Watching the boys

Vali looked between Steven, Ash, and Gary struggling not to laugh at the fact all three were completely covered in mud. The twigs, leaves, and grass sticking to their bodies just made it all the more amusing. Elrond's amusement flowed down their bond and she suddenly lost all ability to not laugh at the three. Throwing back her head, she burst out laughing as Elrond snickered beside her. Ash's pouting face and the putout look on Gary's just made it all the more funny. When her laughter faded into snickers, she told Ash and Gary, "Go hose yourselves down, you look like a Muk made of mud decided to hug you," The two trotted off with grumbles heading for one of the nearby water-types to be hosed down, "How in the world did this even happen?"

"I made a miscalculation of just how easy it would be to watch them," Steven admitted with a sheepish smile, "I am sorry for doubting you,"

"Glad to hear it, you should be glad that there isn't any poop mixed into the mud," Vali was treated to the sight of Steven's look of utter disgust, "Come on, I'll show you to where you'll be able to clean off in peace,"

"Not going to make me hose down?" Steven asked as Vali began leading him around the lab.

"I am, but you're going to use an actual hose rather than a water-type," Vali showed him the hoses set up in the stone courtyard like area she'd led him to, "I'll go get a few towels. I'll show you to one of the indoor showers and see about getting a change of clothes for you,"

Steven handed her his pokenav, a rather expensive looking watch, and his pokeballs.

Vali took them inside and found Professor Oak. Professor Oak looked at the items she was holding and quickly figured out what happened, "I assume Steven's washing off whatever the boys managed to drag him through?"

"Yup. Do you mind him using one of the indoor showers?" Vali asked as she set Steven's things down.

"Not at all, I assume you'll be taking him some towels then going to grab some clothes for him?" Professor Oak asked as he typed something into his computer, "If so, I might be able to get some of my son's clothes. Steven has a similar build to Blue if a bit leaner,"

"Thanks, Professor. I'll make sure they're returned as soon as possible," Vali promised earning a light nod.

To keep Ash and Gary occupied after they both got cleaned up, Vali took them both outside where her pokemon were waiting. Ash and Gary both looked at her pokemon with eager grins clearly ready to have some fun. Ash turned his head to look at Vali, "So what are we doing?"

"You two will be practicing your pokemon battling skills," Vali answered as she gestured to her pokemon, "You'll both be allowed to use one of my pokemon for the battle. You don't get to choose who you'll be using since it'll be up to them and I'll stop the match if something happens that I don't like,"

"Really?" Gary burst out looking about ready to jump up and down while Ash was trembling with excitement net to him.

"Yup," Vali turned to her pokemon, "Who wants to battle with Ash?" Pippin bounced over to the boy, "And who wants to battle with Gary?" Arwen darted over and began to prance around the boy, "Let's move to the battlefield and get started,"

Vali gave both boys a rundown of each pokemon's moves after scanning Arwen which showed her that the Ponyta had learned Flame Charge and Agility during the time they'd been apart. Moving to the spot traditionally used by a referee, she waited for all participants to get into position before announcing, "This is a one on one battle between Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town and Gary Oak of Pallet Town. The match will end either when a pokemon is knocked out or I deem it too dangerous to continue. Are all participants ready?" Each gave their agreement, "Then," She raised her hand before bringing it down," Begin!"

Ash charged right out of the gate with, "Pippin! Thunder!"

Vali wanted to face palm at the use of Thunder so soon into the match. Pippin glanced at her as he began to charge the attack. Only an amateur would use Thunder during the first portion of a match especially without boosting it with Charge. Gary ordered Arwen, "Move once he starts to attack. Use Flame Charge to get out of the way and Flame Wheel to attack him when he's done."

A smart strategy that utilized Arwen's natural speed. Vali was somewhat impressed as she watched Arwen dodge the bolt of lighting that crashed down towards her as flames coated her body and boosted her speed. Arwen slammed into Pippin sending the Luxio stumbling back with a loud yowl. Ash seemed to scramble for a moment before shouting, "Pippin, Baby-Doll Eyes and Leer."

Arwen froze as two conflicting impulses went through her after locking eyes with Pippin. Pippin used that momentary lapse of movement to use Charge. Gary muttered something under his breath before shouting, "Arwen, Growl!"

Arwen released a loud neigh that sounded deep from within her chest. Pippin backed up a bit as Gary followed up with an order to use Flame Charge again. Pippin dodged Arwen looking a bit panicked as Ash shouted, "Use Ice Fang, Pippin!"

Pippin dodged around Arwen before jumping at the Ponyta as she rushed back towards him. Vali felt a bit of pride when she realized that Ash hadn't just used Ice Fang to attack. The ice of Ice Fang would keep the flames coating Arwen's body from burning his mouth as he bit down. Pippin would then use Bite to inflict a bit more damage. Granted, it would probably take time and more experience to ensure that Ash wouldn't immediately rush towards the strongest attack. Seeing Pippin wince when he landed after releasing Arwen's shoulder, she called the match, "That's enough."

Gary frowned at her, "But we could go longer."

"Perhaps," Vali gestured for Arwen and Pippin to come over to her side, "But just because you can go longer doesn't mean you should,"

Vali began to check over her pokemon as Ash and Gary followed them. She pointed out the burns on Pippin's paws and around his muzzle. She showed Ash and Gary how to treat the injuries they had. Ash frowned at the burns on Pippin's muzzle, "How did that happen? I had him use Ice Fang."

"Ice Fang covers his mouth and a small portion of the area around it. It doesn't cover the entire muzzle," Vali explained as she carefully rubbed some burn paste over Pippin's muzzle.

"Oh," Ash gave Pippin an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, Pip,"

Pippin mewed at him before wincing as Vali touched one of the more serious burns. Gary frowned slightly, "Will he have to see Gramps?"

"He shouldn't need to, but I'm going to have Professor Oak see to him regardless. Same with Arwen," Vali finished caring for Pippin's burns and moved to care for Arwen's bite wound, "When you two become trainers, you'll learn that it's best to ensure your pokemon are cared for even if they're not hurt very badly. Non-serious injuries can turn serious in a moment," She glanced at Ash, "Where is Pidgey?"

"She's with Professor Oak," Ash answered with a slight wince, "She got into a fight with one of the Spearow. While she won and managed to get back home, Pidgey was pretty injured,"

Vali winced at that, "Well, she's in really good hands at least. While I'm here, I'll help you two figure out a proper training plan if you'd like."

"Please and thank you," Ash grinned bright while Gary frowned.

Looking at Gary, Vali knew he was likely more than a little bit jealous about Ash having a pokemon. She sprayed Arwen's shoulder with a potion as a plan slowly formed in her mind. It would be nothing short of a miracle to get the man to agree, but it would ensure that a fight wouldn't break out because of jealousy.