Shadows in Lavender

After listening to Agatha lay down the law and push everyone to actually be useful, Vali ended up being paired with the two that would be her human partners until the situation had been solved. The Ace Trainer was Velma Higgins who's partner pokemon was an Absol. The Nocturne agent was Lewis Arnold who's main partner was a Dusknoir. Both looked a bit dubious at the idea of having a first year trainer working alongside them even if she'd gotten her badges from the main eight gyms, they looked even more doubtful when it was revealed how little experience she had with ghost-types, but didn't say anything against Agatha. The two were professionals after all, but she knew that neither of them expected her to be of much use.

They were sent off an hour after Vali had arrived once they'd been given the gear they needed. It was mostly comprised of durable flash-lights with multiple batteries and other survival gear. The most important parts of the gear were a comm-unit and a band that would protect them from the ghost-type auras somewhat. The dark purple band provided more relief from the oppressing aura though she didn't really like it. It felt like something was being stifled and her magic practically itched against her skin.

Lavender Town and the surrounding areas had been divided into diffrent sections with each group being given one. Agatha and the more powerful trainers would be focusing on the epicenter, Pokemon Tower, while everyone else was given the task of ensuring the ghost-types didn't spread out any further. Vali walked with Balto beside her and Eevee sitting on her shoulder. Both tensed and ready to fight should an opponent appear, Balto using Odor Sleuth to keep an eye out for ghost-types. Lewis and Velma walked in front of them with their own pokemon watching the area with wary eyes. Neither were very talkative, Velma scowled whenever she glanced back at the fire-type master-in-training.

Vali glanced at her two human companions as she tightened her grip on Balto's warm fur. Velma was 23 having participated in four Leagues usually managing to place within the top sixteen if not the top ten since her first. She had spring green hair that fell to her waist in a loose braid and light cyan eyes. Lewis was 24 having participated in two Leagues placing ninth in both. He had pale blonde hair much like Draco Malfoy and dopey looking black eyes. Both were on the lean side, Velma thinner and heavily tan while Lewis looked like he hadn't seen much sun over the years. Velma had a slightly rough voice while Lewis' voice was akin to a whisper with a somewhat sharp edge to it.

Lewis spoke as they tromped through the forest surrounding Lavender Town, "Potter-Black, what do you hope to gain from this?"

"Battling experience and maybe a new member of my family," Vali reached up with her unoccupied hand to rub underneath Eevee's chin as the fox-like pokemon tensed at Lewis' voice and decided to be frank with her two human companions wishing Steven were here, "I'm well aware that neither of you think I'll be of much help due to my inexperience with ghost-types and the fact I'm a first year trainer. I know the limits of my skills unlike some of those in my position and will do my best to stay out of the way. So just ignore me for the most part, I'll do my best not to get in the way."

Balto let out a soft huff at her words not liking that she wasn't trying to prove them wrong. Vali rubbed his side soothingly as Velma snorted, "A first year with some actual sense, rare."

Balto and Eevee both tensed at the jab towards their trainer. Vali spoke under her breath, "Calm down guys, we've got better things to do than fight with these two. They won't believe anything until they see it."

Eevee continued to glare at Velma while Balto huffed looking away from the Ace. Lewis let out a soft chuckle, "Velma, do remember that we're stuck together for the moment. No need to piss anyone off."

Velma opened her mouth to say something only to close it when her Absol let out a loud bark and sent off a Shadow Ball towards one of the nearby trees. A shriek sounded as a shadow detached itself from the tree as the Shadow Ball impacted it. A Ghastly revealed itself and screamed at them rushing forward with an almost blood-thirsty look on its face. Absol dodged the rush as Eevee released a Shadow Ball that slammed into Ghastly's face sending the gas-like pokemon flying back as its body began to destabilize. Lewis sent one of the many pokeballs given to the various teams towards the Ghastly. Ghastly vanished into the ball with a shrieking wail and it hit the ground shaking violently before stilling with a soft ping. Bending down, Lewis picked up the pokeball with a gloved hand as Velma said, "That was definitely not regular Ghastly behavior."

"No, it was not," Lewis placed the pokeball into a bag on his waist, "Such anger within, I can't imagine what could have caused it,"

"What will happen to the pokemon being caught?" Vali asked as they resumed walking.

Lewis looked at her, "Most will be released, the ones that bond with a trainer will stay with them unless the League deems them too unruly to be safely held by that trainer," He frowned, "Did you not know that the League would be doing this?"

"I only found out this was going on less than 45 minutes ago," Vali saw the shocked look she was being given, "Agatha was in a hurry given the situation and didn't allow Professor Oak to speak with me much," She had wondered over how the League would be rewarding the trainers participating in this though only thought they'd be given some monetary compensation and healing, "So no, I did not know, but it isn't the first time I've gone into a situation virtually blind,"

Conversation once again fell to the wayside after that, the two elder trainers not seeming to know what to do with her. Though that seemed to be the running theme with most that encountered her, Vali preferred it to the disbelief and annoyance.

By the time Velma and Lewis decided to rest, they'd been attacked by 32 Ghastly, 17 Haunter, and 2 Gengar alongside other ghost-type species that normally didn't live in Kanto though on a much lower scale. The close their path drifted towards Lavender Town saw an increase in the aggression being shown and the brutal strength of each attack. Vali and her pokemon had quite few scratches from the attacks though weren't too bad off thanks to Velma and Lewis having fairly powerful pokemon on hand. The two elder trainers had begun to acknowledge that she wasn't a normal first year trainer which was nice. Both of them had begun to offer some tips for her first League Conference during the latter end of their journey through the area they'd been given to wander, Velma offered a few tips for becoming an Ace as well.

Vali only settled down to rest once her pokemon had been cared for earning a raised eyebrow from Lewis, "You tend to them first?"

"They're my family," Vali shrugged as she pulled out a water bottle, "They take most of the damage, so caring for them first makes more sense. Besides, a few scratches isn't the worst I've had to deal with,"

"You consider them family?" Velma muttered with an odd look on her face.

"That's what they are to me at least," Vali picked up Elrond and hugged him knowing that the overbearing ghost-type aura was seriously uncomfortable for the psychic-type, "They're my brothers and sisters who I know will always watch my back no matter the situation. Why wouldn't I consider them family?"

"You're an odd one," Velma declared after a moment of silence.

Shrugging slightly, Vali continued to cuddle Elrond for a bit before digging into her pack for some food. She gave each of her pokemon a portion of it along with some water before beginning to eat. Velma and Lewis did the same with their pokemon cuddling close to their trainers. A faint touch to her knee made her look down and she found a pale white candle-like pokemon standing there. Freezing a bit, she eyed the Litwick carefully noting that it's blue flame was out meaning it wasn't draining anyone's life force. Bending down slightly as her pokemon tensed a bit alarmed at how easily the unknown pokemon had snuck up on them, Vali said, "Hello, Little Fellow," Litwick cooed at her as both Lewis and Velma jerked towards her in surprise at the comment, "What are you doing here?" The Litwick looked at her ration bar, "You want food?" Litwick nodded with a cheerful little grin, "But you can use your Flame to get food."

Litwick's cheeks puffed up and it shook itself vigorously. Elrond spoke in her mind, "The Candle doesn't want to do that when so many others are agitated and doesn't wish to draw their attention to you. She can sense your inner Flame."

'How?' Vali asked as she broke off a piece of her ration bar and held it out to Litwick.

Litwick cooed and hummed as she began eating the food given to her. Elrond spoke as everyone watched the little pokemon eat, "The Candle isn't bound by the laws of this world. Any of its kind could sense your flame which is why any here are avoiding you."

"Vali, what are you doing?" Velma demanded with a startled look on her face.

"Feeding the poor little thing, she's hungry," Vali didn't speak of her inner flame, "She isn't going to attack," She gestured to Elrond while breaking off another piece of her ration bar to give Litwick, "Elrond can understand her,"

"How? I thought psychics couldn't understand ghosts," Lewis looked at Elrond in interest.

Vali translated what Elrond told her, "He says its like listening to an echo, but doable if he draws on his electric half," She realized something, "Elrond, can you translate what Litwick says?" Elrond nodded and turned to Litwick who peered up at the human curiously, "Litwick, can you answer a few questions? I'll give you a ration bar if you do," Litwick who churred at the idea of more food and began bouncing around eagerly, "Sound like a good trade, Litwick?"

Litwick nodded as Velma gave Vali a look of disbelief, "You're seriously bargaining with a pokemon."

"Do you have any other idea how to do this without making her angry enough to attack?" Vali retorted before focusing on Elrond as he translated what Litwick was saying, "Humans take many from homes, bring us to odd tower, try to summon Guardian King, it fail not enough power, no connection formed, humans get angry, hurt us, powerful ones rebel, make bad humans go away, no way home, so much anger," Litwick visibly shuddered, "Powerful ones no like humans,"

"So a group of Cultists or something were trying to summon Giratina though I've never heard it refereed to like that," Lewis looked at Litwick with a frown, "But why isn't she angry about being dragged here?"

Vali once again translated, "Like humans. Knew good ones. No harm. Want to be good," Litwick gave the humans a look, "Watch you. Watch others. Find you. Like you. Want her," Litwick pointed at Vali with that last one earning wide eyed looks, "Good one. Want her," She stared at the little candle in shock, "You want me as your trainer?" Litwick nodded as best the small pokemon could, "But why me?" Elrond translated, "Watch you. Treat others well. Kind. Care. Why not?" Vali pulled out one of the pokeballs she'd been given and Litwick immediately caught itself, "Well that happened."

"What the actual hell?" Velma burst out looking at the pokeball in Vali's hands.

"I've stopped asking that question," Vali looked at the elder trainer with some small amusement as she released Litwick so the little ghost could eat the promised ration bar, "It's easier that way,"

The incredulous look shot towards Vali made her want to laugh, but she managed to hold it in knowing that Velma wouldn't appreciate it. Lewis shook his head seemingly deciding not to touch the situation, "We'll need to call the base and tell them what happened," He looked at her with a slight smirk, "Nicely done, Vali."