Ghosts and ambushes

They ended up being recalled to the ranger cabin after the information had been relayed. Most of the League officials crowding the Ranger cabin were reluctant to believe Litwick's words, the idea that a psychic-type could understand a ghost-type was fairly impossible in their minds. Agatha ended up calling in Sabrina to stop the arguments who confirmed that Elrond had been able to translate for Litwick. Agatha left the Ranger's cabin with a murderous look on her face and a withering shadow filled with malevolent red eyes. Litwick cuddled into Vali's arms having been allowed to stay out once Agatha confirmed that the small pokemon would not attempt to harm anyone. Sabrina turned to Vali as the room exploded into harsh whispers, "I am surprised to see you here, Vali."

"Agatha requested for me to join her," Vali replied as both Lewis and Velma looked at the gym leader in shock, "I didn't really have much choice, but to come,"

"I see," Sabrina hummed softly as she reached out to gently touch the top of Elrond's head earning a light smile from the Alolan Raichu, "A young ghost like Litwick suits you though I had thought you'd end up with a member of the Gengar-line instead,"

"Maybe I'll get one at some point," Vali shrugged as Litwick peered at the psychic in curiosity, "I'm content to let it happen when it does,"

Sabrina smiled lightly, "It is truly refreshing to deal with you compared to most of the first year trainers I've been encountering lately."

"Just another two weeks than you'll be closing the gym for a bit, right?" Vali asked earning a nod, "Perhaps after the Conference, we could meditate together again. It would be nice to see how well I've been keeping up with your lessons,"

"I would like that," Sabrina inclined her head, "I look forward to it,"

Sabrina took her leave shortly after due to the late hour. Velma gave Vali an incredulous look, "First you get a Litwick by just talking to it. Now one of the most stoic gym leaders seems to like you. What's next? Lt. Surge taking you on as an apprentice?"

"No that will hopefully be Blaine," Velma let out a loud half-scream and stomped out of the Ranger cabin amid wide-eyed stares.

Lewis shook his head, "Vali, I do believe you've broken Velma."

Vali, Lewis, and Velma were sent out again only this time they'd been given an area in Lavender Town proper. Agatha had been through the area meaning that most of the strong ghosts had already been dealt with. Looking up through the gloom, she caught sight of Pokemon Tower and stilled as her eyes focused on what parts of the great spire not coated in the hazy smog that had fallen over the town. The very air around the tower seemed to vibrate as an otherworldly energy far more potent than that of the ghosts she'd encountered lashed outward. It was only when Elrond touched her cheek that the fire-type master-in-training realized she had stopped breathing and her energies were beginning to boil underneath her skin. Taking a deep breath, she clamped down on both energies and pulled them back to her core.

Inwardly grimacing at how tight her skin felt and the uncomfortable warmth boiling within her chest, Vali resumed walking after Velma and Lewis. Something strange was inside that tower though if what Litwick said was true about the humans being unable to summon Giratina, what had been summoned in the legendaries place? A shiver ran down her spine at the thought. A loud shout echoed from up ahead seconds before a loud boom shattered the unnatural silence of the town and shook the ground. Velma and Lewis took off towards it with the younger trainer following her elders at a somewhat slower pace feeling dread creep down her spine.

The street ahead was mostly a smoking crater with shattered pieces of various houses laying all over the place. Velma barked out, "Find any survivors! We need to know what happened."

The Ace took off with Lewis heading in another direction. Vali looked at Elrond and asked in a soft tone, "Can you feel anyone?"

Elrond closed his eyes for a few moments before shaking his head, "No, the area is too coated in otherworldly energies. Perhaps Litwick might be able to sense them."

Vali nodded and called out Litwick as Balto began scenting the air looking for any survivors. Litwick visibly shuddered as she appeared and looked around with an almost fearful expression. So something else had been summoned, it must've been bad if Litwick was scared. She called out Litwick's name in a gentle tone and the ghost-type peered at her curiously with fear flickering in the little ghost's eyes, "Litwick, we're looking for any survivors in the area. Can you sense their life force and take me to them?"

Litwick bobbed with a hum and the deep otherworldly sapphire blue flame her species was known for flared to life. The flame flicked almost hypnotically and Vali quickly diverted her eyes before she could be trapped in its thrall. Litwick let out coo and began hopping prompting her to follow after the little pokemon. Balto joined them with Elrond grabbing her hand with a paw looking around with a wary look in his eye. They soon came upon a unconscious man bleeding heavily from multiple scratches though the worst came from one on his head. She tapped the comm unit in her ear, "I've found one unconscious man. Bleeding heavily from what look like scratches caused by flying rubble, he has a head wound."

A crackling sound came from the comm, "Noted, Potter-Black. Location has been marked and a medic team is already on their way, how bad is the head wound?"

"A scratch. I'm not sure how deep," Vali bent down to check the man's pulse and began putting pressure on the man's wounds, "I've checked his pulse and am putting pressure on his wounds,"

"Copy that, I'll relay the information to the medics," The Ranger on the other end replied, "They'll be there in two minutes,"

Vali nodded as Elrond began removing the debris from around the unconscious man. Litwick's flame went out and the ghost-type looked at her actions curiously. Balto settled down to guard them occasionally using Flamethrower to dismiss some of the chill that seemed to gather in the area. She cast a warming charm to hopefully keep the unconscious man's condition from worsening due to the chill. The medic team arrived soon and two of them took over tending to the unconscious man while the others headed to where her human companions had likely found some injured people as well. With the medics there, she was free to continue looking for survivors.

Vali heard shouting as she followed the remnants of a street and quickly made her way towards the source. Just as she reached it, a wailing discordant sound echoed through the air and a wave of something passed through the air. Gasping as the wave slammed into her, she felt as if all the energy in her body was being sucked out and collapsed onto the ground with her pokemon doing the same. As her vision began to go black, she heard rushing footsteps and saw a pair of feet entering her field of vision. She heard a soft gasp and someone murmur, "Oh my, what a curious child you are. Such powerful energy."

She tried to force her eyes to stay open and turn her head towards the source. Barely catching sight of almost white gold, she crumbled fully to the ground.