Vermillion training

"Look who's here!" Surge boomed as Vali strode into the Vermillion City gym, "A little brat and her foxes,"

"Hey, Surge," Vali greeted him as Aragorn raced from her side to see the blonde man with an eager look while Surge's challenger looked on in shock, "Looks like I'm interrupting,"

"Nah, the battle isn't due to start for another minute," Surge replied while bending down to pick up Aragorn, "Your Princeling got bigger since we saw each other. Definitely going to be Ninetails sized by the time he gets all six tails, you're taking good care of him not that I ever doubted it," He looked at Vali with a grin, "So ready to get your ass kicked in training?"

"Sure, we've relaxed long enough," Vali replied with a grin.

"Go take a seat in the stands, it shouldn't take long for us to take care of this baby," Surge replied while gesturing to the stands.

Raichu grinned and pounded her fists together earning a matching grin from Vali as the kid challenging Surge spluttered. Vali followed the direction and headed for the stands with Elrond floating beside her head, Aragorn walking beside her, Thorin on her other side, and Litwick floating on her shoulder. She took a seat as the kid finally snapped out, "Hey, I'm going to win this battle!"

Vali shook her head softly as Surge began to taunt the boy with Raichu sparking on his shoulder. The battle began and Surge released the first pokemon of his second badge set up. A Pikachu took the field with a sarcastic grin on its face. Based on what she could see, the chu was only a couple months after evolving from a Pichu. She eyed the pokemon that the boy released and snorted a little as a Diglett appeared on the field. It looked almost newly caught maybe a month off though the little one was healthy meaning the kid was taking care of it. It would seem the kid was going for type advantage, but he'd have been better off trying with a Dugtrio if he wanted to try it with Surge. Poor Kid was going to loose hard with an almost newly caught pokemon, it was going to shake him to the core.

"But that is the purpose of Surge's challenge, isn't it?" Elrond asked as they settled easily to watch the ensuing beat-down.

Vali nodded as she watched the Pikachu race around the arena with Diglett become increasingly confused as it attempted to keep up with the fast moving blur of yellow. She had to shake her head as the Pikachu easily slammed Iron Tails into the Diglett while dodging the slow attacks of the ground-type. She spoke softly as Pikachu slammed one final attack into the Diglett's head and knocked it out, "Kid's gotta have better strategy if he wants to go far."

"A Bellsprout? A Gloom would've been better," Elrond shook his head as Vali snorted softly as the grass-type was released, "He's at least attempting strategy with each pokemon, but nothing he's chosen is a good choice,"

"No," Vali shook her head as the Bellsprout barely managed to keep up with Pikachu's speed and at the very least score some kind of damage, "This time the Bellsprout has potential. This one has been caught longer and listens much better," She watched it carefully as the Bellsprout released some powders that Pikachu didn't seem to notice, "Pikachu didn't even notice those powders. At the very least, he should make it to the next battle round before losing. He still needs work before progressing to the next badge,"

Vali watched her words become truth as the air became electrified as a Helioptile appeared. She almost giggled as the boy began questioning what the pokemon was even as it began to beat the ever loving shit out of his Bellsprout. Helioptile were one of her favorite electric-types both due to the inner power these sunny lizards held and because they were adorable. She watched as the Bellsprout fell into the sand and shook her head as the boy tried to cry foul about it. She spoke up from her place at the stands, "Helioptile are known as the Generator pokemon from Kalos. They tend to make their homes in the arid deserts of Kalos to ensure safety from their enemies and maximum ability to generate sunlight energy. They much like your Bellsprout do not require food though it does help and they enjoy it greatly," She stood up and began walking down from the stands, "I'm going to give you some advice, Kid. An Experienced trainer to a newbie just trying to get their first badge."

"Who are you to think you're-" The boy began only to cut himself off as both Aragorn and Thorin began to growl at him.

Vali spoke as she gestured to the two causing them to fall silent, "I'm Valkyrie Potter-Black and I came in fourth of my first tournament," The boy promptly paled, "Train that Diglett until it's a Dugtrio and you might just manage the type advantage angle for the first battle, the second will take it out most likely unless you actually use strategy. The Bellsprout was passable, but it still needs work beyond that if you're wanting to use it. The main thing though is to bond with them further and gain a better understanding of them," She gave him a look, "If you bond with them, you'll find that no battle even one like this will end the same," She felt Elrond settle by her shoulder, "By increasing the bond with them, you will be able to battle at higher levels. If not, you might want to find a new path for yourself soon."

The boy spluttered at her even as one of the gym trainers began leading him out. Surge spoke once the kid was gone, "Bit harsh on that last part, Kid. Not that you're wrong, it was correct to tell him that, but still harsh."

"Had to say it, Surge," Vali said as Aragorn leaned into her leg, "Better to learn early and do things right than fall," She looked at him curiously, "That Helioptile was new, you didn't have one last time I was here,"

"Got it in exchange for one of Raichu's Pichu," Surge answered as the Helioptile was released and Vali began greeting the little electric-type with a small smile, "You like it?"

"Kind of want one eventually, I'm actually looking to get a grass-type of some kind," Vali answered as she ran her fingers across the little electric-types head with a soft smile, "Not sure what, I might end up asking Erica for suggestions,"

"I'll think on it as well, but it'll have to be something with fire resistance," Surge scratched at his chin, "For now let's get you settled in,"

Unlike with Blaine where she had to think before she moved and her pokemon were forced into highly intensive training that made them think heavily as they improved themselves, Surge forced them to move without thinking at quick speeds and honed their instincts to high points while training their resistances higher than Blaine had. He had Vali go to her therapy sessions in person since Rodrick was right there. When they had a day off, it was strictly a no training day and she was practically forced from the gym. Everything had a strict structure that forced them to grow at a quick pace in a different way than Blaine had and they relished in it, they were becoming as strong as possible and that filled them with pride.

Vali looked over the plains with a small smile as she took in the Rapidash and Ponyta that raced around. She urged Balto forward as Elrond said, "Looking for the Elder now."

Vali hummed softly as the Ponyta pranced around and the Rapidash sparred. They practically ignored her after a couple of moments and likely a telepathic message by Elrond. Eventually the aged Elder of the herds raced out of the woodwork of horse pokemon and stopped their progression, Vali left Balto's back and took out Arwen's pokeball with a warm smile. She bowed slightly, "Elder of the Rapidash and Ponyta, it is a pleasure to meet you once more. I've comeback as promised with Arwen in hand to show you her progress."

The Elder stamped his hoof and threw his head with a neigh as Elrond translated, "I see, Young Fire-Bearer. Well let's see what the young Ponyta has to offer!"

Vali released Arwen and more heat flooded the area as the Ponyta within burst forward. Arwen was almost the size of a Rapidash now and her hooves had become almost jet black. She had gained longer strands of flame on her mane and tail. She had a large bump where her horn was supposed to be. There was very little holding Arwen back from evolving save for the Ponyta herself, she wanted to show her former family what she'd become.