Cerulean Gym Battle Pt. 2

"Celina," Vali called out causing the Pidgeotto to look at her, "Want to take a break?" Celina paused before nodding and Vali returned her before releasing Pikachu, "Celina's taking a break. We've got a Seaking and Milotic to deal with, Pikachu," Pikachu sparked up at that and growled as he looked for his opponents, "Both of them are in the water, I want you to shock them with Thunder Shock,"

Pikachu nodded before curling his body up slightly as he charged up his attack before releasing a powerful Thunder Shock into the water. Steven chuckled as he called out, "Metagross follow Pikachu's example and use Toxic on the water."

Metagross' leg lifted up and began to glow a poisonous purple color before they dipped it into the water. Grace muttered something under her breath before calling out, "That's why you didn't look annoyed when Sludge Bomb didn't hit. You've been poisoning the water."

"Steven's pokemon are immune to poison and Metagross can easily keep my pokemon from hitting the water if yours try to knock them inside," Vali shrugged lightly with a grin as both Grace's and Walter's pokemon cried out in pain.

Melissa got onto the platform only to stiffen showing that she was paralyzed. Seaking jumped up in an attempt to stop the pain and ended up taking an Electro-Ball to the gut for its troubles. Walter frowned as he called out, "Melissa use Aqua Ring."

"Seaking use Horn Drill on Pikachu!" Grace called out making Vali's eyes widen.

"Shit," She muttered as Seaking swam quickly towards Pikachu, "Pikachu dodge it and use Electric Terrain!"

They hadn't used that move much mostly because it hadn't been needed; however in this situation, they needed as much help as they could get. Steven glanced at her and nodded showing he understood why she'd done it. Pikachu lept over Seaking as it jumped out of the water in an attempt to hit it with it's glowing horn. Pikachu landed and immediately released a large amount of electricity into the platform below him. The area around him began to glow yellowish gold Electric Terrain formed. Walter stared at Pikachu, "I suppose that would be an egg move then."

"One of them," Vali had been very lucky that Pikachu had accepted her as his trainer, "Pikachu, let loose a Thunder Shock at Milotic! As strong as you can!"

Pikachu did as she asked and Melissa screamed. An Electric Terrain electric-type attack wasn't something anyone wanted to be hit with even less so when you were a water-type. Vali flinched as Melissa withered around before falling to the ground as Pikachu's attack petered out. Melissa tried to rise up only to fall back down in a dead faint. Walter returned her as the Referee called out, "Gym Leader Walter is out of pokemon."

"Sorry Walter," Vali looked at him feeling horrified.

"It's okay, Vali. Melissa has had worse though I will admit that an Electric Terrain powered Thunder Shock was a bit much for her," Walter offered her a kind smile before turning to his wife, "Good luck, Honey,"

"Thanks," Grace rolled her eyes before looking at Seaking, "Seaking horn drill and make sure to hit that Pikachu,"

"Metagross catch it with Psychic," Steven countered.

"Thunder Shock, Pikachu," Vali said after Metagross had captured the struggling goldfish pokemon.

Seaking's eyes bulged before closing as it fell limp seconds later. The referee spoke as Grace returned her passed out pokemon, "Winner Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town and Steven Stone of Mossdeep city!"

"We won?" Vali looked at Pikachu, "We won!"

Pikachu jumped across the floating platforms to the trainer box where he was promptly run over by an excited Balto. Pikachu cried out in shock, but accepted the tongue bath as Metagross floated over. Vali grinned as she hugged Steven making him let out a surprised laugh before he hugged her back, "Looks like we won."

Vali let go of him with a small laugh, "Sorry."

"It's fine," Steven shook his head lightly as he reached out to pat Metagross' head, "We should head down,"

"Right," Vali bent down to pick up Pikachu who was glad to be away from Balto's eager tongue, "Good job, Pikachu. You did very well working beside Metagross," Pikachu let out a soft coo as she began petting him, "I'll give you a really good bath,"

Pikachu nodded and moved to settle on her shoulder as they started leaving the trainer box. Grace and Walter met them at the bottom. Grace beamed at them, "Nicely done, you two. It was a really good battle."

"That it was which is why we're proud to present you with the Cascade badge," Walter said as Grace pulled out a box holding two blue tear drop shaped badges.

Vali and Steven took one with smiles, "Thank you."

"We should head to the pokemon center and get everyone checked out," Grace suggested making Vali feel guilty again.

Walter seemed to know what she was thinking about and said, "Don't be guilty, Vali. It was a battle and in battle, pokemon can get hurt. Like I said, Melissa has had worse though I will admit that I have been rather lax when it comes to training her in resisting electric types."

"Why is that?" Steven asked with a raised eyebrow, "I would have thought you'd use a Lanturn, Quagsire, or some other pokemon that has a resistance to electric-type seeing as you knew that Vali had one,"

"We usually would, but recently a few trainers from previous badge runs came through," Grace explained as they headed out of the gym, "None of the pokemon we would normally use are currently able to battle due to some of the trainers being especially brutal. The ones that didn't get used have either recently evolved or have entered their breeding season,"

"Next time you're in Cerulean, you should stop by and we can battle using one of them," Walter offered earning a nod from Vali.