Doubles Battle Tournament Pt. 2

Vali looked over their opponents pokemon and smiled a bit, "Steven, I think I'll use Pippin this time around."

Steven chuckled softly, "I'll use Blastoise. He's been wanting to have some fun. Just try to keep the electricity away," Vali grinned at him, "Though why not use Elrond?"

"He's still resting from his battle with Blaine," Vali answered as she palmed Pippin's pokeball feeling it heat up in her hand, "Besides Pippin's been working so hard, he deserves a chance to shine,"

Vali looked over their opponent's with a small grin. The pair of female trainers had released a Vaporeon and a Torracat. She had to keep from cooing at the Torracat because it was so cute. Steven glanced at her with an amused chuckle as she shouted towards the girl that owned the Torracat, "Your Torracat is really cute!"

"Your Luxio is too," The girl replied with a cheerful grin, "But that doesn't mean you'll win! Torracat, use Flame Charge!"

"Vaporeon, Water Gun!" The girl's partner shouted.

"Pippin, Thunder Wave and Baby-Doll Eyes!" Vali ordered with a bright grin.

Steven shook his head with an amused chuckle and called out, "Protect to avoid the Thunder Wave then Water Gun at that Torracat."

Pippin waited until Blastoise had his protect up to let it rip hitting both the Torracat and Vaporeon in one go. Vaporeon's Water Gun spluttered to a stop as it's body began to shudder due to the electricity going through it while Torracat stumbled as the Thunder Wave passed it. Blastoise hit it with dual Water Guns causing the fire covering the Torracat's body to go out as it was sent skidding. Pippin used Baby-Doll Eyes on Vaporeon then began to use Charge as Blastoise used Rapid Spin to launch into Torracat and send it flying towards the wall. Torracat got off a Flamethrower that burned towards Pippin who cried out as the edges of the fire hit him. Pippin launched a Spark towards Vaporeon in retaliation who dodged the electric-type attack.

Vali called out, "Pippin, get in close and use Icy Bite!"

Channeling both Ice Fang and Bite was difficult, it was easier than Pippin using multiple electrical attacks at the same time though. Vaporeon lashed out with Water Gun again, but Pippin lept over the attack managing to keep on his feet when he landed. He latched onto Vaporeon's shoulder with his combined attacks earning a high pitch squeal of pain. Torracat dodged around Blastoise's attacks and slammed into Pippin with Double Kick making the Luxio detach with a surprised cry of pain. Pippin pulled himself up as Torracat checked over his battling partner. Blastoise called out to Pippin who shook himself and growled as he looked over their opponents. Blastoise launched a Hydro Pump towards the two sending both Torracat and Vaporeon sprawling though the water-type eeveelution quickly rose to it's feet looking a bit better. Vali was about to ask what the hell Blastoise had been thinking when Pippin launched a Thunder attack towards the two shocking the shit out of the water drenched pokemon.

Steven spoke as Vaporeon struggled to it's feet with Torracat following at a slower pace, "That was a good combination attack, it wore Pip out though."

Vali nodded looking over at Pippin who looked ready to pass out from channeling that much electricity, "We'll need to end this quickly. I think Rapid Spin would take them out and Pippin could use Icy Fang on whoever's still up afterward."

"Sounds like a plan," Steven quickly gave the order with Pippin looking at Vali in confusion and existence before relaxing when she nodded at him.

Blastoise slammed into Vaporeon and Torracat with Rapid Spin which was enough to knock both their opponents out. Vali hugged Pippin as he stumbled over and whispered, "Good job, Pip. You didn't even trip once."

Pippin purred as he licked her cheek clearly pleased with himself. Vali returned him and shook hands with their opponents. The owner of the Torracat commented, "That Luxio of yours is pretty good."

"Same with your Torracat," Vali grinned at her.

The girl grinned back at her, "I hope we can battle again at some point. It was real fun. My name is Aleka Morr of Akala island in Alola,"

"Valkyrie Potter-Black of Pallet Town though I prefer Vali," Vali replied as she released the other's hand.

They separated soon after with Steven asking, "What's with that grin?"

"I'm definitely getting a Litten at some point even if it kills me," Vali answered pumped about the Alolan fire-type starter, "I want one as badly as I do a Cyndaquil and an Amaura,"

There was no better feeling than actually meeting a new fire-type or battling against it, Vali really wanted a Litten now. Steven chuckled as he looked at her in amusement and she ignored him while thinking of ways to get a Litten at some point.

Vali released Balto while Steven released Metagross. Across from them, the two trainers they were battling released an Absol and a Persian. Both trainers had given a good showing, the battle was going to be good. Balto knew without her saying anything that the Absol needed to be kept away from Metagross. He glanced back at her as she ordered, "Sunny Day then blast them. I don't want to use Heat Wave unless we have to."

Steven was likely relaying his own orders telepathically to Metagross. Balto nodded as a warm glow emanated from his body and he raised his head to howl releasing a large burst of sunlight that immediately turned up the heat around them. Balto released a powerful Flamethrower towards both their opponents with Metagross guiding the flames as they'd practiced since signing up for the tournament. Absol and Persian lept out of the way doing their best to avoid the onslaught of flames being directed at them by the pseudo-legendary steel/psychic-type. Absol launched a powerful Dark Pulse towards Metagross hoping to disrupt it's abilities only for Metagross to send a Shadow Ball towards the attack causing a minor explosion. When Balto stopped his Flamethrower, he used Flame Wheel and rushed towards Absol allowing Metagross to focus on Persian who was aiming to use Night Slash on the shiny pokemon.

Metagross allowed Persian to get somewhat close before hitting it with a Meteor Mash to the chest sending the feline flying back. Balto clipped the Persian as he came out of Flame Wheel making the feline pokemon yowl in pain. Balto used Double Team and began to race around the field confusing everyone save for Metagross who'd probably formed a temporary psychic link with Balto. Balto herded both pokemon into the direct path of Metagross who was using Gyro Ball sending both their opponents flying. Absol managed to get off a Shadow Claw causing Metagross to groan in pain. Balto used Flare Blitz as their opponents began attempting to get up from where they'd landed. Balto flinched and shuddered as recoil hit him. Absol's trainer suddenly called out, "Perish Song, Absol!"

Absol began to let out a rhythmic wailing sound that caused Vali's ears ring and her body to tremble. All three pokemon on the field froze and let out sounds of confused pain. Steven cursed as Absol fell silent, "We need to finish this quickly."

"Agreed," Vali called out, "Balto, take out Absol now!"

Balto nodded and rushed towards the disaster pokemon. He used Reversal the moment he reached the dark-type which knocked Absol out. Metagross finished off Persian with Flash Cannon. Not long after the referee called the match saw both Metagross and Balto collapsing as Perish Song took effect, the trainer of the Persian was shouting at the trainer of the Absol unhappy about the use of Perish Song. The trainer of the Absol burst out, "Shut the hell up! Do you seriously not realize who the hell that is? That is Steven Stone, he was in the top three of the Hoenn League last year. At least my thing eventually worked, your Persian barely did anything. Actually train the damn thing rather than let it be useless!"

Vali shared a look with Steven before calling over the Referee, "Anyway we can skip the handshake? Those two seem like they've got issues to work out."

The Referee nodded, "Go on. You two should get your pokemon looked at, the prize ceremony is in an hour."

"Thanks," Vali said earning a weak grin from the Referee.

Steven spoke as they walked away, "That was..."

"Not a bad battle," Vali offered up earning a nod, "We dominated which isn't surprising considering how often we train together,"

"Yeah," Steven coughed lightly, "And that bit after..."

"I'm just going to ignore that," Vali shook her head, "That was a mess and not something I really want to think about much less get involved in,"

"Sounds good," Steven smiled as they headed to the Pokemon Center, "Looks like we'll be back in Pallet Town in time for Delia's birthday,"

"A week of relaxing and just enjoying the fact we're so close to our goal sounds awesome," Vali grinned brightly, "I can't wait to spend some time with everyone. I've missed them a lot,"

The prize ceremony went passed quickly, but Vali was introduced to the not quite so fun part of winning a televised event, Reporters. Thankfully not as many as the Indigo Conference would have, Steven took a majority of the questions though one reporter asked Vali, "Miss Potter-Black, you're from Pallet Town, correct?"

"Yes, I am," Vali nodded with a light smile on her face and her fingers burrowed in Balto's fur thankful.

"You just started your trainer Career this year, didn't you?" The reporter asked earning a nod.

"Yes, Ma'am. I started a day after my birthday," Vali answered as Balto leaned into her touch slightly.

Another reporter called out, "Miss Potter-Black, what's your goal? Are you trying for the championship?!"

"Not in the least, I know someone who's trying for it and, well, better him than me," Vali shrugged lightly, "I'm trying to become a member of the Elite Four and a fire-type master,"

"If that's true, why do you only have a single fire-type?" Someone else called out.

"I don't only have one fire-type," Vali corrected them, "I only used Balto in the match because the other two with me were exhausted after our gym battle with Blaine,"

Steven spoke over the crowd, "We'll both only take one more question. It's been a long day," Steven picked a reporter, "You?"

"Devon Drake of Cinnabar Times, what's the next step for you, Mister Stone?" The reporter stepped through the crowd.

"At the current moment, I'm planning to eat something and spend time with my pokemon," Steven answered with a light grin.

The reporter frowned at him while Vali picked out the next one, "Yes?"

"Thalia Allen of Goldenrod Daily," The reporter stepped up with a warm smile on her face, "Your last battle today showed off a rather close bond between Mister Stone and you. How do you know one another?"

"We've been traveling together since the day after I received my starter pokemon. You see, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do as a pokemon trainer," Vali explained with a sheepish expression, "I definitely wanted to gather together a team of pokemon that would be like family to me and to explore the world. Other than that, I didn't really have a goal in mind. Steven was kind enough to become my traveling partner and helped me figure out what I wanted to do," She smiled lightly, "And we've become really good friends since then,"

With that last question answered, Steven got them out of their and back to the Pokemon Center. He looked at Vali with a light smile, "Not bad, you didn't stutter or mess up at all when speaking to the press."

"It helps that Balto was with me," Vali hugged the Arcanine, "He really helped me settle and focus on acting like you were,"

"So shall we go eat something and start packing up?" Steven asked as Vali returned Balto before they entered the Pokemon Center.

"Sounds like a plan," Vali's stomach growled, "I'm really hungry,"