Serious talks and before the battle begins

Blaine spent much of the time until Vali was due back to the Oak residence for dinner explaining what her duties would be. Well, what he could tell her, the rest would have to wait until she was officially sworn in as his Apprentice and under contract at his Gym. In exchange for room and board, she would need to work at the gym doing various tasks. When Blaine was able to or during set times, he would teach her about fire-type pokemon and further her knowledge depending on what the old man felt like teaching. If something happened like back in Vermilion with the wild fire, she would be under Blaine's direct orders. All in all, the whole thing was pretty self explanatory and she'd be getting a steady income to her bank account which was a definite bonus.

They parted with Blaine giving Vali his number and a promise to call her soon enough. She headed to the Oak residence feeling light knowing where her future was headed. While she might regret not going to Hoenn with Steven at some point in the future, the chance to study under Blaine and bring out the potential in her pokemon now could not be missed. With his help, she'd be to better improve everyone and get their power up to an acceptable level. And she would be closer to wherever the Lord of Flame was, it was better to be closer to Kanto than further away once he called.

"Vali, how was your day?" Sirius asked as everyone ate their dinners, "You seem happier, Pup,"

"I ran into both Surge and Blaine today," Vali said causing some of the noise to drop, "Surge decided to eat lunch with my pack and I. He took Elrond for the rest of the day, but he'll be dropping him off soon. Blaine ran into us in the park and we talked until I headed here,"

"What did you two talk about?" Delia asked with an eager look in her eyes.

Vali smiled lightly, "A bunch of things, but it all has to deal with me becoming his Apprentice. I'll get a week to recover and get things settled in Pallet town then head over to Cinnabar to start things off. He'll send over paperwork during that time for me to sign, but it won't be the big stuff until I head over to the gym."

"Oh, Vali," Delia looked at her with pride.

"So you're not coming to Hoenn with me," Steven said with a slightly disappointed look on his face.

"No," Vali shook her head, "I thought about it a lot ever since you asked me and while I really do want to explore Hoenn with you, it's not something I can do right now," She gave Steven a sad but determined look, "This Conference has shown me that my pack and I have much growing to do especially if we're to reach our goal in the future, you'd be able to help us, but you'll be working to become Champion of Hoenn, Steven, and I'd hate to take any of your focus away," She held up a hand to cut off his protests, "It's not just that either. I need to gain skills that only a Fire-type master has and this is the best way to do that. I'll also be fulfilling one of the requirements that the League set up for me before allowing me to become a pokemon trainer,"

"Wait, huh?" Lance looked at her in confusion, "What do you mean 'requirements'?"

Vali turned to the red head feeling glad that Ash and Gary had wanted to eat with the larger pokemon out in the garden meaning they likely wouldn't hear this, "Lance, do you really think the League would've let me go off with a few pokemon and no guarantees of loyalty to Kanto despite what they'd done to me especially given that I still have memories of my former world?" She snorted softly and shook her head, "You're not stupid, Lance."

"So what? They're conscripting you into service?" Lance asked with fury tinging his words, "That's bullshit!"

Those last few words were hissed likely not wanting to bring the current conversation to the children's attention, Vali was thankful. Steven looked like he was about to join Lance though she wasn't sure what he would say. It meant that the steel-blue haired male hadn't known about this part and she was happy about that. Holding up a hand to keep anyone from saying anything else, she spoke in a soft tone, "The League isn't conscripting me. It's more ensuring that they don't have to. It was agreed upon by myself and the League shortly before I took the trainer test in order for it to happen that I'd work for the League in some capacity for a single year. Once that's done, they'd let me go though would have the ability to call upon me if need like they do the retired Aces or Ranger forces."

"Vali, what are the other requirements?" Lance asked eyeing me.

Vali looked at him tiredly, "Unless you're part of the higher portion of the League, my family, or I complete a requirement, I cannot say as I am bound to a contract."

"Fuck," Lance slammed his hand onto the table, "That isn't fair to you, Vali,"

"It let me meet my pack, Lance," Vali told him, "It let me meet my first human friends. It let me deepen my hobby and make it into an actual job," She shrugged lightly, "In the end, both sides benefited even if its stressful," She looked at Steven, "I'm sorry about not going to Hoenn with you right now, but I will visit. Eventually,"

Steven nodded slowly, "I know. We'll figure out when to schedule things."

Sirius slammed his hands on the table suddenly and gave everyone a glare, "Hey! We're supposed to be enjoying dinner. Let's eat and have some fun, Guys! No Sirius topics."

"Dear Arceus, Sirius, don't make stupid jokes like that," Vali groaned at him as the tension in the room broke.

The next day dawned nice and sunny despite the clouds that had been gathering the night before telling Vali that weather altering pokemon had definitely been involved. Vali grabbed her pokemon and after breakfast took them outside for a pep-talk. Everyone gathered around her eagerly though stayed silent as a soft breeze blew her shoulder length hair around. She spoke once they were settled, "Alright, guys. You all know what today is and who our opponent is. I won't sugar coat it, so I'll just say this," She gave each of her pokemon a once over, "We're going to show Steven our best. We won't go down easy and we'll do our best to take every pokemon he sends out with us. Show him the strength of the fire that burns within our hearts even in the face of sure defeat, we stand tall."

Everyone released noises of agreement with their eyes shining full of determination. It was time to show the world how much they've grown since everyone had joined the team.

Steven looked at his team as they settled around him knowing that Vali was doing the same thing. He felt some regret that they'd be battling today, but also quite a bit of excitement since it'd be one of their few actual matches. He easily kept the conversation from last night in the back of his mind with practice and help from Metagross. Clearing his throat once everyone was settled, he spoke, "Vali is our opponent and she won't be an easy one. We'll have our hands full since her team is built on being cunning and powerful. For all that Vali and her team are our friends, they're our enemies today and in order to progress, we must take them down."

Steven listened as his team gave cries of agreement and nodded to them. Vali would be in for it since his team wouldn't be taking it easy on her. A smile touched his lips as Metagross said, "Friend Vali and her pokemon wouldn't appreciate us going easy."

"No, they would not, would they?" Steven chuckled softly.