Giving out the first pokemon and heading home

Newbie trainers that had just managed to pass the test poured into the gym ready to gain their new pokemon. Vali was rolling her eyes while inwardly flinching at every squeal and giggle that filled that air. She stood in one of the larger rooms compared to last year and the box behind her had ten pokeballs within it polished to perfection. She had interacted with each pokemon and gotten a good gauge on their personalities. She watched as ten kids were led into the room and marveled at the fact each one was just a bit smaller than her. She leaned against Balto who looked at them all with a careful eye while Elrond floated beside him. All her other pokemon save for the newest members were currently out and wandering the room. Once the last newbie was in the room, the light over her clicked on and she heard gasps earning a small laugh as she said, "Settle down, guys. I'll be the one handing out your pokemon, so I'd like for you to sit down while we get started."

They did so while one of the male ten year old's with pale green hair raised a hand. She gestured at him and he asked, "You're Vali, right? Valkyrie Potter-Black? From the contest last year."

"I am," Vali replied with a light smile, "I'm Blaine's current apprentice though with any luck I'll be finishing up my apprenticeship soon," She grinned at them, "First off, I want to congratulate you on passing those really hard tests. Now unfortunately that was the easy part, you've come to the hard part. Each pokemon within the box behind me has the potential to become great in someone's hands, but only if they're the right person to bring it out. It'll be up to you," Vali gestures to them, "To find out if you're the right fit for them. Meet their eyes as I introduce them and try to make a connection with them, it's how you'll find the partner that will be beside you through this journey that will be your life,"

Someone raised their hand and Vali gestured to them, "If we're only allowed to pick one, what happens if the fit isn't correct?"

"You'll know it isn't," Vali replied earning confused looks, "You'll get time with each pokemon, so during this time tell them about what you want through this journey. Be truthful and honest, you're meeting a lifelong partner after all. If you show them everything you've got to offer, they'll do the same," She could see that most of them understood, "Now you were told before entering this room that you wouldn't be getting any regional starters which includes Charmander," She gestures to Smaug who snorted at them, "Only Professor Oak has the ability to hand those out as each one is on the endangered species list save for the Charmander-line. Charmander can't be handed out by anyone save for him due to their dragon heritage and the fact that they just got off the endangered species list within the last five years,"

"So what pokemon are we getting?" A girl asked earning a laugh from Vali.

"Good question," Elrond handed Vali a pokeball from the box and she released the creature inside revealing it to be a Houndour, "Houndour. Wonderful for a beginner pokemon, they're pack based and fire-type,"

Vali continued on and released each pokemon giving the new trainers a small amount of information about each pokemon. Blaine had gathered two Houndour, a Pidgey, three Pikachu, a Meowth, a Ponyta, a Oddish, and a Vulpix. Each were very careful of the new trainers though they were eager to find someone among them that they could possible bond with. The Vulpix surprised her until Elrond told that it had been one that had arrived at the gym early that morning begging to be caught and wishing for a human. It seemed to immediately go to one of the girl trainers and stuck with her. It wouldn't leave the girl. With a small smile on her face, she walked over to the girl and spoke as the other got to know the other pokemon in the room, "Come on, you've got your pokemon."

"Huh?" The girl looked at her with wide amber eyes.

"That Vulpix there has been waiting here for you since this morning," Vali informed her with a chuckle, "She won't pick anyone else. Vulpix are just like that,"

The girl looked at Vulpix as the fox looked back at her with adoration on her face, "You really want me, Vulpix?" Vulpix let out a soft soft and nuzzled into her, "Okay, I guess that settles it then. How did you-"

"Elrond told me. It's useful to have a psychic around," Vali said with a laugh as she began leading the girl out while snagging Vulpix's pokeball from Elrond, "C'mon,"

Eventually everyone else got their own pokemon though one in her group was put on a watch list to ensure that if his pokemon ended up abandoned they could find it again, Vali found her way to the Cafeteria and began to make some food after cleaning everything in her area up. She was joined by Zavian who admitted two kids in his group had been added to the watch list, but otherwise everything had gone wonderfully. By the time everyone was finished for the day, a total of eight kids had been put on a watch list that the gym leaders had every year for trainers that might abandon pokemon. It'd been started after more than half the starter pokemon in a year had been abandoned by their trainers along with quite a few others. With any hope, they wouldn't need the list that year, but the League always needed it.

Blaine ensured Vali had her go bag packed and hidden among her things when she headed home. She got a stern reminder that no one was allowed to know that she'd be going on a secret mission. She felt a sense of nervousness at having to keep such a secret, but knowing that she'd be an Elite for Lance meant that missions like these would probably be something she'd have to deal with. She headed home trying to push back her nervousness in favor of the break that she'd finally be able to enjoy. Elrond was a comfortable presence coiling around her thoughts and helping to ease the nervousness a bit. When she finally got home, it felt like a breath of fresh air.

Vali spotted the kids running around the front area of the lab and shook her head softly while turning towards home. It didn't take too long for her to arrive as most people were at the lab today. She opened the door and made her way inside as Ash's voice shouted, "Mom! Where did I put those box tops?"

"In your dresser drawer!" Delia called out in reply as Vali closed the door quietly behind her.

Vali carefully set her things down with a smile and made her way towards the kitchen. She paused in the doorway to watch Delia move around making what looked to be a soup. She spoke as Ash let out a happy shout, "Looks like things are normal here, huh? I guess Ash is saving up for that League cap they're advertising in preparation for Lance's battle with both Champions though that won't be happening for another three months what with his final set of battles happening next month."

"Vali!" Delia squealed loudly dropping the spoon she was using and rushing over to hug her, "You're home! When did you get in?"

"Just now, it's good to be back," Vali hugged Delia back, "Missed you too. I'm only going to be back for a bit and Blaine's going to be picking me up at a random time,"

"But you'll be here for your birthday, right?" Delia asked earning a nod, "Good, I have plans to make then. Go get unpacked and settled,"

Vali nodded with a laugh, "Sure thing, I can do that. Just do me a favor and try not to plan anything too big, it's been busy lately."

"I'll try," Delia laughed softly as she turned back to her soup, "Lunch will be ready in a few minutes,"

"Good, I'm starved and so is everyone else. We've been wanting a good homecooked meal for awhile," Vali grinned at her before turning and headed back to grab her bag.

Vali tugged her scarf from the area it'd been lodged in her bag. She snorted as Ash flopped on her bed, "Vali, it's been so boring lately. I'm almost sad school's over."

Vali rolled her eyes, "Gary hasn't been around?"

"He's been busy at the ranch," Ash fidgeted with Aragorn's paws a little, "Professor Oak wanted both of us to help out with everything, but Mom wanted me here for some extra chores since I got grounded,"

Vali let out a soft laugh as she set her scarf down and looked at Ash, "So you basically deserve to be bored out of your mind for a little bit? Okay. When's the grounding over?"

"Tomorrow," Ash answered with a groan.

"So we'll head to the ranch and you'll get some things to do," Vali told him, "I need to talk with Professor Oak, so you two can go do something together maybe work with some of the new pokemon that might be popping up during the next few days since some of those kids will not hold back when it comes to catching a whole bunch of pokemon right off the bat,"

"Oaky," Ash smiled slightly though it turned into a small frown, "Why do they catch so many pokemon? They're never going to actually use most of them,"

Vali sighed deeply and took a seat beside Ash. Settling down, she immediately found Aragorn jumping into her lap, "It's one part of the pokemon trainer mentality that's a lot more prevalent in society than the one I and others like me subscribe to. They catch as many as possible to find the best and strongest pokemon. Some do it in order to find shiny pokemon or something truly unique. I hate that mentality, but there's not a lot that can be done to change it. Not right now at least."

Vali's words last words were said in a bitter mutter. Ash looked surprised either at her tone or the words she said. Ash spoke after a few moments, "Why not? Why can't it change?"

"Because the League for all that it tries to say that all pokemon are equal, it can't force everyone to see it that way," Vali said as she scratched behind Aragorn's ears, "The champion keeps jumping around between wanting harsher laws and laxer. The League is torn though all agree that pokemon need to be protected. Right now, it won't change until a new champion takes over and that will be Lance,"

"Lance?" Ash looked slightly surprised, "I know he's strong and he has been battling both Elite Fours. But is he really going to become the Champion of Kanto?"

"Of Kanto and Johto," Vali replied with conviction, "Uniting them and ensuring that the laws put in place will change for the better," She would ensure it if Lance really wanted her as one of his Elites, "I'm going to help him do that,"

"That's amazing," Ash breathed with a grin, "Is there a way for me to help?"

"Just be a good student and make sure when it's you're time to become a trainer, you're the best one you can possibly be," Vali replied as she reached over and patted him on the shoulder, "You're already proving you're better than most by training Pidgeotto so well,"

Ash smiled as he stood up from the bed, "I know, it's been so much fun training her. There's been some difficult times, I've learned to go with the flow though."

"That's good," Vali was glad he'd learned that lesson early, "Jest keep that in mind during the rest of your training career,"

"I will," Ash looked determined.