News of Eevees

During the days after their gym battle, Vali and Steven got ready to travel once more. As summer was ending, Vali ended up picking up a few thicker shirts and some long pants. She would have to wait until Celadon to pick up any winter clothes, but she didn't need any at the moment. She picked up a bit more pokemon food and trainer meals than usual though it was less than what she had picked up before they left Pewter city. They wouldn't be stopping in Saffron city for more than night after all. While it would be a good idea to get a gym badge from Sabrina, Vali did not want to face Lt. Surge after she got her third badge since that was when the kid gloves came off so to speak. Gym leaders could use the lower members of their league teams. Lt. Surge had a team of real monsters that were far more scary than any psychic-type. She also didn't want to face Sabrina just yet since she didn't have a dark-type or a ghost-type that could make fighting her easier. She knew that none of her pokemon were ready to face someone that had only given out a total of three badges so far this season.

Other than preparing to leave Cerulean city, Steven and Vali were giving their pokemon some time to recover from the heavy training sessions that had been put through the last week or so. They still trained a bit, but it was light training which all of her pokemon were thankful for. They were helping Sandshrew slowly get up to speed. She spent a bit more time at the Cerulean gym both to take pictures of the water-type pokemon, but to also spend time with the Waterflower family. She ended up promising the triplets that she would come by after they took over the gym and battle them again. Misty managed to wriggle out a promise to battle together when she finally became a trainer. Grace got her to promise to call seemingly taken with the fire-type master in training and managed to get Delia's phone number from Vali. Walter had gotten Vali to promise to call the moment she got a water-type so he could give her advice. The triplets had gotten the same promise though it was more about grooming tips. Even Steven hadn't been spared from the Waterflower families attention, it would seem they both left a good impression on the family of six.

On the last day before they left Cerulean, Vali called home and introduced Ash and Delia to Sandshrew. It took some coaxing before the timid pokemon stopped trying to cower into her stomach. It was mostly thanks to Delia's efforts though seeing as the woman had a knack for coaxing pokemon into liking her. By the end of the call, Sandshrew was practically attempting to climb through the screen to meet Delia much to their amusement. Delia thanked Vali for the package and Ash told her that he'd loved the presents she'd sent him. After that, Vali ended up calling Professor Oak. It was about time he met her shiny Sandshrew. Professor Oak enjoyed seeing the timid pokemon and said that he would love to study her whenever she was at the lab. Just like Delia and Ash, Professor Oak had received the package she'd sent. Gary and Daisy enjoyed the presents she sent with the elder Oak sibling promising to repay Vali once she went on her own journey. Professor Oak promised to read through the letter she had sent in private while also saying that he would send her a message once he'd gotten through everything she'd sent him.

The morning they were leaving saw Vali receiving a message from Professor Oak. A small pit formed inside her stomach as she got into a private booth and called the Professor. She wondered if Professor Oak was sending Eevee to her or if Eevee's health had taken a turn for the worst. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. One day, the pokemon or human seemed to be doing just fine then the next they were quickly plummeting off a cliff and dying. From what she noticed during her time in Pallet Town when an abused pokemon was brought in, half the time they managed to physically recover and start working on getting mentally better. The other half saw them fighting to survive before suddenly losing all form of hope. As the phone rang, Vali hoped that Eevee was doing alright.

Professor Oak answered rather than one of his aids to her surprise, "Good morning, Vali."

"Hello, Professor," Vali stared at him.

"What's with that look?" Professor Oak looked a bit confused.

Vali shook her head lightly, "I'm just surprised that you were the one to answer the phone rather than your aids."

"Oh," Professor Oak flushed lightly, "Things have been very busy lately. Your classmates have been sending quite a few pokemon in. I'm almost glad you've decided to do the opposite,"

"I'm creating a family not just snapping up pokemon that would be useful for something then forgetting about them," Vali winced at the biting and bitter tone she used, "Sorry, Professor,"

"It's fine, Vali," Professor Oak was giving her an understanding look that made her both glad and annoyed, "Well, I suppose you're wondering why I asked you to call me,"

Vali nodded as she leaned back in her chair, "We're leaving Cerulean in a two hours."

"I've called you for two reasons," Vali nodded lightly, "First, Eevee is physically healed and I'll be sending his pokeball over to Cerulean once we finish talking. I've already sent a message to Nurse Joy, so you need only to walk up to the counter and give her your pokedex saying that I sent a pokemon to you," Professor Oak looked at her with a small smile, "I know you'll be able to help him recover and bring out the best in him, Vali,"

"I'll do my best," Vali promised him, "Is there anything that I need to know?"

"Try to avoid having Eevee near male humans. You should take it slow when you introduce him to Steven," Vali nodded having already figured that out from how Delia spoke before, "Don't try to train him until he wishes to," She hadn't been planning on it, "He's attached to the Flareon plush you gave him, so don't take it away," Vali grinned at that, "I'll be putting him in an inactive slot. You can't use him in an official battle or anything like that. You'll be able to catch a new pokemon if you want and use it in official battles. Any time you're in a pokemon center, talk to the nurse joy and have them check him out. This spring, he'll be given a psyche evaluation to see how he has progressed. Other than that, I'd say it's a learning experience,"

Vali nodded feeling the pit in her stomach vanish, "I'll go see Nurse Joy immediately after we're finished talking. And the other thing, Professor?"

Professor Oak gained an uncharacteristically stern look on his face, "Vali, is Metagross sure that you have an inner flame?"

"Yes and to be quite honest, it would explain a lot of things," Vali said earning a soft sigh, "Is something wrong?"

Professor Oak ran a hand through his short grey hair, "You're going to have to be very careful, Vali. If something like this got out, you could be hunted even worse than if anyone found out who you really are."

"I figured, Professor," It was a scary thought though it wasn't anything new, "I'm going to be working heavily on my mental barriers and keep Fawkes' feather where it is. I'm not going to risk exposing myself,"

A relieved sigh left him, "I'm glad, Vali. I know you aren't reckless, but I had to make sure," He smiled eagerly, "Have you tried anything with it yet?"

"No. I'm going to try meditating and seeing if I can find it like how I did to use my magic after my wand quit working," Vali answered earning a slightly disappointed look, "I'll keep you posted if I find anything. I did find something out from our trip to Bill's cottage," Professor Oak looked at her curiously, "I still have my ability to understand snakes though I need to concentrate to be able to hear everything properly even then, the accent can make it a bit hard to understand. I haven't tried speaking it yet, but even if I can't, it's a nice ability to have,"

"That's wonderful, Vali!" Professor Oak grinned, "You'll have to tell me everything you find out,"

"I'm going to be writing a journal to keep track of everything and I'll send the journals to you every time we hit a city with a post office," Vali said making Professor Oak's smile widen even more, "It'll help me improve my handwriting too. Steven even promised to teach me how to read the language they use in Hoenn too and write in it for when I eventually go to Hoenn,"

"Sounds like your journey is going to be a busy one," Professor Oak chuckled before turning slightly and making a soft noise, "Ah yes, Vali. I've recently been in contact with Blaine. The gym leader of Cinnabar island," Vali looked at him curiously, "I won't get into details about why, but I ended up talking about you due to the fact you've decided to become a fire-type master and I mentioned the bond you have with fire-types which having an inner flame would probably help along," Vali giggled at that, "Anyway, Blaine is a bit skeptical, but interested in seeing if its true. When you finally go to Cinnabar and have your battle, he'll be testing you on how fire-types act around you as well as the bond you have with your pokemon. Depending on how you'll do, you might be able to train with Blaine until the League conference after you get all your badges,"

"Seriously?" Holy Mew! Training under a Gym Leader much less a former elite four member who's known for his mastery over fire-type pokemon and the Magby-line was a fire-type trainers wet dream.

Professor Oak nodded with a grin, "I take it that you'll agree to it?"

"Yes!" Vali inwardly began to dance a bit, "I just have to prove myself to him, right?"

"That's right," Professor Oak chuckled.

"Thank you, Professor! I don't know how to thank you!" Vali couldn't believe she was so damn lucky.

Oh, the training would be hard as hell, but it would be so worth it. Professor Oak shook his head lightly, "You don't need to thank me though if you wouldn't mind doing something for me, I would be happy."

Vali looked at him curiously, "What do you need me to do?"

"Send me pictures too," Professor Oak answered making Vali laugh, "You're a good photographer, Vali. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up having a career in it once you finish your journey,"

Well, that was an interesting thought. Shaking her head lightly, Vali said, "I better get off. Steven and I want to leave while we have a lot of daylight so we can make good time to Saffron. We only have a two weeks and a few days before the Rapidash and Ponyta migration."

"I won't keep you. Good luck with Eevee, Vali," Professor Oak said, "And good luck on your journey,"

"Thanks, Professor," Vali replied and ended the call.

Heading out of the private booth, Vali headed towards the front desk and found Steven waiting. He looked at her curiously, "Professor Oak's sending over Eevee. He's given me an inactive slot which means I won't have to send one of my pokemon home if I manage to catch a Ponyta."

"Well, we should get Eevee then," Steven said and they got into the rather short line in front of the desk.

Nurse Joy looked up as they reached the desk and smiled, "Hello, you two. What can I do for you?"

"We're returning our room keys," Steven said as they pulled them out.

"I'm also picking up a pokemon that Professor Oak's sending me," Vali said as she took out her pokedex.

Nurse Joy took all three items, "Give me a few moments," She disappeared before reappearing holding a luxury ball and what looked like a storage case much to Vali's shock, "Here you are."

"A luxury ball?" Vali murmured as she took the pokeball from Nurse Joy.

"It's the best ball for pokemon that haven't had the best life," Nurse Joy informed her earning a curious look, "I don't know why, but it apparently helps them recover,"

"Interesting," Vali felt the pokeball vibrate a little, "And the storage case?"

Nurse Joy produced a paper from her pocket, "Professor Oak wished for you to know that it's currently holding 'the plush' and that it can hold up to thirty pounds. He figured it was a good reward for the work you've done so far."

Vali nodded as she slipped the storage case into her bag, "Thanks, Nurse Joy."

"Anytime," Nurse Joy replied before they headed out.

Steven looked at her curiously, "What now?"

"How about we get out of Cerulean and I tell you everything that Professor Oak talked to me about during our call?" Vali suggested as they headed towards the south exit of Cerulean.

"Alright," Steven shrugged lightly.

Vali looked at the luxury ball in her hand and felt her heart clench. Seeing Eevee in the flesh after so long would be interesting, she didn't know how he would react seeing as he was always glaring at her. She hoped that he wouldn't try to run away.