The wedding

Vali took her place as Elrond spoke, "Delia is getting into position. I'm ready."

"As am I," Vali replied as she readied her camera.

Vali had already snapped a couple pictures of the whole church and all guests within it. Sirius looked wonderful in his tux and Regulus handsome with the ribbons that topped off his morning grooming session. Everything turned silent as the bridal march started and flower petals started to fall along the walk way. She took pictures as Delia began to make her way down the aisle slowly. Delia made it to the priest and Sirius grinned wildly at her. They spoke quietly to one another before moving into position as Vali took another picture. Vali smiled softly while listening to the priest as he began speaking.

Inwardly sighing as she took another break from taking pictures towards the end of the wedding reception, Vali headed towards the edges of the party since everything was beginning to give her a headache after five solid hours of constant things to do. It had been fun, wonderful, and interesting to see everything come together after all the work they'd put in. It was just a lot of work though even with her pokemon assisting. Vali could feeling how exhausted Elrond was getting. When they were done for the day, it would definitely be nice to settle down and just enjoy having a break.

It was as Vali was walking over to one of the shady areas to take her break that she noticed a stranger. While many of Delia's friends were strangers to her, she had met many during the last days, but this stranger wasn't that familiar to her. He wore a long cloak that covered his torso and pants. The hood was drawn up keep his head covered. He wore worn traveling boots. A battle-scarred Pikachu sat on his shoulder looking out at the party with a wary eye. It's eyes darted towards her and it tugged on the man's cloak as she approached. The man turned to her and Vali spotted a face that she'd only seen in the sparse photographs that Delia had given Ash. Paler and more travel worn than in the most recent of said photos, Red Ketchum stood before her watching his former wife wedding reception. Red's maroon eyes peered at her as his Pikachu, Pika, seemed to judge her. She spoke as the two continued to simply stare at her, "Delia will be happy to know you accepter her invitation."

"I'd prefer her not knowing I came," Red's voice was softer than she expected though it was likely due to spending so much time alone, "I'd prefer not to bother her. Not on a day she's actually happy," Red looked away and Vali looked with him towards where Delia was grinning at Sirius, "He connects better with her. Something I failed at back when we were together thanks to how often I was away," He shook his head, "No, I won't interrupt when I'm actually able to see her smile,"

Red's Pikachu let out a soft sound and nuzzled him. Vali looked at the two for a moment before catching sight of Ash with his Pidgeotto nestled behind him, "If you're wondering, Ash is doing pretty good. He's raised his Pidgey very well."

"I can see that," Red murmured looking over at his son now, "I'm glad. You've been helping him a lot?"

"When I can," Vali replied earning a soft hum, "He's my adoptive little brother after all,"

Red eyed her, "You really think of him like that?"

"I do," Vali nodded with a stern expression on her face, "Look, I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I think you need to spend more time with him. He's asked Delia a lot of questions about you and she can't answer them all. You've probably got a good reason for being away all the time," She could see his Pikachu getting a bit antsy and angry, "I don't give a shit, but Ash? Ash needs to know you. Unlike me, he has both his parents alive just separated. At some point though, he'll stop asking about you and start resenting you for not being there,"

Red's Pikachu's cheeks began to spark as he growled at her only to pause when Red placed a hand on him. He gave her a considering look, "You're a bit ballsy, Kid. You know that, right?"

Vali snorted softly, "I've been told that a couple times."

"My son," Red said as he looked back at Ash, "He doesn't exactly need me," He nodded towards Sirius, "He's got your Godfather,"

"My Godfather? You've never actually met him then," Vali replied with a soft snort, "I love him to death, but he's not a father figure. An uncle figure? He can do that no problem, but he isn't a father," She gave him a glare, "Siri knows your still around, so he doesn't try to act like Ash's father. He doesn't want to overstep,"

Red didn't look away from Ash as he considered his words. Eventually, he spoke to Vali, "I'll think about it."

Vali shook her head lightly and decided she's had enough rest.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?" Steven looked over at Lance as they helped clean up after all was said and done.

Steven nodded as he picked up a bundle of flowers from the ground, "Yeah. Dad and I both have to get back to Hoenn. Dad has to lead to business and I have to get some training done before I challenge my first Elite. It'll be interesting."

Lance grinned largely, "Battling mine was fun. My next not so much especially close together. I've been fighting two sets at a time."

"You're crazy," Steven shook his head at him.

Vali spoke up from behind them as she carried some baskets towards them, "The best kind of crazy. Don't know if I'll battle two Elites for my Mastery rank exam or not, I haven't made the decision just yet. It'll be interesting to figure that part out when I finally decide."

"You want to become a two star master?" Lance asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Since you're eager to have me as one of your Elite, I'd better become a two star master," Vali replied as she set down the baskets in a wagon that had been set up for them to clear away most of the wedding supplies, "I'll probably manage it in another two years. Likely after hitting the gym circuit again and clearing the tournament,"

Lance looked at her with a small frown, "You think it really might take that long for you to catch up?"

"Such is life," Vali replied with a shake of her head, "Anyway," She looked at Steven, "So First Elite huh? Actually becoming a Master?"

"Yup," Steven grinned at her, "It feels good knowing that I'll become a master soon. I've got all the other requirements in the bag just need this one,"

"Send me a ticket to your Championship match," Vali asked earning surprised look, "I'll make sure that I come and see it,"

"I will," Steven promised as he dropped the flowers into the wheel barrow, "I'll also get you a plane ticket too-"

"Just worry about match ticket," Vali told him, "I'll worry about the plane ticket,"

Steven went to protest. Lance silenced him with a clap of his hands, "I'll be sending you a ticket to mine as well, Vali."

"Great," Vali grinned at Lance, "I can't wait to see both of your matches. It sounds so much fun!"