Celebration talks after the prelims are over

Vali took Smaug's pokeball from Nurse Joy and cradled it in her hand feeling the familiar warmth sear through her hand causing her eyes to almost close as joy filled her. She moved off to the seating area and sank into one of the offered seats. Elrond sat down on the arm of the seat and closed his eyes as his tail settled a bit on her arm widening their connection and deepening it. She felt a new connection form prompting her eyes to close as everything else slipped away for the moment. Fire that was almost as familiar as her own that carried songs of air and the thrumming roars of dragons, the slightly gravely rumble of Smaug's mental voice was always somewhat startling to hear, "Elrond, what is the report?"

"Our Alpha has managed to get us into the next round," Elrond answered earning a pleased mental rumble, "Vali is listening in and wishes for me to inform you that she'll be telling everyone else later. She also wants to tell you that you'll be fine to battle in another day. We'll be resting to recover from the battles and waiting on the results of the prelims to find out who our opponent is,"

Smaug let out a low rumble of acknowledgement, "Understood, Vali. Has Empress calmed from evolution?"

"Semi, it depends on the day and if she's been training," Elrond let out a tired sigh, "Lance has been very helpful in that regard,"

"I'll take over," The possessiveness that leaked into Smaug's tone was somewhat worrying if a bit amusing, "Has Alpha given any orders before the battle?"

"None other than the usual," Vali smiled at how self-sufficient her pokemon could be as Elrond caught Smaug up on everything that had happened since he'd entered Nurse Joy's care.

"Prelims are over and we all made it!" Zaria grinned broadly as they sat together in the Oak residence once more, "Now we get a few days off to rest before we hit the grinder,"

"We'll have a day before they'll tell us who we'll be facing," Vali added with a light smile, "A day to not worry over anything and actually enjoy ourselves,"

Nods were given as they all began eating their dinner, Zaria let out a light laugh, "Man, I'd have probably been swearing or something If I found out they'd paired me with Steven or Lance."

"I'm looking forward to when that happens, but I was happy that they're giving me a bit more time before then," Vali told her earning a surprised look, "What? A super challenging battle that'll push my partners and I to our limits? That will drive us to new heights and show us exactly how far we'll need to go in order to reach new levels? Who wouldn't want that?"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Lance grinned at her, "That's exactly the type of attitude I'm looking for in my future elite four though I'm going to have to beat your butt when we meet on the battlefield,"

"That maybe so, but I'll push you to your limits while it happens," Vali replied earning choking sounds from the adults and gave them a look, "What? I know my limits and my pokemon do as well. We're not on the same level as either Lance or Steven. Not even close, but we're going to do our best to drive them into a corner before they manage to beat us. We aren't going to just let them walk all over us after all,"

"But Vali there's a chance you could win," Delia protested setting down her fork.

Vali shook her head and pinned Delia with a look, "You and I both know the chances of that happening are so low even my luck can't cover that. Don't get me wrong, my pack and I are going to do our best to beat whoever we end up again, we've come too far to give up now just because we stand on too uneven ground. We're going to stand and fight as much as possible. Pushing our limits as far as possible just like anyone else in this tournament, we just know in the end we're likely going to end up the losing party. If we win, we'll likely end up against the other one and he's probably going to have seen all of our tricks by then likely resulting in counters that will at least halfway work meaning we'll lose," She smiled lightly, "Either way, I've already made it past where most first year trainers usually end up placing during their first tournament and I'm going to be battling at least one of my friends in the Indigo Colosseum under the eyes of Moltres which is awesome."

Delia opened her mouth to protest, but stopped when Sirius set a hand on her shoulder. He spoke with a slight shake of his head, "Pup, will you be happy with that?"

Vali nodded, "I will mostly because even if we end up losing, we'll still win in the end if only because of the information gained. After all," She grinned brightly at everyone, "Any information I gain during the battles will only benefit me during the future battles between us, I'll be able to use it against my opponents in the future."

"Then that it, I wish you the best of luck," Sirius looked at everyone, "To all of you, I hope at least one of you in this room wins the Conference this year,"

"It'll be me," Lance told Sirius with a grin, "I'll win it and go on to become the Champion of Kanto then Johto,"

"I truly wish Vali wouldn't put herself down like that especially with how well she's been doing in the Conference," Delia said as she sat down beside Sirius on the love-seat.

"But you have to consider how right she is when it comes to Lance and Steven," Professor Oak pointed out earning a glare and he raised up his hands, "Now Delia, the boys have been training for years longer than her and have experience when it comes to dealing with her type of trainer,"

Delia deflated after a moment, "I know, but I really want her to win if only to prove that she's wrong..."

"I know honey," Sirius rubbed her back, "But while Vali's amazing, even she can't pull off a miracle like that,"

"Sirius, you are Vali's guardian correct and Kanto still has the law in place that ten year olds require their parents permission to go to other regions correct?" Joseph asked much to everyone in the living rooms confusion.

Sirius nodded with a slight frown, "I am and Kanto does. Why do you ask, Joseph?"

"Steven is hoping that Vali might be able to come to Hoenn after the Conference is over seeing as the Mount Moon Expedition won't need his attention and there is a gym circuit as well as a contest circuit there," Joseph explained with a sheepish smile, "I wanted to verify that you were her true guardian, so you could give your permission. Granted, she wouldn't need it in after the 31st of July hits, but still,"

"I see, but it's up to Vali since Blaine might have her apprentice under him," Sirius said making Joseph blink a bit, "But I thought the Mount Moon Expedition was still going on?"

"It is, but I'm having someone else lead it in Steven's stead since he's going to try becoming Hoenn's Champion after the Indigo Conference is over," Joseph explained with as his pokenav rang and he took it out, "Speak of the Giratina, I need to take this. I will talk to you all later before I leave tonight,"

"Things are going to start changing, huh?" Vali asked as she sat with Steven watching Lance and Zaria try to help her little brother through a mock double battle, "We got through the prelims, so things are going to get even more intense,"

"Definitely, but we'll be ready," Steven smiled at her, "You did a lot better than I did during my first Conference. I only managed to get to the third round of the prelims," He gained a slightly nervousness to his smile, "Hey, Vali, has Blaine said anything to you yet?"

"About the Apprenticeship?" Vali asked earning a nod and shook her head, "No. I'm pretty sure he's still waiting until after the Conference. Why?"

"Well, I've been thinking and have some news," Steven replied swallowing slightly, "I've decided to return to Hoenn after the Conference since I've gained to confidence and battle experience that I believe will be needed to become Champion of my own region,"

Vali's eyes widened at that as shock filled her, "What about the Mount Moon Expedition?"

"Father has agreed to keep on the person that took over leading it especially since they've been doing such a good job leading it already," Steven explained with a light smile, "Now, I was hoping that you might come with me to Hoenn on my journey,"

"Come with you?" Vali asked in a soft voice.

Steven nodded, "Come with me to Hoenn on my journey, Vali. Explore it, we have fire-types there and perfect places to take pictures. I'd be able to show you so many diffrent things and you'd probably do the same by giving me a new perspective on things."

Vali's eyes widened at the offer, "Steven..."

"Hey, you two," Lance shouted causing them to look at him, "Come on over here, we're going to show them what an actual double battle looks like,"

"Vali, you don't have to answer me now," Steven told her as they stood up, "Just tell me before I leave Kanto, okay?"

Vali nodded slowly, "Okay."