Iron Tail a few times. In the end, Claydol managed to knock out Elrond before Vali could return him though not without paying the price.

Vali considered her options as she returned Elrond and whispered to his ball softly before returning it to her waist. She picked her next pokemon carefully especially since Claydoll was still in a decent position, but not the best. She released her next pick and Celina appeared with a shriek earning a surprised look from Steven. She ignored him for the moment as she said, "He took out Elrond. We're down two and Steven's down one. For Elrond, Celina."

Celina trilled with determination filled eyes and took off into the sky. She easily avoided Claydol's attacks and shot Twisters towards it while adding feathers into the attack with Feather Dance like she did with a lot of her wind-like attacks now-a-days. Celina used Mirror Move when Claydol used Shadow Ball on her and the clay doll pokemon was too surprised to dodge. Steven spoke up as the battle continued, "I thought Celina was more preoccupied with learning Agility during your training period."

"She was. Mirror Move is something she learned rather recently," Vali replied with a soft chuckle, "It only took her from the beginning of the Conference to a few days ago. I'd say it was just in time,"

"Indeed," Steven shook his head lightly.

Celina showed off that just because her move pool was on the smaller side didn't mean she wasn't strong. There was a reason Vali considered her among the strongest of her pokemon, Celina mastered every move she had to perfection before adding another one which only made her more powerful. Celina ensured that Claydol would know that just because it took out Elrond didn't it'd get a free pass. However it soon became clear that Claydol was mostly testing Celina, the clay doll pokemon disappeared with Teleport only to appear above the flying-type and used Rock Slide.

Celina shrieked loudly as the rocks began falling down on top of her and she was forced to dive to avoid them. Claydol teleported under her and sent a Psybeam towards her. Celina was too close to avoid it and ended up hit head on which sent her careening away. Claydol must've used Rock Slide again since Celina ended up hitting quite a few of them as she went careening through the air, she barely managed to right herself before hitting the ground. Celina let out a shriek and sent off a high powered Twister followed by a Gust that looked closer to a Hurricane than anything else. She slipped into Agility while taking off again and suddenly Claydol was being hit by it's own Rock Slide. When Celina reappeared, she used Hyper Beam which sent Claydol slamming into many of its created earth mounds before the beam petered out. Celina breathing heavily as she was forced to land and a glance at Claydol showed that while it was still standing, it was definitely worse for wear. Claydol seemed to shake off the pain after a few moments and resumed attacking. With a glare towards it, Celina did her best to dodge while dealing with Hyper Beams recoil.

It wasn't fun for Celina especially when Claydol decided to use Rock Tomb. Seeing Celina getting crushed by those rocks which had to be boosted by Psychic in some way, it was painful to watch. Celina struggled against it using Steel Wing in an attempt to break free, but Claydol kept up the pressure. Vali realized that at Celina's current level she wouldn't be able to do anything meaning that this wouldn't go anywhere. Grabbing Celina's pokeball, she called out, "I'm forfeiting Celina."

"Very well," The Referee acknowledged before announcing the field change which would take place.