Celadon Gym Battle Pt. 1

The day before their gym battles saw Steven and Vali taking their teams out for some much needed relaxation. Smaug wanted to continue training since he was so close to evolving, but Vali put her foot down. Pending evolution or not, he needed to rest unless he wanted to be left out of the gym battle tomorrow. As much as it pissed him off, he knew better than to argue since she could be even more stubborn than a Charizard when it came to protecting their territory. Forcing himself to calm down, he admitted that training so hard without a break was exhausting and gym battles were difficult enough when you were healthy. As much as he may want to evolve, he understood that being in the best health possible before the fact was best. With how patient she was despite how much he had to have pissed her off since he started feeling his final evolution coming along, he found him respecting Vali even more than before.

When night fell and they began to retire for the night, Smaug was surprised when Vali took him out on the balcony of the pokemon center. He looked at her curiously as she patted the seat next to her. He took the seat as she stared up at the sky, "Smaug," she was staring at the moon which floated above them, "You're going to evolving really soon. Likely during tomorrow's battle," Smaug nodded while wondering where she was going with this, "I'm happy that I've managed to help you reach this point. You're going to be an amazing Charizard," Smaug's chest puffed up and he smirked, "But, what will happen after you evolve?" Smaug's chest deflated and he looked at her in confusion, "Have you ever thought of what would happen after you finally evolve into a Charizard? What do you want to do after that?" No, he hadn't really thought about it, "You've never really thought about it, have you?" She looked down at him and he nodded, "You already know that I don't exactly know what I want to do in my life outside of becoming a fire-type master and making a family with everyone," He'd known that since their first day together when she admitted as much, "The thing is that I know you'll be a bit lost after you evolve. I want you to know that no matter what, I'll be there for you," He smiled and hugged her letting out a soft purr, "Our family will be there for you too like families are supposed to," She hugged him lightly and laid her head on his, "Just like I know you'll be there for us too, Smaug."

Smaug closed his eyes and embraced the warmth his trainer was giving off. No matter what happened from now on, he would always be a member of this family, pack, flock, herd, etc. He promised himself that nothing would ever change that.

Vali watched Steven's match which saw Erika bringing out a Tangrowth, Vileploom, and a Victreebel. Since Steven had been a trainer longer than her and had participated in the Hoenn League more than once, the gym leaders didn't limit themselves as much. They didn't use members of their real team, but they used pokemon close to that level in order to properly test him. While she'd known that before hand, it only sunk in now because of just how high level the battle was. The Exeggutor used to create the barriers around the battlefield were working over time due to just how powerful the attacks being tossed around were. As she watched the battle, she realized that this was her first true glance into high level battles.

While Steven's pokemon were immune to poison-type moves and a majority of them barely felt anything from grass-type moves, Erika still managed to put up a damn good showing. She didn't let anything stop her from pushing Steven's pokemon to their limits. She forced him to work for the win ensuring that the steel-type master-in-training gained respect for her. Vali knew that she wasn't ready to face Erika at the same level as Steven was and it would be awhile before she reached that point. It was a daunting thought, but she didn't let that discourage her. If anything, it made her excited at the prospect of going up against Erika using her full power one day with her team.

Steven was smiling as they left the gym to get his pokemon seen to. They were definitely going to be feeling the results of that battle for awhile. He looked at Vali as she said, "That was my first real glimpse at what the higher level battles hold for me, wasn't it?"

Steven nodded looking pleased with himself, "Yes though that doesn't compare to a battle between champions."

"I want to be able to see it," Vali told him earning a curious look, "I want to be able to watch you become a champion,"

"I'll make sure to save you a ticket," Steven promised her as a grin formed on his face, "I promise,"

"I'm going to hold you to that," Vali warned him earning a laugh, "Let's hurry up back to the pokemon center, I think Metagross, Skarmory, and Aggron really want to get their injuries taken care of,"

Erika smiled when Vali stood across from her, "Looks like it's time for that gym battle of yours, huh?"

"Yeah and the battle you had with Steven earlier really fired me up," Vali grinned at her, "I look forward to seeing how my team does against yours,"

"Then let's begin," Erika said while gesturing to the referee.

The referee began the usual announcement, "This is a three on three battle between Gym Leader Erika of Celadon City and Challenger Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town. Only the Challenger may make any substitutions. Trainers, release your first pokemon!"

Erika released a Victreebel as Vali called out, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!"

Arwen pawed at the ground when she appeared. Erika let out an appreciative whistle, "Your Ponyta looks beautiful. Did you just groom her?"

"Yesterday, I gave her a thorough cleaning as a reward for her hard work during training," Vali answered as Arwen focused on her opponent, "Thanks for noticing,"

The referee called out, "Begin!"

"Arwen, Flame Wheel!" Vali eyed the Victreebel carefully.

It was definitely experienced though not as much as the one Steven had faced earlier. If she had to guess, it had probably evolved somewhere in the last month maybe a few days before the month began. Either way, Arwen had a chance to win if they worked carefully and made sure to burn any powder moves before they could take effect. Erika smiled as she called out, "Dodge and use Growth."

"Keep going with Flame Wheel!" Vali ordered as Victreebel got out of the way.

Arwen shifted her trajectory and came back around. She managed to slam into Victreebel as the Flycatcher pokemon gained a green glow to it. Victreebel cried out in pain as it was burned by the flames coiling around Arwen's body and sent stumbling away as it patted out the flames with its vines. Burn marks covered its body where the flames had hit it, it winced as the burns gained a red glow for a few seconds showing that the Victreebel had been burned by the attack. That meant Victreebel was on a time limit, Arwen's chances of winning had increased. Arwen let go of Flame Wheel to spit an Ember attack at Victreebel. Victreebel dodged it with a hiss as Erika called out, "Victreebel, use Razor Leaf to keep Ponyta back then Ingrain."

"Arwen, Flame Wheel. Do your best to avoid the Razor Leaf!" Vali ordered while wishing Arwen knew a move that could block the sharp leaves.

While Protect could do that, Arwen was still shaky on using the move and it definitely wasn't anywhere close to ready for a gym battle. Victreebel flung out a flurry of razor sharp leaves as Arwen reared and rushed forward as flames coated her body once more. Arwen managed to dodge a good bit of the leaves, but some managed to hit her though the Ponyta seemed to ignore the pain caused by the wounds the leaves created. The bottom of Victreebel's body had released a bunch of roots that sank into the ground and gained a green glow as the nutrients in the soil were pulled into its body to heal some of the damage done so far. Once she broke through the leaves, Arwen slammed into Victreebel managing to snap some of the roots in the process. Victreebel cried out and retaliated with a rather brutal looking Vine Whip that created an audible cracking sound as Arwen was sent skidding away. Erika called out, "Use Sunny Day!"

Vali looked at Erika carefully as she heard that order. Did Erika teach her Victreebel Solar Beam or was she preparing the room for one of her other pokemon? She wouldn't know until the gym leader did something. Looking at Arwen as the Ponyta shook off the Vine Whip, she called out, "Arwen, High Horsepower!

Arwen rushed towards Victreebel with a neigh as a orangish brown aura began to coat her body. Victreebel released a glowing orb of reddish orange light that flew into the sky as Arwen charged towards the grass/poison-type. Immediatly once it hit the roof of the green-house like area, Vali could feel the heat in the area surge as the sun seemed to beat harshly onto those below. As Arwen reached Victreebel, she twisted around before kicking Victreebel right between the eyes with a glowing hoof. Victreebel was ripped from its roots due to the power behind Arwen's legs and sent flying into one of the nearby trees. Arwen turned around and released a powerful steam of Embers which slammed into the Flycatcher pokemon. Victreebel cried out as it was hit and burned even further. When Arwen stopped the onslaught, Victreebel slid down the tree and shakily stood up. The scent of burned plant-matter reached her nose and she grimaced a bit as Erika called out, "Victreebel, can you continue?" Victreebel let out a shaky screech and took a step forward, "Use Magical Leaf then Poison Powder."

"Arwen, try to block the leaves with Ember," Vali called out not quite knowing how to protect against that move since none of the grass-type pokemon she'd met while in Celadon knew the move, "Use Flame Wheel if they get too close and try to knock out Victreebel without getting poisoned,"

As Victreebel reared back to release a wave of glowing green leaves that rushed towards Arwen, Arwen released a stream of Embers similar to the one Smaug created before he finally learned Flamethrower. Arwen managed to block some of the leaves, but many of them managed to get past the Ember attack. Arwen used Flame Wheel which burned away some of the leaves as they slammed into the Ponyta. Arwen rushed past the stream of leaves just as Victreebel released a cloud of poisonous purple powder. The powder made a sizzling sound as it impacted Arwen's cloak of flames making Vali hope that it hadn't gotten to Arwen as the Ponyta slammed into Victreebel once more. Victreebel cried out as it was sent tumbling back. It tried pushing itself up only to pass out. Erika returned Victreebel as Arwen let go of the cloak, "Not bad, Vali though I'm surprised you didn't use more attacks."

"Arwen's move pool is admittedly limited," Vali replied as Arwen shivered and a purple aura surrounded her, "I thought the fire had burned it all,"

"Looks like your on a time-limit," Erika commented as she prepped her next pokeball.

Vali grabbed Arwen's pokeball, "Arwen," Arwen looked at her, "I'm returning you. I don't want you to suffer more than you have to," Arwen nodded and she returned the Ponyta, "Good job, Arwen."

Arwen's pokeball warmed up in her hand and vibrated a little before returning to it's inert state. Vali placed the pokeball in it's usual place as Erika said, "I'm a bit surprised you chose to return her."

"Why let the poison get worse when I don't have to?" Vali replied as Erika released her Tangela.

"True enough," Erika nodded as Vali palmed Celina's pokeball.