Journals and calls from afar

After making sure her bags were packed and her pokemon ready to go, Vali left the pokemon center to the Cinnabar Island Gym. She walked with Balto and Vulpix beside her with Elrond floating beside her enjoying the warm sunlight seeping into his fur. She reached the hotel that guarded the gym and entered it after returning Balto. She was a little startled to find someone other than Blaine at the front desk. Pushing away her surprise, she walked over to the front desk as the man stationed there said, "Hello and welcome to the Big Riddle Inn. My name is Jackson, how may I help you, Miss?"

"I was hoping to speak with Blaine," Vali answered as she reached the desk, "I'm leaving Cinnabar and hoped to talk to him before then,"

Jackson looked a bit surprised, "Oh? Name?"

"Valkyrie Potter-Black though I usually go by Vali," Vali answered as Vulpix sniffed at the front desk and put his paws against the wood.

"Right, Boss-man told me that you might end up stopping by," Jackson bent down and pulled open one of the drawers, "Boss-man wanted me to give this to you if he hadn't gotten back before you're due to leave,"

"Where did he go?" Vali asked as Elrond pulled Vulpix away from the front desk when the not-so little fox tried to get a better look at the top of the desk.

"League Business. Don't know exactly what's going on since I'm only a junior Gym Trainer," Jackson shrugged with a sheepish smile as he stood up properly carrying a leather bound notebook, "Here you go, I'm not exactly sure why he's giving you a journal, but Boss-man never makes it easy to understand him,"

"Thanks," Vali took the notebook from Jackson when he held it out to her, "Any idea when he'll be back?"

Jackson shook his head, "No idea. Boss-man tends to leave at random times and return at random times when he doesn't have any current challengers."

"Well, thanks for giving me this," Vali said as Elrond picked up Vulpix, "Please tell Blaine that Steven and I are leaving in an hour, we both want to thank him for the excellent battles,"

"Of course," Jackson nodded with a light smile, "Have a nice day, Miss Vali,"

"You too," Vali replied as she took her leave.

Elrond released a limp Vulpix once the door had closed behind them and the little fox immediately jumped up to give Vali puppy-dog eyes. She bent down to scratch between his ears before releasing Balto. Elrond spoke as they began their return to the town, "What did Blaine give you?"

"Not sure," Vali looked over the notebook and found the leather cover blank prompting her to open it.

A letter slid out and began to fall to the ground. Elrond caught it and handed it to Vali while taking the notebook from her. She saw her name written on the front of the letter. Opening it, she read aloud:

Dear Vali,

Despite not yet deciding to take you on as an apprentice I've decided to give you an assignment, I expect you to have at least a portion of this journal filled by the time we next see one another. Write about each of your pokemon, I want you to be a thorough as possible. Examine everything about them from their favorite treats to the moves they learn, I want to know their strengths and weaknesses. As I've heard about your journals from Professor Oak and have even seen a few thanks to him sharing them, you'll likely find it easy to do as I ask. I have no doubt that you'll likely need another journal at some point. Even if you do not become my apprentice, you'll likely find this useful to you.

See you at the Conference,


Vali looked at the journal as she contemplated how exactly such a thing could be useful to her. She took the journal from Elrond as he asked, "Are you going to do it?"

"I am," Vali replied while folding the letter back up and placing it within the journal, "If anything, it'll give me something else to focus on when my research paper gets on my nerves,"

Steven looked at the journal Blaine had given Vali. It was a heavy thing bound in thick black leather. Made to be durable, it was perfect for a traveling trainer being able to withstand most elements for a decent period of time, but not exactly cheap. He had seen one just like it on sale back in Hoenn and he'd bought a few just like it for when he exploring caves. He knew that Vali likely had no idea just what type of journal this was and didn't intend to say anything. He had to wonder why Blaine would give Vali one of these especially when he wasn't sure Vali would become his apprentice, but then again, Blaine had probably decided that she would be. But why not say anything? He looked at Vali as he held the journal out to her deciding to think about it later , "It's a good idea despite the problems it could eventually cause."

"Problems?" Vali looked at him in confusion as she took the journal back.

"Some people would likely try to steal that if only to have a chance to beat you or copy your techniques," Steven explained thinking back to an incident in one of the previous Conferences he'd participated in, "One year during a Conference, an boy a year younger than me had apparently stolen the notebook of an experienced trainer from another Region that had come to participate. No one realized he had done so until they were battling and he pulled out a prized technique of the experienced trainer that hadn't been revealed yet. Hoenn is on very shaky terms with the Orre region because of that kid,"

Steven could remember how furious his father had been at that time. Devon Corp had been in negotiations with the Orre region to have their products sold their only for it to fall through because of that kid's actions. Orre might've been going through a lot of troubles, but they weren't about to let such disrespect slide. Vali's eyes widened and she looked at the journal with a frown, "So it wouldn't be a good idea to use this."

"I didn't say that," Steven shook his head as Mawile walked over and he reached out to scratch one of the spots she couldn't reach on her faux head, "What I'm saying is that you need to make sure not to lose that. It's definitely a really good idea because it'll help you get a better insight into your pokemon. More so than having Elrond translate for you,"

Vali ran her fingers over the smooth surface of the journal with a contemplative look on her face. Steven settled back on his lawn chair and looked out at the deck of the ferry where their pokemon were running around. Eevee was settled beside Vali's own lawn chair. Smaug was curled up in the sunlight sunning himself. Balto was watching over everyone from his place next to Smaug. Pippin and Vulpix were playing around with Elrond keeping an eye on them. Empress was sticking close to Vali not exactly enjoying being on a boat again. Pele was laying beside Aggron taking a nap. Metagross and Claydol were keeping an eye on everything. Cradily was absorbing some sunlight. Blastoise was swinging alongside the ferry for the moment. Each of them were content to enjoy the day, they'd be arriving in Pallet town by midnight tonight.

"I guess I'll use it then," Vali said as she looked up from the journal, "Though how do I start?"

"I'd put your pokemon's basic information on the second page after marking the first as your journal," Steven suggested as Vulpix and Pippin pounced on Balto.

Vali nodded as she took out a pen from her bag and opened the journal, "I'll do just that."

Steven's pokenav went off and he answered it as Balto began to roll around with the two younger pokemon, "Hello."

"Steven," His father, Joseph Stone, peered at him from the pokenav's screen.

"Father," Steven was a little surprised that he was calling, "How are you?"

"I am well," Joseph replied with a slight smile, "And you?"

"I'm doing well," Steven replied as Vali looked up from her writing at him, "Is something wrong?"

"No. I heard from Ryner that you managed to get you second to last badge," Joseph said as Mawile moved to get closer to him, "Just one more and you'll be able to compete in the Indigo Conference," Steven nodded lightly, "And Valkyrie managed it as well?"

"Yes. She did very well and only needed three pokemon to do it," Steven grinned a bit, "It was an amazing battle to watch,"

"I'll have to see if I can't get a video of it," Joseph grinned a bit, "Please give Miss Potter-Black my congratulations for the win,"

"She can hear you, Father," Steven said as Vali flushed a bit at the praise.

Steven turned his pokenav towards her and Joseph said, "Congratulations for the win, Miss Potter-Black."

"Thank you, Mister Stone," Vali told him honestly.

"Call me Joseph," Joseph chuckled lightly, "You've been my son's traveling partner long enough that last names are no needed,"

"Please call me Vali then," Vali replied earning a nod.

"Father, what did you need something?" Steven asked since his father rarely called to just talk outside of the usual Saturday nights.

"I wished to inform you that I'd likely be out of contact for the next few weeks due to an important trip coming up," Joseph answered as Mawile managed to settle on his lap forcing Steven to adjust his hold on the pokenav to hold her without dropping it, "Hello, Mawile," Mawile cooed in greeting with a happy smile, "I wanted you to know now to avoid a panic due to not being able to contact me,"

"Will you call me when you're back in contact then?" Steven asked earning a nod.

"Of course," Joseph agreed likely having been planning to do that anyway, "Steven, I want you to leave a message with one of my secretaries if you win your last gym battle before we talk again. I want to be able to secure some tickets to the Indigo Conference before it's sold out,"

"You're coming to Kanto?" Steven looked at his father in surprise unable to believe that.

Joseph let out a warm chuckle, "Of course, I'm coming to Kanto for the Indigo Conference. Did you really think I'd miss one of my son's Conferences?"

"Well, no. I just didn't think you'd come all the way to Kanto for it," Joseph never ventured far from Hoenn unless it was for business deals.

"I'm not going to miss seeing one of my son's Conferences in person," Joseph looked away from the screen, "Steven, I have to go. I wish you luck, Son,"

"Thanks, Father," Steven replied as Mawile waved, "Talk to you later,"

"Yeah," Joseph ended the call.

Steven looked at his pokenav's screen for a few moments before putting it back into his pocket. Mawile nuzzled into him with a soft coo as Vali asked, "Are you okay, Steven?"

"Just a bit surprised is all," Steven looked at her, "Father doesn't usually leave Hoenn unless it's for a business deal. It's...nice to know he's going to be at the Conference,"

"That a good thing, right?" Vali asked looking at him in concern.

"Yeah. Yes, it'll be really nice," Steven smiled slightly as he hugged Mawile, "Just unexpected,"

Vali grinned at him, "I'm happy for you, Steven."