Arwen and a recovery

Arwen looked at the Elder of her tribe and released a loud neigh, "Elder! I have returned with my human and herd-mates to prove myself to you as you've asked."

"I can see that," The Elder shook his mane out and flared it, "Be ready, Child of my sun-and-stars! I will not go easy on you!"

"Don't need it!" Arwen flared her mane in return.

With a battle cry, she dove for the Elder as Vali and her Alpha quickly moved away as Elrond set up a barrier. Arwen could feel her former family coming around them to view the battle as she began to fight with the Elder. She was grateful for the training she'd gone through throughout the time she'd been with her pack because it allowed her to do this. She narrowed her eyes at the Elder as he threw a Fire Blast at her. It was ineffective though still surprising that he'd toss one at her. With a low snort, she began using High-Horse Power knowing that this would be a tough fight.

Each breath stoked the flames within her, Arwen remembered everything Lotus, Blaine's Rapidash, had taught her to ensured she'd reach her peak as a Ponyta. She threw her all into the battle willing the Elder to see her resolve to protect the new herd she'd come to love. With flaring flames and stomping hooves, she aimed each blow with the preciseness that'd been ingrained in her during recent months. The power that filled each blow was from her grueling training and the sheer strength that filled her. Even if she lost the battle, it was a point of pride to fight the Elder at this level.

When the battle reached it's climax, Arwen stared at the Elder with a sweat soaked flank as evolutionary energy coiled within her just ready to burst forth. The Elder spoke as he held his horn towards her neck, "You've grown strong, Child of my sun-and-stars. I grant you permission to rise. You will now be known to the Herd as Fire-Walker. Guard your new herd well and return again to show me your strength eventually, you may one day succeed me as the Elder."

Arwen let out a neigh as pride and evolutionary energy burst through her.

Vali released her other pokemon to watch Arwen's evolution as she felt her inner flame pulse in unison to the changing pokemon before her though not the extent of Thorin. When the light of evolution died down, Arwen had reached the base height of a Rapidash though she'd grow larger for another couple months. The color of her hooves darkened to a deep obsidian that gleamed in the light with a pale moonstone-like rim at the bottom. The cream of her fur turned somewhat reddish the closer it got her flames and her eyes had become a burning amber with a bright red core. The bump had transformed into a razor sharp horn that gleamed in the sunlight and pointed proudly forwards. When Arwen looked around, she quickly found Vali.

Vali spoke as she began making her way to the much bigger fire-type, "Arwen, you've evolved! It's so wonderful."

Arwen let out a soft sound as Elrond began translating, "It is. I feel so much more powerful. I'll be able to protect everyone much better. I don't think I'll get used to the horn though. It's kinda heavy."

Vali giggled as she reached Arwen and began petting her, "You'll get used to it. It's part of you just like my fire," She kissed Arwen's overly warm nose.

With Arwen's evolution came new training for the newly evolved Rapidash, the pack also had to learn how to adapt to adding the bigger pokemon into their training as well. Vali worked one-on-one with Arwen as adjusting to this new form might be easy, but the power levels had tripled. She didn't neglect the others, but Arwen was her focus. Surge helped out quite a bit as his Zebstrika had gone through the same troubles when she'd evolved. Arwen steadily got used to her new body and Vali eased up a little bit.

"Vali, thank you for coming to see me," Rodrick said as Vali entered the room she'd been directed to, "I take it Surge has been relentless especially with Arwen's evolution?"

"Yeah, but we're enjoying it," Vali noticed the window off to the side of the room, "What's up? Surge said it was pretty urgent,"

Rodrick leaned back against the wall with a small smile, "Well, Miss Manectric and her cub are doing much better now. Soon enough we'll be able to foster them, I brought you here so you'd be able to say hello and speak with her."

Vali blinked in shock before nodding as warmth spread through her, "I'd like that."

"Well, let's go see them," Rodrick said as he moved to the only door in the room, "You'll have at most an hour since the cub still needs to have certain time-based treatments,"

"Understood," Vali nodded as Rodrick opened the door.

Rodrick smiled at her as he murmured, "You'll do just fine."

Vali walked inside the room and found Manectric curled up on a plush bed with her cub playing with a couple toys. Manectric blinked a bit and narrowed her left eye which was somewhat cloudy. Elrond spoke as the Manectric grunted, "You're here."

"Yeah," Vali nodded as Aragorn sat completely still to allow the Electrike to sniff him, "Rodrick wanted us to spend some time together. You two are looking amazing,"

Manectric let out a low rumble, "Not as good as we could, I will admit we are...better. We have you to thank for that. I remember what you'd said."

"I see and what did you think?" Vali asked recalling her offer.

"My cub," Manectric looked at her cub, "Wishes to have the same bond your pack has with you. I...I wish to rest for the remainder of my days. I do not wish to seperate from him permanently any time soon. I...We will go to that place you spoke about,"

"Alright," Vali said as she sat down against the wall, "But for now, you guys are kinda stuck here and I've got some more time. So how about I tell you about Pallet Town?"

Manectric nodded and Vali began speaking about her hometown.