"So Blaine is releasing you from your apprenticeship soon?" Professor Oak asked as Vali sat looking over the fangs that Lance had sent her, "Are you excited?"
"Nervous," Vali made notes on the various sizes, shapes, and rings that each tooth had, "I...don't exactly know what to think about it," She ran a hand through her hair, "It'll give me more training training with my pokemon before I get called on,"
"What are you planning to do?" Professor Oak asked curiously.
Vali looked at the tooth in her hands. It was one of Smaug's teeth from back when he was a Charmander. She smiled softly at the memories of Smaug's cute little face even as he bashed in the face of a Caterpie. Running her fingers over the small fang that only had a few small groves that were slightly pitted, she said, "I think we'll head over to Vermillion like Blaine suggested. Surge called me this morning and we talked about the possibility. It'll be more training, but with different scenery. I think we need it."
"Are you sure about that?" Professor Oak asked her curiously.
Vali nodded as she put down Smaug's tooth, "Yeah. We'll also head out towards where we got Arwen. She's a lot stronger and if I'm right, she'll be evolving soon," Professor Oak made a 'go on' motion, "She's getting a lot bigger and the area on her face where the horn usually grows in is showing signs of bone growth according to Nurse Joy. She thinks that it'll be another month or so before she evolves."
Professor Oak grinned at her, "That's amazing, Vali. I can't wait to see her evolve."
"Me neither," Vali would be lying if she said her Ponyta evolving wouldn't be somewhat saddening since she'd be losing out on the ability to curl up with her against in a pokemon center as easily, "I've trained her in all the moves a Ponyta can learn naturally. She's as eager as I am to see what she'll be able to do as a Rapidash,"
Professor Oak chuckled softly, "It'll be wonderful to study her. Make sure to take pictures of that herd, alright?"
"Sure thing," Vali agreed as she turned her eyes towards the fangs again and began making notes again.
Vali yawned softly as she left her room and scrubbed at her eyes. Aragorn and Thorin beside her yawning as well looking just as sleepy. Elrond was the only one remotely awake between them. She walked past the living room and headed into the kitchen only to pause at the sight of Lance sitting at the table with Steven leaning against the counter looking sleepy. Blinking sleepily at the two of them as the sight slowly sank into her minds, she spoke softly, "Lance, Steven? Y-you're here?"
"Hey, Vali," Lance raised his cup of coffee, "Morning and happy birthday,"
"Morning," Steven smiled at her, "Happy birthday,"
Vali smiled at them both and quickly moved to hug Steven then Lance, "Hey! What are you doing here?"
"Delia had us come here for your birthday," Lance replied as Vali went to go get her breakfast and grab some for the two pokemon that had decided to follow her out of the nest her bedroom had become, "So small birthday gathering?"
"Just family and a few close friends," Vali sat down after giving Thorin and Aragorn their food, "Everyone at the gym gave me their happy birthdays already," She looked at Steven, "Do you want your Cufant now or later?"
"Later is fine. I do have a Smeargle for you that can take photographs, so we'll be able to do the trade properly," Steven replied earning a light grin.
"So how has everything been, Vali?" Lance asked as she began eating her breakfast, "What's been happening?"
Vali swallowed the cereal in her mouth, "Blaine said my apprenticeship is almost over. I'll need to take down his true team especially his Magmar. So long as we manage that, we'll be just fine. Once that's done, we'll be headed over to Vermillion city."
"Vermillion City?" Steven looked at her in confusion, "Why Vermillion?"
"Surge has offered to train us a bit and Arwen's going to evolve soon," Vali revealed earning surprised looks, "Arwen wants to see her former herd and show them what she knows. I hope she'll evolve when that happens,"
Lance grinned at her, "That'll be awesome, Vali. Will you send us pictures if it does?"
"Sure thing, I'm doing the same thing for Professor Oak," Vali replied as she made a mental note and saw Elrond nod to her.
"So birthday girl, what are you planning to do today?" Steven asked as he came over to sit down, "I noticed Delia and Ash aren't around,"
"Delia is probably get ingredients for the dinner tonight," Vali replied as she leaned back slightly, "Ash is probably at the ranch with Gary trying to cobble something together for my birthday like they do every year. Sirius should be by at some point too though it won't be for too long since he's got a mission,"
Steven frowned a little, "Another mission. Kanto seems to have a lot of them lately for their rangers."
"'an idle ranger is a lazy one'," Vali quoted softly, "Rangers always have something going on. With Sirius, he's got a lot to do with wild pokemon and some poachers," She looked at Steven, "I actually thought about being a ranger once. Balto would've been my partner," She smiled softly as her gaze fell to Aragorn and Thorin, "I'm glad things worked out this way. We're better for it," She looked at Steven then Lance, "As for what I plan on doing today, I don't know. I had thought about spending a bit of time at the ranch and maybe go for a run with Balto. Now though since both of you are here, the plan needs to change since I really want to spend time with you both,"
"Well we don't want to take away from your plans-" Steven began only for Vali to raise a hand to stop him.
"The only thing I really want to do is go on that run with Balto. It's pretty much become a tradition for us," Vali told him with a slight grin, "Anything you guys want to do, we can. I don't really have many birthday traditions,"
"Really?" Lance looked at Vali in surprise while Steven nodded in thought.
Vali shrugged lightly, "Growing up, Dudley was the one who Vernon and Petunia celebrated. When we finally got to this place, I finally got at least one tradition," Lance frowned slightly at her as he'd only heard some of the things she'd gone through as a child, "Anyway, What do you guys want to do?"
"We could battle," Lance suggest earning a grimace from Vali and discontented noises from her two pokemon, "What's up?"
"We need a break from battles. Blaine's been running us ragged," Vali rubbed her neck, "Granted he's been trying to ensure we'd be ready to beat him team," Lance and Steven goggled at her, "That's how we'll be ending the apprenticeship,"
Lance shook his head, "I really don't envy you, Vali. Having to face that Magmar just to end your apprenticeship, it seems like a bit much."
"It's the best way to prepare us," Vali replied with a sigh, "He might not know what exactly we're going to face on certain fronts, but be knows the rest,"
That sobered the two males up, Steven spoke after a moment as she took a drink of her Pecha berry juice, "Everything okay, Vali?"
"I'll be fine," Vali really wanted to tell them about her coming mission, "I'm just a little worn out. All of us are and being back here helps. But no battling," She smirked at Lance, "I won't say no to flying with you,"
"Then we'll fly," Lance replied with a grin, "Smaug or Celina?"
"Celina. My girl is itching for a good flight," Vali replied as Steven shook his head in amusement, "So how about after Steven and I do our pokemon trade? I'll get acquainted with my new pokemon then we go for the flight. Then I'll go for a run with Balto, it sounds like I have a nice day planned out," She smiled as Aragorn walked over to settle by her side, "And maybe a bit of grooming for all the pokemon we have with us? huh?" She grinned as Aragorn barked wagging his tails in agreement, "Glad to see you're in agreement, Little King,"