A knock sounded on Vali's door as she packed her bag for the Conference feeling very glad that food, housing, and healing was all on the League. Elrond opened the door to let Delia in, "Packing, Vali?"
"Just got a couple more things to pack up, I've still got a lot of room since I don't have to worry about food or healing stuff," Vali folded one of her last few shirts and a scarf, "I think I'll probably make some extra treats and stuff. Maybe pick up an extra grooming kit, I should probably get some extra disposable cameras and film for them since there's going to be a lot of picture opportunities there,"
Not having to pack around an egg case helped, Vali inwardly grinned as she thought about Houndour's ultra ball. Delia giggled softly, "Got everything figured out then?"
"Mostly?" Vali wouldn't have any actual information about the Conference until after Opening Ceremonies the the day after tomorrow, "What's up? Is Sirius coming home?"
"Not just yet, he'll actually be meeting up with us at the Conference in a few days once the first round is over," Delia answered as she reached the bed, "I brought you this,"
Vali put the shirt she'd folded into her backpack and took what Delia was holding out. It turned out to be a long black scarf with green flames stitched into the edges. The fabric was soft against her skin and incredibly light weight, "Delia, you made me a scarf?"
"I would have made you a jacket, but you don't really wear them," Delia told her with a soft smile, "You do wear a scarf even during the summer. As this is your first Conference and your old scarf is becoming really worn, I decided to make this one for you. I made sure that you would be able to use it to block out any dirt or dust,"
"Delia, thank you," Vali felt touched by the gesture, "You didn't have to do this,"
"I wanted to," Delia hugged Vali gently, "You're one of my children after all,"
Vali hugged Delia back feeling grateful that the woman never tried to push to be called mom. One day, she would call Delia mom, but it just didn't feel right yet.
Professor Oak had his Alakazam teleport Vali to the Conference with a newly upgraded carry limit of twelve pokemon. The League had granted her this as a way of apologizing for any danger and 'damage' caused by the Lavender Town incident. This was under the assumption that she'd make it into the top 16 if not higher, she would revert to the usual carry limit if she didn't get that high. There was an unspoken demand and warning attached to this, she wasn't too stupid to realize what it meant. It was an uncomfortable feeling knowing that the League was looking at her more than they had before. No one knew the true extent of what actually happened outside of the Champion, Elite Four, Professor Oak, the Leader of the Rangers, and the Leader of the Ace Trainers. Regardless of the fact the incident would have black marks to blot out true information, she had the Leagues attention even if most people didn't really know who she was.
Alakazam tapped her shoulder when the appeared as a ghost of warmth came from the psychic energy the pokemon usually gave off when contacting Vali, "Good luck."
Alakazam disappeared without another word, but Vali didn't need to hear anything else. Those two words were enough to send warmth running through her and banish the slight chill brought on by the unease her thoughts had brought, she smiled while looking around taking her first look at the visitor area of the Indigo Plateau. Standing on the largest set of stairs she'd ever been on, the visitors area began with a pokemon center just as it rightly should. The pokemon center was far larger than anything she'd ever seen before actually resembling an actual hospital with pokemon proportions in kept in mind. Just behind it, she could see the stadium standing in the distance sending a thrill through her. Without much though, she released Elrond, "We're here, Elrond. The Indigo Plateau."
Elrond looked around likely taking in as much as possible to ensure their family would be able to see everything when he sent the information to them later on, "Pokemon Center?"
"I decided to release you first," Vali told him, "Let's go check in,"
Elrond nodded as curiosity seeped through their bond, "Not going to release Aragorn?"
"I was actually thinking of releasing Balto since the Pokemon Center is big enough that I can," Vali pulled out Balto's pokeball, "I think I'll leave Aragorn in his pokeball for the moment. We're only allowed to have two pokemon out before checking in," Elrond nodded slowly in understanding as Vali released Balto who looked around them curiously, "Balto, we've made it to the Indigo Plateau. We're going to check in and get everything settled,"
Balto let out a soft woof and nudged her. They started marking their way towards the Pokemon Center passing by both people and pokemon. A few news crews were already set up getting ready to cover the Conference. A few were speaking to some of the trainers that had been at the Conference last year though they all glanced at Vali as she passed them by mostly likely due to Balto and Elrond. Four Nurse Joys manned the desk at the current moment, but there was room for a few more if things got busy. She made her way over to one and was greeted with a warm smile, "Hi, My name is Valkyrie Potter-Black from Pallet Town. I'm here to check in."
Vali produced her pokedex without any prompting and handed it over alongside her badge case. Nurse Joy took them with a light smile, "One moment please. Do your pokemon require any healing?"
"No, Professor Oak gave them a thorough check up and healing yesterday," Vali curled her fingers through Balto's fur, "Are there any rules I need to follow?"
Nurse Joy nodded, "Your Arcanine is the largest pokemon you're allowed to have outside its pokemon within this building. Try to refrain from having more than three pokemon outside their pokeballs, we don't want to be over-run after all. No practicing moves like Rain Dance or Hyper Beam, we do not have any train areas open to the public for them. Other than that, a list of rules will be provided. We expect you to be courteous to any roommates you'll have for the duration of the Conference."
"Of course," Vali wondered who her roommates would be.
"And done," Nurse Joy handed back her pokedex and badge case alongside a key card, "You'll be staying in cottage thirty-two with a Mister Lance Blackthorn and Mister Steven Stone,"
Vali's eyes widened not having known either of them were at the Indigo Plateau yet. She supposed that saved time though, "Thank you."
Nurse Joy handed her a map and a guide book that would hopefully prevent them from getting lost. Elrond spoke as Vali led them out of the Pokemon Center and towards the area where the cottages were settled, "All we need to do is find Zaria and we'll have found everyone."
"She's probably getting through the battle royal," Vali reminded him frowning down at the map, "Everyone who didn't get all eight badges from the top gyms have to go through it to get a place in the Conference. Only the top 100 can pass through to actually battle in the televised portion of the Conference," Vali looked at the street signs before shaking her head, "Balto," He perked up, "Can you find Steven and Lance's scents for me? We need to find a building with both their scents in it. Just theirs, okay?"
Balto nodded and bent down to sniff the ground with his ears flicking back. He twitched his nose before raising his head with a soft bark and twitch of the tail. He began padding forward with Vali and Elrond following behind him. Balto led them to an area with rows of cottages each with a number sitting on a mail box in front of it. Each was rather simple with a small garden and fence, they were somewhat uniform being a light cream color with a simple brown boarder. They reached the cottage marked with '32'. Hugging Balto around the neck, she thanked him and opened the gate. Using her key-card to unlock the door, she entered the cottage with Balto and Elrond following behind her.
Neither Lance nor Steven were in the Cottage, it was likely the two were exploring the Indigo Plateau. Rather than let it disappoint her, she unpacked her things before releasing Aragorn and going out to explore as well.