Second Indigo Plateau battle Pt. 2

Celina nodded and quickly took off into the air. She immediately started off the battle with an Aerial Ace boosted Steel Wing followed by Swift. She didn't really give Marshtomp much time to attack making sure it knew that taking out a member of her odd flock was not appreciated battle or not. Marshtomp managed to get into the water for some breathing room on Xion's orders. Trainer and pokemon both realized that was a mistake when Celina unleash a her Twister infused Hurricane. Granted the attack wasn't quite finished and easily destabilized, it was more than enough to knock the mud fish pokemon out allowing the battle to end. Xion recalled her pokemon as Celina landed in front of Vali looking pleased with herself. Xion frowned softly as she pulled out another pokeball, "It seems that I'll have to call upon another pokemon I didn't think I'd have to use so soon, but it would seem time's have changed."

The pokemon Xion released was one Vali was only somewhat familiar with due to some scattered research into dual typing. Swanna were beautiful pokemon covered mostly in pristine white feathers. The feathers on their breasts were a light sky blue at the tip and darkened slowly until they reached the base. The somewhat powerful legs were a dark purplish black and their webbed feet were actually adorned with a set of sharp claws. Based on the size of this one, it had probably evolved awhile back meaning Xion had probably had it for awhile and this fight would not be an easy one at all. Looking at Celina, she caught the Pidgeot's eyes and they nodded to one another before the pokemon took off into the air without a word from their trainers.

But a glance towards Xion showed that the other trainer hadn't planned on that, Vali's eyebrow rose a bit. Did that mean the Swanna was a recent addition to Xion's team? If so why use it during an important tournament? She shook her head at the idiotic move and wondered why Xion would do something like that when the other trainer had seemed smarter than that. It would be yet another question that would likely go unanswered. As she pondered all this, the battle ranged over head with Celina dodging the elder pokemon's attacks and actually managing to make some impressive strikes.

Aerial battles could be some of the most complicated battles in existence especially when one had to consider the weather and if there were more than two participants. Even if the weather was decent and only two pokemon were participating like today, the sheer speed both pokemon were going at made things a bit difficult to follow for the humans. Vali analyzed what she could and quickly came to a few realizations. Swanna was fast and powerful with a wider move-pool than what Celina was capable of doing at the current moment. It had managed to score more than a few hits during the time that she'd been thinking slowing her pokemon down. Celina was still going strong though and had scored her fair share of hits. Unlike Swanna who didn't seem to have completely mastered it's entire move-pool to the point it could use each move as easily as breathing, Celina had and was using every piece of knowledge possible to beat this opponent.

Xion shouted up at Swanna attempting to get it to listen to her, but the pokemon didn't seem to be listening at all much to the other trainers slowly growing annoyance. Vali spoke as the battle above continued, "Why bring out a pokemon that clearly doesn't listen to you? Why not use a pokemon that actually will?"

"Because I don't have one that can take on an aerial battler like your Pidgeot," Xion snapped at Vali, "You took out both my aerial defenses leaving me with no choice, but to use the Swanna I was traded by my cousin. I had been hoping to have more time to gain her respect, but then you ended up pulling out an Alolan Raichu out of no where,"

Vali felt a bit of disgust at the fact the other trainer was blaming her for failing to think ahead, "One would hope you would think ahead. Even if I hadn't of had an Alolan Raichu, I might've had some other electric-type waiting in the wings ready to fry your pokemon. Do not blame me for your lack of forethought."

Xion's cheeks turned pink and she opened her mouth to say something when Celina dove downward with Swanna on her tail. The two flying-type looked worse for wear though both were able to continue battling without much trouble. Celina pulled up sharply rightly before the water with Swanna doing the same just barely managing to avoid clipping one of the floating platforms. Celina used Air Slash and one of the blades managed to slice open a rather thickly bleeding scratch on Swanna's side earning a sharp cry of pain from the beautiful bird. Both bird returned to above the battle field, Swanna's feather's slowly turning a light pink or red depending on where it was cut.

Celina shrieked as Swanna's Bubble Beam managed to hit her during another bout of aerial dancing sending a shower of feathers down into the water. Celina conjured up a Hurricane that Swanna apparently decided to cancel out with one of its own only for her to use Twister instead. Swanna slammed into the psychic barrier beside Xion and barely managed to get up before blades of Air Slash began exiting the Twister towards it. Vali smiled lightly despite feeling a bit uncomfortable at seeing a pokemon in pain. Celina had master Twister to a degree that she could use other attacks while maintaining it which was amazing and meant they could better utilize that small move-pool of her Pidgeot. So while they would slowly add in new moves, they would also ensure they Celina would be able to use them while using Twister. Of course this would be while in an area that could take any damage they caused, they had to be very careful when doing this at the lab and only under the supervision of Alakazam.

A loud crack echoed through the air as Swanna's right wing bent in an unnatural angle which was quickly followed by the large bird crying out in pain. The scream echoed through the air as Celina stopped attacking immediately. Xion didn't hesitated to return her pokemon with regret filling her face. The referee called out Vali's win as she returned her own pokemon.