The 4th Battle of Indigo

Vali walked out to Grass Field with Aragorn padding beside her having decided she wanted at least one of her pokemon beside her at this point in the Conference whether she won or lost. Aragorn looked out at the field in both longing and awe. She bent down to run her fingers across his head murmuring softly, "One day, you'll be battling down there, but that day is a bit further in the future. You've got a lot of work to do before then, Aragorn," Aragorn barked softly and wagged his tails, "Remember, you've got to stay beside me on the trainers platform no matter what, okay?" Aragorn nodded and settled down, "Good."

Vali stood up properly and looked across the way towards where her opponent was supposed to be only to find no one there. She frowned softly and looked around as the announcer called out, "Well this is strange, it would seem while Miss Valkyrie Potter-Black of Pallet Town in Kanto has arrived on time, her opponent has not made themselves known. Folks, I ask that you give us a moment while we sort this out, so please be patient."

Aragorn let out a soft bark of confusion and Vali shook her head, "No, this isn't normal at all. I have no idea what's going on, but I'm sure it'll be fixed up soon."

Someone came up to Vali's trainer box in the red corner and they turned out to be the Referee, "Miss Potter-Black, there was a severe glitch in the system that caused it to show you battling both Mister Stone and Mister Blackthorn. Seeing as that isn't possible as both have already battled on Grass field, we have done a redrawing for the days battling. Your opponent is arriving as we speak. Mister Goodshow apologizes for the wait and thanks you for the patience."

Vali nodded slowly jolting at the thought of having to battling either of her friends now and being grateful at being able to battle someone else, "Tell him I said thank you very much for the redrawing as I do not feel very comfortable battling either of them at this stage in the competition though I look forward to the prospect at a later stage. Battling them either of them at some point in this competition is a goal for me, I'd just rather not lose in prelims."

The Referee nodded and left as Vali turned forward once more. She saw her opponent walk up soon enough and was a little caught off guard by the Treecko being cradled in her arms. The girl had bright pink hair braided in a way that it resembled a sakura blossom and light purple eyes with a blue tint to them. She had sun-kissed skin with a greenish red clover on her forehead. She wore a kimono much like Erika only hers was pink with white designs on it likely newly bought for the tournament. The girl smiled warmly and bowed taking great care of the pokemon in her arms, "Please excuse my lateness, I was not informed of my opponent and time change until just a few moments ago. My name is Ellie Graywind of Violet City in Johto."

"Well Folks, it would seem we're ready to battle if our lovely ladies are," The announcer shouted earning cheers.

Vali nodded with a light smile as she primed a pokeball feeling the heat from within already gather against her palm, "A pleasure to meet you, Ellie. I don't mind you being late at all as it isn't really your fault in the end. I'm Valkyrie Potter-Black of Pallet Town in Kanto."

Ellie's smile froze a bit and she paled a bit, "I-i see."

"Something wrong?" Vali asked earning a shake of Ellie's head.

"N-no, it would seem that this battle might just a be a bit more difficult than anticipated seeing as I plan to be a grass-type pokemon mistress," Ellie explained pulling out a pokeball, "I hope to open a new gym in Johto, but to do that will take time as you likely know living so close to Professor Oak,"

Vali inclined her head feeling excited, "I do and this battle makes me excited as it seems to be pitting future elemental mistress against future elemental mistress," She grinned brightly, "Seeing as I plan to become a fire-type master," She released Balto, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!"

"This will be most interesting then," Ellie released a Sunflora which tended to be a rarely used choice among those going into the Conferences though they were definitely versatile when given TMs.

Unless you count needing to battle in darkness which cut down on that versatility almost completely, it was a pain in the ass to get Sunflora trained up to the point they could battle at night and only Erika had any Sunflora on record with the ability to do it. Vali eyed the pokemon carefully knowing that Ellie had to be confident in its abilities to use it at this point. She spoke as Balto tensed his body, "Balto, let's show our fellow elemental trainer the respect she deserves and give the crowd a true showing of our abilities."

Balto let out a howl of agreement and took off in a blur of speed leaving streaks of fiery embers behind. Ellie let out a loud gasp and shouted, "Sunflora, Petal Blizzard!"

Sunflora stirred up a veritable sea of glowing pink petals. Vali's lips pulled into a grin at the sight as she shouted, "Balto, HEAT WAVE! Full blast!"

Almost immediately the Petal Blizzard was vaporized for the sheer heat coming from Balto's Heat Wave mixed with the Sunny Day he'd used while everyone was distracted by Sunflora's attack, Sunflora cried out in pain from the attack which was flowed up by the Flame wheel Balto followed up with. Sunflora managed to attack back with what looked like Absorb which was clever though Balto was quick to use Fire Fang and Toxic for added effect. Sunflora used Pounded and Absorb attempting to get Balto to let go though he just kept up with the pressure only letting go when the Sun Pokemon finally fainted. With a gentleness that seemed to shock Ellie, Balto carefully set Sunflora down and backed away.

Ellie returned her pokemon asking, "What was that?"

"What the battle is done, Balto will always do his best to ensure his opponents do not suffer. It is a trait he has gained from myself," Vali replied with a light shrug, "As the alpha of our family, our pack, he must always set an example especially when it concerns those that have joined us from their very first moments within this world," She smiled down at Balto while bending down to set a hand on Aragorn's head, "Where my starter acts as our enforcer, Balto is the leader and my main partner and brother,"

"So you started with two pokemon then?" Ellie asked as she pulled out a second pokeball, "Charizard for your starter and an Arcanine for your partner. I'd say it's unfair, but I did the same thing. Granted my own starter pokemon weren't anything close to that rare, I wasn't quite so lucky with either, but I love both of them dearly. They're my dearest friends and siblings," Ellie released a Roserade, "Roserade, is one of them. We've got an Arcanine to deal with. Grassy Terrain, Poison Sting, and anything else you can stick this one with, my dear. It's down to you and our other brother against a fire-type mistress-in-training."

Roserade let out a soft squeal and began to glow green in much the same way as Elrond glowed golden when setting up Electric Terrain. Vali didn't need to call out to Balto to avoid anything Roserade sent out as he was already off before Ellie could finish saying Poison. Ellie simply shook her head and they settled down to watch the battle knowing that they'd get in the way at this point. She looked at Ellie after a few moments as Balto released a Flamethrower after slipping out of Extreme Speed before disappearing into the ground with Dig, "Ellie? Did you battle all of the Eight main gyms?"

"Yes, I was curious to see if I could manage it and I did," Ellie smiled lightly, "You're wondering about if I managed to beat Blaine of Cinnabar, correct?"

Balto erupted out of the ground as Vali nodded, "Yes, so if you did manage to beat all eight, how did you manage it then?"

"I have a team set up to deal with fire-types, but didn't think I'd be fighting against you," Ellie smiled weakly.

Vali glanced towards the battlefield where Roserade had destroyed a copy of Balto only to be confronted with another one, "You're the second one that seems to know me. Am I really making a name for myself?"

"You are. Not many destroy a field like you do during their first tournament," Ellie said in a rather dry tone, "Or come up with so many unique combinations, It's unheard of a first year trainer to have such skills. I'd say it's a Pallet Town thing, but the trainers that I found myself facing from Pallet town in your year haven't really inspired that thought,"

"I spent quite a bit of time at the lab when possible and in the Corral simply observing the pokemon," Vali saw Roserade falling into a hole and grinned a bit knowing Balto was going back to the basics, "I've never really spent much time with the other trainers in my year. After all, they always found me to be the weird girl that was never really worth their time and pokemon were always more interesting to me. It was fine since I enjoyed spending time with pokemon and learning more about the world around me in preparation for my coming journey,"

"So it's a Vali thing then," Ellie smiled slowly, "Well shame on them since they ended up missing out on gaining an interesting perspective on battling since you're techniques are definitely something I've never experienced before,"

A stream of fire and smoke exploded from the hole before Roserade came flying out followed by Balto who looked a bit bruised with a few scratches and cuts. He had a long cut going down his right side that didn't seem to be bleeding thankfully. Roserade was heavily burned and knocked unconscious. The poor pokemon would definitely be needing at least a week in Nurse Joy's care if not a bit longer. Ellie sent out her next pokemon which ended up being a Vileplume and the match began without further ado with the pokemon using a mixture of powders. Mentally cursing as the powders filled the air, Vali shouted at Balto, "Burn it all!"

Balto used Heat Wave causing the air to explode which while it cleared away the powder and did damage to Vileplume also did backlash damage to her Arcanine. It also revealed that Roserade had managed to poison Balto at some point during the final class down in the ground though she wasn't sure when. Which meant there was a time-limit once more, she inwardly groaned at that, but had to admit it was good motivation. Balto shook off the effects of the poison and raced forward to hit Vileplume with Flame Wheel and following up with Fire Fang. Flamethrower was used at point blank range earning a loud squeal before Balto was sent flying by the Moon Blast that was Vileplume used. Ellie spoke as Balto wobbled a bit starting to look drained, "It looks like Balto is beginning to feel the effects of Roserade's poison."

"So it would seem," Vali acknowledged knowing that they'd have to end the battle soon and with something that had suitable fire power, "Balto, use Flare Blitz,"

Balto howled in acknowledgement as Ellie's eyes widened and she opened her mouth likely in an attempt to give some kind of counter attack order. Too bad it would never be heard as Balto disappeared in a blur of speed once more, he reappeared shrouded in flames not an inch away from Vileplume and slammed into the flower pokemon like a fiery comet. Burns immediately formed upon contact as flames seared away skin cells, the flower pokemon flew into the psychic barrier due to the force of Balto's charge as he slid to a stop wincing from the recoil. Vileplume sank to the ground against the barrier which flickered and flowed in visible waves struggling against the pokemon laying against it. Vileplume slowly rose up after a few moment with horrible burns coating much of its front and fell back down before slowly starting to rise again clearly fighting against itself to stay up. Ellie took out its pokeball shaking her head, "Vileplume, it-" Vileplume shrieked loudly shaking its petaled head, "Brother, you don't have to do this for me. We've come far enough this time. Next time, we'll do better, but I won't risk your health for pride."

Vileplume looked at Ellie before shaking its head once more and turning back towards Balto as it struggling to standing once again. Balto barked at it letting out a howl making Vileplume freeze and he continued to bark becoming very animated. Vileplume looked up towards Vali with its eyes going towards Aragorn and back to Ellie where the Treecko was staring at it with wide eyes. It looked back at Balto before gaining a definitely guilty look on its face and slumping against the ground as its eyes finally closed. Ellie returned Vileplume giving Balto a grateful look, "Thank you, Balto."

Balto nodded to Ellie and Vali returned him and whispered her congratulations to his pokeball in a gentle tone promising to give him a few treats after Nurse Joy releases him from her care.