Lt. Surge

Professor Oak sighed deeply, "Thank you for telling me even though it was a bit later than I'd like."

Vali offered the Professor a sheepish smile. She had totally forgotten about telling him what happened during the tournament in the wake of getting Terra and making sure the Larvitar settled into being her pokemon. There was also the fact that Lance and Zaria had been constants in the days since the tournament, the latter more so when it came to Vali. She let the smile drop as she asked, "What's going to happen, Professor?"

Professor Oak ran a hand over his face, "To be honest, I don't know what I can do. I'll file a report to the League and the girls will be placed under a watch, but that's all I can do without actual proof that any of them are abusing their pokemon."

"Understood, Professor," Vali had mixed feelings about whether she wanted Ellen to be caught abusing her pokemon or not.

Professor Oak's eyes shown with understanding as he nodded. He smiled slightly, "So have you made a decision on who to send here?"

Vali shook her head, "I'm leaving the decision up to my pokemon other than Eevee. It's too hard for me to decide though I will admit that some of them could really use a break."

Between the battle with the Elder Rapidash and the tournament, all of her older pokemon deserved a break. Hell, Vali deserved a break especially since her dreams had returned to those vision after touching the fire stone. She was so sending the evolutionary stones home as soon as possible. Professor Oak took her from those thoughts as he said, "Well, I'll be waiting for your decision."

Vali nodded lightly as she remembered a question she'd been meaning to ask him, "Professor, do you have any evolutionary stone fragments? Steven and I want to start really training our Sandshrew into finding them. I know that we got those evolutionary items from the tournament, but I'm sending them home as soon as possible."

"I do have a few samples that I don't need anymore, but may I ask why you're sending yours home?" Professor Oak asked.

Taking a deep breath, Vali began her explanation, "After Steven and I got back from the tournament, we started putting our stuff away. I had taken off my gloves after putting my stuff away since I didn't need them on. Steven got a Fire Stone as well and gave it to me since I'd actually use it. When I touched it, we both saw bits and pieces of the visions I've had. It only stopped because the stone got dropped to the floor. When I picked it up with my scarf, it was burning hot even through the fabric. I haven't tried touching any of my evolutionary items since it happened."

"Oh dear," Professor Oak looked a bit pale, "Are you two alright?"

"Steven seems fine, but I've been having dreams again," Vali admitted reaching up to touch Fawkes' feather, "I'm sending them home as soon as the post office opens tomorrow,"

"I understand why now, but do you think it would happen if you touched the stone fragments?" Professor Oak asked with a worried frown.

Vali shook her head, "Since the fragments no longer hold any evolutionary energy, I should be fine. Even if it did happen, I would wear my gloves when handling them though to be honest, I think the whole thing only happens when it comes to fire stones."

Professor Oak gained a contemplative look, "Perhaps you're right. If it only happens when you're around a high concentration of fire-type energy then you should be fine, the only question is why now? You've handled Fire Stones before and spent lots of time around the various fire-types at the lab."

Vali shrugged lightly, "Until I can ask the questions that I need to ask, we aren't going to get an answer, Professor."

Professor Oak nodded, "Keep me up to date on everything, okay, Vali? Delia and Sirius are very worried about you."

"I know," It killed her to think that she was worrying them, "So he's been home?"

"Yes, he'll be staying home while it's Regulus' breeding season outside of going to keep up his training and doing paperwork," Professor Oak answered making Vali smile a bit, "I have it on good authority that he might be proposing to Delia soon,"

Vali grinned at that, "About time though if he doesn't do it soon, I think she'll be the one doing the proposing."

Professor Oak snorted with a laugh, "That seems like a definite possibility."

Flushing as her stomach rumbled, Vali said, "I think it's time I go get dinner."

"I'll send the evolutionary stone fragments soon. Do try checking out the Vermilion Gym outside of your gym battles and mention Eevee history to Surge," Professor Oak told her earning a nod, "He might have a few tips on how to help Eevee,"

Vali nodded as she wondered how exactly Surge could help, "Thanks for the tip, Professor. I'll talk you if anything comes up."

Vermilion City Gym home of the hard ass Lt. Surge who was well known for his brutal tactics when it came to stomping out any crime within his city no matter how small. Vermilion City was perhaps the safest city in Kanto and that was almost fully thanks to the war veteran that watched over it. Vali admired the man both for the powerful pokemon he had and what he did to keep the city safe. Just like with any type of pokemon, it took a special hand to become a electric type master. It was a well known fact that if Surge didn't prefer his current job, he would be on the Elite four faster than you could say 'Pika'. How else would the man be even more feared than Giovanni?

Vali reached the doors and watched as they slid open before walking inside. Balto trotted at her side looking around curiously while Pikachu offered the area around him a wary look. She focused on the front desk which held a rather striking magenta haired woman that looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Can I help you, Miss?"

"I was hoping to see Lt. Surge," Vali answered as she reached up to settle Pikachu down a bit, "Professor Oak recommended that I talk to him about one of my pokemon," The woman's silvery brown eyes went to Pikachu, "Not him, but another of my pokemon. An Eevee that I rescued from a rather...horrid situation,"

The woman nodded with a frown, "Let me see what I can do. Sit down in one of those chairs," She pointed to the chairs lining the walls, "You might not be able to see him today."

"That's fine, Miss," Vali offered her a light smile.

The woman inclined her head and Vali went to take a seat. She pulled Pikachu into her lap and gently rubbed his cheek pouches which never failed to calm him down. Pikachu began to relax though she knew he would react at a moments notice if something happened. She wondered why he was reacting like this, but supposed it had something to do with the atmosphere that only he could sense. Perhaps he felt all the electric-types inside the building and worried they might try to attack them? She jolted a bit when one of the doors that sat apart from the one leading into the battlefield slammed open. Lt. Surge came stomping out, "Where's the baby that-" He cut himself off as he caught sight of her, "Hey, you're that kid that won the female division of the tournament. The one with that interesting Pikachu."

"Yes, Sir," Vali decided to be polite.

"You did a pretty damn good job. I mean your technique is a bit rough, but still not bad," Lt. Surge grinned slightly as he walked over, "Why are you here? And none of that 'Sir' bull crap. You ain't one of my soldiers,"

Vali nodded as she stood up with Pikachu climbing onto her shoulder giving the large man a glare that only made Lt. Surge grin a bit larger, "One of my pokemon, an Eevee, was in a rather horrible situation that I saved him from. While he's physically healed, he isn't mentally. And-"

Lt. Surge's grin dropped as he raised a hand to cut her off. He looked serious as he peered at her, "Follow me, Kid. Monica," He turned to the woman, "I don't want to be interrupted until this kid leaves."

"Of course, Surge," The woman, Monica, nodded.

Lt. Surge led her through the doorway he'd come from and they ended up walking along some hallways that wouldn't have looked out of place in a hospital. The gym leader was silent as they walked and Vali was reluctant to break that silence especially as Pikachu grew more agitated the further they walked. Even Balto seemed a bit agitated though less so than Pikachu, she was starting to feel an almost buzzing sensation against her skin that was almost like her magic, but not. They ended up in a rather clean office with a Raichu curled up on a bed near the only window in the room that looked out at the ocean and the Jolteon napping on the window's ledge. Lt. Sure finally spoke as the two pokemon woke up and peered at the new comers with curiosity, "Take a seat, Kid."

Vali did as he asked and had Balto settle at her feet while Pikachu sat in her lap, "Surge-"

"Kid, you're the one that rescued that Eevee from that group of boys a couple months back, aren't you?" Lt. Surge asked earning a nod, "I got the report since abused and mistreated pokemon are a big part of my job for the League. You've guts saving him like that," Lt. Surge cracked a smile, "I like that about you, Kid. It's why I authorized his placement with you rather than have him sent here after he was healed up,"

"You did?" Vali probably shouldn't be so surprised considering his job, "I didn't know that,"

Lt. Surge chuckled a bit, "Not many do, I like keeping it that way to prevent idiots and the rest from attempting to come after the pokemon that end up in my care."

"Understandable," Vali now understood why Professor Oak sent her to him, "Professor Oak suggested that I meet with you at some point while in Vermilion city. He said you might have some tips for me to help get Eevee to trust me a bit more and let me help him,"

Lt. Surge nodded as he sat down in his chair and the Raichu jumped into his lap earning a slight smirk as the man immediately began to pet it, "I can, but first I want you to tell me what you've been trying, how he acts around you, how he acts around your pokemon, and how he reacts around those around you."