Eevee's Return

Steven shook his head as she finished explaining everything that she'd talked to Professor Oak about, "You're right about how lucky you are. Most trainers don't get a chance to be scouted by a former Elite Four member even under the recommendation of a regional Professor, you'll definitely have an easier time becoming a master than most."

"I highly doubt that considering how hard the training is going to be," Vali wasn't going to get cocky, "While having an actual fire-type master there to help me along the way, I doubt Blaine would coddle me nor allow me to take the easy way out," She smiled as she glanced down at Balto, "Not that I'd want to take the easy way out, I'm going to pour everything I can into become a fire-type master and seeing my pokemon achieve that level. It won't be easy by any means, but it'll be worth it,"

Steven grinned at her words, "Well, you'll have to pass Blaine's tests first."

"I know and I'll do my best," Vali spotted a path leading away from the one they were currently walking on, "Let's follow that path until we can find a decent clearing, I don't want to make Eevee wait any longer,"

Steven nodded as Vali turned to head down the fairly well maintained side path, "Of course, do you want me to have Metagross out?"

"Yes, but only to create a psychic barrier to keep Eevee from running away if he tries," Vali set her hand on Eevee's pokeball, "I also want you to try and stay out of Eevee's sight. Considering Professor Oak's words, I'd rather avoid Eevee attacking you before I get a chance to talk to him,"

"Of course," Steven agreed easily.

Once they reached a clearing that had no one inside, Steven released Metagross and had them create a psychic barrier around the clearing before moving out of sight. Vali released her pokemon save for Eevee and explained what was about to happen. Everyone save for Sandshrew understood what she was talking about, but she was sure that the others would keep Sandshrew from getting hurt if Eevee tried something. Once they moved a bit away, she released Eevee. Eevee shook his head once he fully materialized before freezing as he noticed that he wasn't in the lab anymore. When he sniffed the air, he must've scented her and spun towards her with a low growl in his throat.

Vali held up a hand to prevent her pokemon from reacting to the hostile sound as she said, "Eevee, you remember me, right?" Eevee's eyes narrowed into a glare as he nodded, "Professor Oak sent you to me to help you recover. While you've physically recovered, you're still attempting to mentally recover. I know you don't trust me and that's fine," Eevee looked surprised at her words before returning to his growling, "All I'm asking is that you give me a chance. I won't make you battle or try to touch you without permission," Eevee's eyes widened at her words, "Just stay with me and don't attack any of my friends. In return, I'll make sure you have enough food to eat, a place to sleep, and things like that. Give me three months to show you that I mean it, Eevee. If you still don't want to be around me, I'll send you back to Professor Oak," Eevee thought about it before grudgingly nodding his head, "Thank you, Eevee. Now, I'm going to introduce you to my team."

Balto greeted Eevee first making sure to keep his distance when the normal-type growled at him. Smaug was next and made sure to follow Balto's example. Celina was next and was actually able to get a bit closer to Eevee before he growled at her to stay away. Pikachu was next, but wasn't allowed any closer than Balto. Sandshrew was the last one to approach and Eevee looked more than a little confused at seeing her. After her team was introduced, Vali drew Eevee's attention to her again, "Do you want to meet my traveling companion?" Eevee shook his head, "I'll return you then and release you when we stop to eat."

Eevee nodded and Vali returned him. She sighed as Metagross' psychic barrier dissipated and the two came out. Steven commented, "That went fairly well."

"I have three months to convince him to stay," Vali ran a hand through her hair.

"You'll manage it," Steven told her.

Vali smiled at the confidence he had in her before glancing at the sky, "We should get moving if we want to get close to Saffron today."

When they stopped for the night, Vali waited until they got their campsite ready before releasing Eevee. Eevee glared at her as he reappeared before stiffening as he scent the air. Eevee's head whipped around to Steven and the fox-like pokemon got into a defensive crouch. She spoke as Eevee began charging up a Swift attack, "Eevee! Don't attack Steven, he's my traveling companion!" Eevee didn't stop charging the attack, but didn't release it either, "Eevee, remember you promised to trust me. If I didn't trust Steven not to hurt you, I wouldn't have brought you out or traveled with him this far."

Eevee turned his head and released the attack on a nearby tree. The Swift caused a mini-explosion and the tree shook violently. Luckily, it wasn't powerful enough to do more than scar the tree. Eevee released an annoyed growl and stalked over to one of the trees giving everyone a nasty glare. Vali sighed in relief at the fact no one had been hurt. She looked at Steven as she opened her mouth to apologize for Eevee only for Steven to raise a hand as he said, "It's okay, Vali. Professor Oak warned us that he didn't take well to males. I'll just have to watch my back when Eevee's out and try to avoid provoking him."

"Still," Vali felt bad that Eevee had almost attacked him.

Steven shook his head, "Let's just move past this, we still need to train a bit before we eat."

With that in mind, Vali set her pokemon to work knowing that Eevee was observing them.