An important talk

Vali practically stumbled into the cafeteria after Jackson with a groan and slumped into one of the available seats after releasing her pokemon. She let her head fall onto the table and didn't move until food had been set in front of her. Even then it was a struggle to bring up the urge to eat despite the hunger clawing at her stomach, it felt like every single bone in her body was tired. She looked up slowly as Jackson said, "Eat. You won't have a chance to until dinner if you don't."

"I know, but it's so hard to get up the energy to do anything right now. I'm so tired," Vali told him as she slowly picked up her spoon.

"Trust me, everyone feels the same. I wish the boss would tell us what's going on," Jackson muttered softly as he began to eat his own lunch.

They were the only ones in the cafeteria right now as the rest were all doing their assigned duties. It was likely they wouldn't see anyone else until dinner at the latest. Vali carefully took a bite of her soup before slowly beginning to devour it with a slightly sullen expression. She hated this even if everyone was getting much stronger from the constant training and studying. She finished her bowl after a couple minutes and set down her spoon though didn't get up. She leaned against the table and took the moment to simply breath. Elrond joined her a the table with Thorin slowly following. Jackson noticed them settling down beside her and the empty bowl on the table and went to speak. Vali cut him off, "I'll head back out in a moment. I just need to actually sit down and not think about anything for a moment. Besides the rest of my pokemon are eating their food, I want them to enjoy it."

Jackson shook his head lightly, "Fine. I won't say a word. Have you heard anything from Surge about those two pokemon your rescued?"

"They're doing okay," Vali revealed with a small shrug, "Not the best, it'll take time for them to recover. Physically they'll be fine in a couple months with the cub taking a little bit longer than the mom. Mentally, it'll be longer still and maybe never fully. Thankfully, the mother's calming somewhat thanks to them ensuring that the cub will not be removed from her and his care is done under her supervision,"

"That's good," Jackson smiled lightly, "It's amazing that you saved them,"

"Yeah. I still have no idea what will end up happening though. Maybe they'll stay with my family as their pokemon," Vali shook her head with a sigh, "I can't say, but that's for the future to decide,"

Vali stood up slowly with a sigh, "C'mon guys, we can't keep Blaine's team waiting too long. We've got training to do."

Groans and sighs echoed through the air as they all stood up again, it was going to be another pain in the ass couple of hours.

Blaine pulled Vali into his office just before they were going to give out starter pokemon. Vali entered the room and looked around at the paperwork that practically dominated it. Blaine spoke as she closed the door behind her, "Brat, we've got two things to discuss. One, the starters that are going to be given out and your role this year. Two, the League mission you're being drafted into participating in."

Vali blinked slowly at the fact Blaine had pretty much gone straight for the heart and mentally shook her head. Something had definitely stung his ass if he wasn't beating around the bush, she narrowed her eyes a little at him. Walking further into the room, she took a seat on the chair in front of his desk while Thorin laid at her side. She took in his serious expression while asking, "So let's start with the first and work our way to the second. I assume I'll be helping to hand out starters like last year."

"Yes," Blaine nodded with a small snort, "But you'll be dealing with a larger group of ten kids. Think you can handle that?"

"I think I can do that if Elrond can help me," Vali told him earning a nod, "Then sure, I can do that,"

Good," Blaine wrote something down then frowned at her, "Now the mission, we'll both be going, but no one can know about. Not even your godfather,"

Vali's eyes widened at that. It meant the mission was of the upmost secret and definitely had to do with something serious. She swallowed heavily, "What are the details and when is it happening?"

"Three days after we give out pokemon," Blaine informed her, "You'll be permitted to go home for the time before we leave. I'll be picking you up before we leave,"

Vali did the mental calculations and her heartbeat faltered, "My birthday...It'll be my birthday the day before."

"I know," Blaine's expression was hard, "I'm sorry, Brat, but this mission is important. I'll be on the same level as your first one actually was and you'll be expected to participate,"

Vali froze a bit as she realized what Blaine had been doing, "All that pushing, it's been for this."

"The champion pulled me aside before I came to get you from the pokemon center, Brat," It'd been that long and he was only now telling Vali about this mission, "He warned me this mission was probably going to come up if that trainer was what we guessed. But it isn't only that, Brat,"

"Then what? What could possibly have made you wait almost a month to tell me that an important and possibly life-threatening mission was coming up?" Vali asked with a frown.

"I think you're about ready to finish my your apprenticeship," Blaine replied earning a confused look as all her hurt screeched to a halt, "And I only got the news this morning, so don't be hurt, brat,"

"Finish my apprenticeship?" Vali's voice was a hoarse whisper.

Blaine nodded with a slow smile, "This last month has been all about pushing you to your limits while under observation, I can say without a doubt that I've got very little left to teach you outside of maybe a few specific techniques that can be gained outside of being a gym trainer. But to prove it, you're going to be battling my true team. If your team can take them down especially Magmar, you can say your apprenticeship is over."

Vali continued to stare at him for a few moments before his words fully registered. She felt a mixture of elation and trepidation, "But I thought I'd need another year under you."

"Brat, your team is one of the fastest growing I've ever seen," Blaine let out a soft sigh, "I know that you might feel the need for more training even if I say you've got enough under me kid, so go to Surge after you beat my team. He'll welcome you in a heartbeat and beat you into the ground until whatever time you feel the need to go. Just please, Vali, listen to me on this,"

Vali looked at him sharply as he said her name. It was the first time outside of their gym battle he'd said it. She eyed him in concern and realized that something deeper might be going on behind the scenes. With a nod, she said, "Alright, Blaine. We'll battle after the mission and once we get healed up if we need it."

"Good," Blaine nodded and sent her out with a wave.

"So you'll be done your apprenticeship soon?" Steven asked as Vali sat down in her room finally able to take a breather for a moment.

"Yeah though it still feels rushed," Vali leaned back against the wall, "I can't believe it,"

"You did start it a year ago after all, so it probably would feel rushed," Steven tells her and Vali can see that he's in an office somewhere, "But if he says you're ready, you are. He is the expert after all,"

Vali sighed softly as she rubbed her face, "I know, but still, it just feels weird. Somethings going on. I don't know what, but it just is. I wish I could find out."

"You'll find out at some point, but for now, you should enjoy the knowledge that all your hard work is going to pay off. Next time we meet up, we'll have to battle if only to see how strong you are compared to my team," Steven told her earning a laugh, "I really want to see how strong my soon not to be an apprentice friend,"

"Definitely," Vali agreed with a laugh, "Any leads on the Smeargle?"

"A few, but none that like pictures. I'm actually headed to see the breeder hall where I'd been putting out some leads, so hopefully it'll work out," Steven replied with a weak smile, "You weren't kidding about these creatures being difficult to find,"

"Told you," Vali grinned at him, "Why do you think I didn't really want to go looking for one myself?"

Steven snorted softly, "Alright, alright, I get it. Well, I'm off to see if my luck has changed and hopefully you get some rest. You do have some busy days ahead of you."