Celadon City Gym Battle Pt. 2 : Evolution

Vali released Celina as she called out, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!" Celina appeared with a defiant screech only to pause at the sight of Tangela and looked towards her for answers, "That's a Tangela, Celina. They're a grass-type that's a bit rare," Celina nodded slowly looking a bit unsure, "Don't let its appearance fool you, they're good battlers in the hands of a master," Celina bobbed her head firmly and glared at Tangela, "Celina, into the air. I don't want to take too many risks."

Celina shot into the air as Erika commented, "This should be interesting," Erika looked calmly up at Celina, "Tangela, be a dear and use Leaf Storm then Double Team."

"Celina, dodge the leaves as best you can with Aerial Ace and use Swift to block what you can't dodge," Vali needed to gauge how powerful Tangela was in order to come up with a proper strategy.

Tangela let out a happy gurgle as it called up a storm of razor sharp leaves that it sent towards Celina. Celina dodged the leaves as the whitish grey glow coated her body. Tangela created over ten copies of itself as Celina used Swift to get rid of the leaves that got to close to her. Some of the star-shaped energy projectiles ended up hitting the copies causing them to vanish. Celina continued to use Swift as she swept over the copies only to get a Vine Whip to the back as Tangela launched itself upwards to hit the Pidgeot. Celina let out a shriek of anger and used Steel Wing as she swept back around. Tangela was hit by the steel-coated wing and was sent towards the ground. Tangela jumped up quickly showing that the rumors about it's thick coating of vines creating a cushion against attacks was true. Erika smiled as Tangela created more copies of itself, "Tangela use Energy Ball."

"Celina, dodge and use Swift," Vali would have to keep up a rather large amount of pressure on Tangela if she wanted to win, "Keep up the pressure. Use Air Slash once you find the real one,"

Celina let out a trill and began using Swift as Tangela sent it's Energy Ball attack towards the flying-type. Celina managed to destroy the real Energy Ball with Swift and began destroying the copies of Tangela. Again the real Tangela tried to hit Celina with a Vine Whip only it came in from the right side, Celina managed to dodge the attack for the most part and used Air Slash. The sharp blades of air managed to hit Tangela hard causing it to slam into the battlefield. It cried out in actual pain as some of it's vines were sliced open causing a bit of green liquid to spill out. Tangela got up as Celina released another round of Swift. Tangela dodged some of the stars, but couldn't dodge all of them causing it to be sent skidding back. As Celina wheeled around for another attack, Tangela used Leaf Storm causing the Pidgeot to falter a bit as she used Gust to give herself time to create a proper defense. When the storm finished, Tangela had created more copies of itself and used Ingrain. Erika called out, "Tangela, use Energy Ball and Vine Whip!"

"Celina, Aerial Ace to dodge the Energy Ball and Air Slash to keep back that Vine Whip," Vali ordered as a plan began to use, "When you can, use Feather Dance," She lowered her voice knowing that Celina's keen ears would be able to hear her, "Under the cover of Feather Dance, use Steel Wing and Air Slash. Try to get rid of those roots anchoring it to the ground,"

Celina trilled as she got to work dodging the Energy balls heading towards her with Aerial Ace. The vines Tangela aimed towards Celina were shredded with Air Slash causing the little pokemon to cry out in pain. While the pain wasn't as bad as it would be for some pokemon due to a lack of proper nerve endings, it still hurt Tangela enough to stun it allowing Celina to get close enough to use Feather Dance. The loose feathers all over Celina's body began to rain down on Tangela blocking the odd pokemon's sight. Celina got in close using Aerial Ace and slammed into Tangela with Steel Wing which got rid of some roots. The Air Slash that slammed into Tangela next left shredded all but a few which were hanging on by what looked like a thread. Tangela managed to look past the pain and nail Celina with a Constrict followed by Mega Drain. Celina cried out as her energy began to disappear while Tangela began to recover from Celina's newest assault. Celina used Swift point blank causing Tangela to release her and she put some distance between them. Celina panted heavily and looked a bit worn though no where near enough for Vali to think she needed to pull the Pidgeot from battle.

Erika spoke as Celina began to use Gust, "Not a bad combination, it's definitely the first time someone's used that against me since I became a gym leader."

"Tangela's pretty good at enduring pain," Vali replied as Celina used Swift again and Tangela retaliated with Leaf Storm.

"It helps that they don't feel it like we do," Erika shrugged lightly as Celina used Air Slash again and Vali felt the sunlight begin to dim, "Tangela use Sunny Day,"

The battle continued along the same vein for awhile before Tangela managed to knock Celina out with a well aimed Vine Whip. Tangela was worn out and wouldn't last much longer though it would likely try to get in a few good hits before passing out. Vali returned Celina while thanking her for the effort and called out Smaug, "Come out and battle with me, my friend!" Smaug appeared and looked at his worn out opponent with a glare, "Smaug, Tangela managed to take out Celina. We still have one more pokemon after this, so we need to end it quickly," Smaug nodded as spat out a tongue of flame, "Use Smokescreen and Ember," Smaug glanced at her for that last one even as he began spitting out smoke and she spoke softly enough that only he could hear her, "I don't want her to know that you can use that just yet," Smaug nodded in understanding, "Don't let up. Be careful and avoid getting too close."

Smaug inclined his head before disappearing into the smoke. With how worn out it was, Vali doubted that Tangela would last for much longer. She was proven right moments later when the smoke clouds faded to reveal a passed out Tangela with Smaug standing near him. Smaug was rubbing his muzzle showing that Tangela had gotten him at least once with a Vine Whip. Erika blinked slightly before smiling, "Not bad though it looks like your Charmeleon is on the cusp of evolution. Do you really think this is safe?"

"It'll be fine. I know that he can take it," Vali smiled as Smaug smirked at her, "Now, shall we continue?"

Erika released a Gloom causing Smaug to grimace a bit, "Gloom, be a dear and use Sweet Scent."

Gloom released waves of pinkish powder that floated over the battlefield. Vali sniffed lightly and could immediately see why a pokemon would get distracted since the scent reminded her of treacle tart. Smaug gained a slight flush to his scales as he sniffed the air. He shook his head after a few moments and glared at Gloom prompting her to order, "Let's make it easier to concentrate, Smokescreen and make it thick."

Vali used her scarf to cover her nose and mouth before pulling on her goggles which had seen a lot of use since she started flying with Celina. Smaug disappeared into the thick cloud of smoke as Erika called out, "This is quite interesting, I don't think I've seen anyone really use smokescreen before."

"It's a useful move," Vali commented as she heard the telltale cry of pain caused by Smaug hitting someone with Metal Claw.

"Gloom, use Stun Spore and Sleep Powder!" Erika called out.

"Smaug, burn everything with Flamethrower," Powder attacks were annoying especially sleep and poison.

Erika gasped at her order while a bright gout of flame pierced through the haze of black smoke, "You taught him Flamethrower?"

"What can I say? Smaug's a very determined Charmeleon," Vali shrugged lightly as Smaug continued his earlier assault.

Smaug could feel his evolutionary energy surging with each hit either given or taken. Each breath he took to either renew the smoke or get enough air to launch his fire attacks, it seemed to fill his lung. The beat of his heart was echoed by the pulse of energy that was so close to becoming his. Soon enough, the energy would overtake his entire being and he would become a master of the sky and fire just as his mother had been. A grunt left him as a glowing green orb slammed into his chest and sent him skidding back. Baring his fangs at the grass/poison-type that had sent it towards him, he released a gout of flames before thickening the cover of smoke. While hiding within the cover of smoke had always bugged him a bit due to his pride, he could appreciate Vali's thinking as it allowed him to get the drop on his prey.

As Smaug whittled down his opponents health with each successful hit, he couldn't help, but feel a bit disappointed. Sure, it was a battle, but it didn't push him to his limits. A grunt of pain followed by the feeling of his energy being drained hit him as he was sent skidding back again. He looked at the Gloom and realized it had managed to drain his energy with a punch. A smirk appeared on his maw as he realized that it wasn't quite as pathetic as he'd begun to think it was. Increasing the smoke, he heard Vali call out, "End it, Smaug!"

Smaug wondered why Vali sounded a bit panicked until he couldn't see his opponent anymore. Where had it gon-

Smaug's chest hurt and his head was pounding as he slowly began to push himself up. He tasted copper at the back of his mouth and could tell one of his fangs was loose. What had hit him? Smaug grunted a bit as he pushed himself up and heard the other trainer, Erika, saying, "I'm surprised. A Solar Beam from one of my Gloom is usually enough to knock out most pokemon regardless of their typing."

"Smaug, are you alright?" Vali asked earning a nod as he turned to glare at the Gloom that had managed to hit him, "Try to knock it out,"

Smaug snorted and released another gout of smoke before disappearing into it. The area that the Solar Beam had hit hurt quite a bit and he was having a little trouble breathing. Growling a bit as he rubbed his chest, he focused on covering the area completely in smoke. He didn't need that gloom getting enough sunlight to hit him with that again. When he felt it was enough, he began his onslaught once more. This time, he paid attention to the Gloom and made sure to dodge any punches it tried to hit him with. Eventually, he managed to make it faint and felt the evolutionary energy that had been out of his grasp finally cover his form.

A roar left him as pain filled his entire body in a way he'd never felt before. The small amount of pain he'd felt during his evolution from Charmander to Charmeleon was nothing on this. He was growing too big, too quickly causing the pain to worsen each moment that passed. He could feel his inner flame grow stronger with each passing second as his body changed He was becoming more powerful than anything he'd ever imagined. When the energy finally faded, he felt exhausted, but pleased with himself. Finally, he'd become a lord of the sky and flame!

"Smaug," He slowly turned towards the sound of Vail's voice and opened his eyes to see her staring at him with awe, "You look amazing," She walked slowly towards him, "Are you alright?"

Smaug nodded slowly staring at his trainer feeling instincts he'd never felt before rise up. Did he really need a trainer now that he'd evolved? Sure, Vali had helped him become this strong and he'd always be thankful. But did he need her anymore? He inwardly growled and pushed those thoughts down as memories filled his mind. Vali wasn't just his trainer, but part of his family along with the others. She had taken care of him, raised him, taught him, and even protected him. Why would he ever want to leave her? Just because he had new instincts that demanded he never submit to another, it didn't mean anything especially when Vali was his equal. While she may be human, she bore a burning inner flame in her heart and never demanded that he submit to her outside of when he was being an idiot.

Smaug looked into Vali's eyes as she reached him and smiled as he leaned down to nuzzle her cheek. He would keep that promise he'd made to himself last night. Vali hugged him with a grin, "I'm so proud of you, Smaug."