Battle between Traveling Partners Pt. 3

Vali looked at the now grassy field and wondered at the fact she wouldn't need to deal with ice anymore the Conference. They probably wanted to keep the field it perfect condition and didn't want a repeat of the last time she'd battled on an ice field which she understood. Steven released Claydoll who looked moderately better than before and she sent out Smaug who roared as he appeared on the field. He immediately took flight and began bathing the battlefield in Smokescreen. During the break, she'd told each of those that were going to be battling what had happened in the previous battles and everyone was determined to do their part. As for her starting with Smaug, the amount of anger he was feeling right now was the only reason she'd started with him and the fact that Claydol needed to be taken down.

The Smokescreen exploded after Smaug left it leaving Claydol just a bit crispy. Smaug dodged Claydol's Psybeam and Shadow Ball attacks while slicing through the ones he couldn't dodge with Duel Claw. When he got close enough, Smaug used Shadow Claw and Fire Punch before hitting Claydol in the face with a pointblank Flamethrower. Claydol flinched backward as earth shot towards Smaug in an attempt to get him away. Smaug jumped up and used Dragon Pulse earning a moan of pain as it struck Claydol. Claydol Teleported away from Smaug in an attempt to get some distance, but Smaug only used Smokescreen in revenge. What followed was a bunch of loud noises and flares of bright lights as everyone waited with baited breath for some kind of result. When the Smokescreen faded, Smaug was the victor with a few bruises, but Claydol was down.

Steven returned Claydol and I felt some vindication at seeing the clay doll pokemon gone. Steven took a few moments before he sent out Skarmory who shrieked loudly and took to the air. Vali swallowed harshly knowing that only Smaug would be able to take Skarmory out of all her pokemon in the air without facing so much difficulty it wasn't even funny. Smaug roared in challenge at seeing Skarmory and the two began circle one another occasionally lashing out with an attack. Smaug kept his flight patterns closer to the ground since he'd be able to have some advantage if they ended up fighting there while Skarmory kept up high. Seeing that long range attacks were doing nothing, Vali shouted, "Smaug, Boost with Sunny Day before closing the gap. Long range won't do us much good at this rate."

Smaug roared in acknowledgement and began the plan while Vali hoped it was a foolish plan despite her being right. Even if facing Skarmory at a distance truly was a waste of time right now, Steven had ensured his deadly companion would be able to fight in close quarters without even needing to consider her razor sharp feathers. She had faith in her partner though and knew that Smaug would be able to pull through even if it would mean that this match would probably end in a tie between the two. Sweat gathered on her brow as she watched Smaug close in on Skarmory with fire gathering in his mouth, a fist coated in flames already ready.

Skarmory let Smaug get close though quickly counter his first attacks with Steel Wing and sent him falling backwards with Air Cutter before following up with Aerial Ace. Smaug had righted himself as Skarmory approached and managed to dodge the bullet that was their opponent. Sending a Dragon Rage Skarmory's way, Smaug flew upwards as he created a few copies of himself as Skarmory burst past the wide-range Dragon Rage he'd used. Skarmory barely paused for a second at the sight of so many Smaug's before beginning to use Swift and Air Slash. Smaug used Dragon Rage in reply which burst the Swift and a Wing Attack to get rid of the Air Slash follow by a Flamethrower that rode on the lingering traces of air current to boost itself surprising Skarmory with its strength. Skarmory backpedaled as quickly as possible though it ended up suffering some burns, but Smaug didn't let up as he went right through the flames after his opponent. With a roar, Smaug struck Skarmory with a Fire Punch and Shadow Claw before following up with a close range Flamethrower.

Skarmory didn't let that stand even with the pain she was face. With a defiant shrieking Metal Sound, Skarmory used Night Slash and Steel Wing with her individual wings forcing Smaug back away from her even more than the Metal Sound had. She followed up with Air Slash as Smaug worked to get his barrings and Air Cutter. Smaug dodged the best he could and roared in pain when some of the attacks managed to hit. He ended up creating a Smokescreen only for Skarmory to dissipate it in seconds, but he'd gotten enough time to get his barrings. Smaug sent another Dragon Rage attack towards Skarmory and followed after it working to get in close once more. Skarmory shrieked in anger and sent a Dark Pulse toward Smaug. Smaug dodged it and continued his path. When he reached Skarmory, Smaug used Fire Punch and Toxic forcing Skarmory to swallow a good bit of it.

Vali winced at the sight though she had to admit that was a good way to ensure that Steven would either need to switch his pokemon out or they'd take the the Armor Bird out. Skarmory didn't let Smaug off easy for that move and quickly sent him careening towards the ground with a Flash Cannon. Skarmory followed after Smaug via Aerial Ace with murder in her eyes and he barely managed to dodge the attack. Smaug used Flamethrower, but Skarmory dodged around it sending Air Slashes towards him in return. Smaug dodged the attack and created another Smokescreen that Skarmory quickly dispersed only to find Smaug firing a Dragon Pulse in her face. Smaug had to quickly used Dual Claw to block Skarmory's Slash and Steel Wing Combo. With a roar, Smaug followed up with Flamethrower which only served to further anger Skarmory.

Between the two battling pokemon, Vali couldn't tell which one was worse off especially with Smaug's Toxic taking effect within Skarmory so quickly. She did make a mental note that Smaug needed more fire-type attacks and a bigger move-pool than what he had especially since his species did have a good amount of TMs available to them. The two got progressively close to the battlefield before finally landing visibly straining as they glared at one another. Both looked bad, they wouldn't be able to continue for much longer and it seemed that the two knew it. Smaug and Skarmory both rushed towards one another. Smaug's fists alight with fire and Skarmory's wings with Steel Wing. They struck at the same time and flung one another backwards before landing on the ground. Neither got up after a few moments, the referee called it a dual knock-out as the pokemon were returned.

Vali called out Pele as Steven did the same with Mawile earning a slightly curious look from her though she said nothing to him. She only spoke to Pele, "We're down to the last two, Pele. Do your best, my friend."