Cerulean Gym Battle Pt. 1

It doubled as their battle arena and where they did their shows. The top of the water could hold up to 25 floating platforms at a time with more than enough room between them for the water locked pokemon to easily maneuver around. Misty headed to the large stands where her sisters were sitting while they headed to the large trainer boxes. Grace headed to the trainer box where her husband was already waiting. Balto stuck beside Vali despite the close proximity of the water. She was tempted to tell him to go join Misty, but knew that he'd prefer to stay right beside her. They walked up the stairs to the trainer box and took their position with Balto settling down beside her feet. The referee came out moments later and took his box. He spoke once everyone had gotten quiet, "This is a double battle between the gym leaders Grace and Walter Waterflower of Cerulean city and Valkyrie Potter of Pallet Town and Steven Stone of Mossdeep City! The rules for this battle are two pokemon per person with only the challengers allowed to switch! So long as all the pokemon on one side have fainted, they will win the battle! Trainers release your pokemon!"

Vali released Celina first as Steven did the same with Metagross. Grace released a Seel that looked like it was on the verge of evolution and Walter released a Staryu that was far larger than any of the ones that she had seen before. Celina took the air as Metagross settled on one of the floating platforms. Seel and Staryu settled on the platforms though both were probably more than ready to head into the water if they needed to. Grace looked at Vali in surprise, "Not releasing your Pikachu just yet?"

"Nope. I have a feeling I'll need him later though don't put Celina down. She's stronger than she was two weeks ago," Vali replied earning a slight grin.

The Referee held up his hand before lowering it, "Begin!"

"Celina start things off with Gust!" Vali called out.

"Metagross use Sludge Bomb!" Steven called out with a slight grin.

Even if Sludge Bomb didn't hit either of their targets, it would probably get into the water thanks to Gust spreading it around. The poisonous sludge would disperse through the water poisoning it so that any pokemon that ended up inside of it would find themselves poisoned. Since Steven's pokemon were steel-type they were immune, Vali didn't plan on having either of her pokemon in the water. As a result, Grace and Walter would be on a time limit. Grace frowned slightly as she and Walter told their pokemon to dodge. Both pokemon disappeared into the water as the rather large ball of sludge slammed into the platform that Seel had been sitting on. The sludge exploded showering the floating platform and the water around it. Walter chuckled, "That was a good move though the water kind of prevents it from working. Staryu use Swift!"

"Seel back Staryu up with Aurora Beam!" Grace called out looking at Steven and Vali with a wary expression.

"Celina use Swift as well!" Vali called out and Celina let out a trill before releasing a shower of star-shaped energy just as Seel and Staryu released their own attacks.

"Metagross use Protect then Sludge Bomb once more once the attacks subside," Steven said earning a metallic grunt from Metagross.

Celina's Swift blocked Staryu's from hitting her and caused Seel's Aurora beam to explode. Celina kept using Swift as Metagross sent out another huge ball of sludge that exploded on the platform Staryu had gotten on to. Seel cried out as Celina's swift hit it before it ducked back into the water. Staryu managed to dodge the Sludge Bomb by getting into the water allowing more of the poisonous goop to disperse into the water. Vali called out, "Celina use Gust on the water. As strong as you can!"

Celina let out a trill before complying as she stopped her onslaught of Swift. Metagross wasn't one to be left out and used Thunder Punch on the water making both water-pokemon cry out in pain as the electricity ran through the rough water. They got out of the water soon after the attack began allowing Celina to dart forward with Arial Ace and slam into Seel with a Steel Wing. Seel went flying back into the water from the sheer force behind Celina's attack which caused it to be shocked by Metagross' still active Thunder Punch. Celina cried out as she was sniped by Staryu using Bubble Beam. Celina pulled up before she could hit the water as Steven called out, "Metagross, Sludge Bomb again!"

Metagross pulled their leg from within the water and released another ball of sludge. Staryu didn't cut off its attack in time to dodge and ended up covered in poisonous goo. It shrieked in pain as a purple aura covered its body and Walter shouted, "Into the water, Staryu!"

Staryu jumped into the water as Grace shouted, "Seel use Ice Beam on that Pidgeotto!"

"Celina use Quick Attack to evade that beam!" Vali shouted not wanting to see her flying-type get hit by an Ice Beam.

"Metagross use Psychic on Staryu and slammed into Seel!" Steven looked a bit worried as Celina worked on dodging Seel's rather powerful Ice beam.

Celina did her best to keep ahead of the beam using all the speed Quick Attack could give her. She was pulling barrel rolls to help dodge the beam and Vali was so glad that she'd had her Pidgeotto work on her speed as well as her stamina during the last two weeks. Staryu was grabbed by Metagross with Psychic causing the star-shaped pokemon to cry out in pain before it was slammed into Seel's back cutting off the sea-lion pokemon's Ice Beam. The two ended up being sent into the sludge covered platforms causing both to be coated in the substance. Seel began spitting as it had been slammed face first into the platform causing it to get some of the sludge in its mouth. It let out a pained yowl as a purple aura covered it for a few seconds. Vali grinned as she said, "Looks like Walter and Grace are on a time-limit."

"Good," Steven smiled looking pleased, "Metagross use Meteor Mash!"

As Metagross lifted their arm as it began to glow a sparkling grey color, Vali called out, "Celina Gust! Keep from getting caught up in Metagross' attack!"

Celina trilled as Metagross released the energy it had gathered with a punch. The energy left their leg in a circular wave that slammed into Seel and Staryu flinging both pokemon into the wall. Celina managed to stay mostly out of the way though she did get clipped by the energy. She was still able to fly, but that attack had still hurt her. Seel managed to rise back up while Staryu's red gem had turned grey. The referee called out, "Gym Leader Walter, return your Staryu as it has fainted and Release your next pokemon!"

Walter chuckled softly as he took out his pokeball and returned Staryu, "Well that was a fun work out. Shall we get to the main event?" He placed Staryu's pokeball onto his belt and pulled out what looked like a luxury ball, "Come on out and help me show them what water-types can do!"

A Milotic appeared on the field and Vali stared at it in awe. They were even more beautiful up close! She itched to take a picture of it and mentally promised herself to ask Walter for a photo after the battle was over. Milotic let out a trill after shaking its head and peered at what was going on curiously. Vali called out, "That Milotic of yours is absolutely gorgeous."

Milotic trilled at her as it's tail wagged a bit showing that it had liked the compliment. Walter chuckled, "Thank you. Melissa and I have been together for a while now."

"After the battle is over, do you think I could get a picture of her?" Vali asked earning a chuckle, "I've never seen one in real life before,"

"I don't mind and Melissa absolutely loves having her picture taken," Walter replied making Vali grin, "Melissa, we're in a battle. I need you to use Disarming Voice,"

Melissa rose up a bit and began to sing softly. While it sounded pleasant to human ears, it grated on the ears of pokemon thus causing damage. Celina let out a shrill trill of pain due to her sharp ears making the sound amplify. Seel whined reminding Vali that Disarming Voice affected all pokemon on the field not just the opposing pokemon. Metagross let out a metallic grunt and sent a Sludge Bomb towards Melissa causing the Milotic to close her mouth and slide into the water to avoid being hit by the poisonous gunk. Celina shot forward the moment Sludge Bomb hit the platform and slammed into Seel with Ariel Ace. Seel managed to get up after being flung away only to pass out moments later due to the poison in its system. The Referee called out, "Gym Leader Grace, return your Seel as it has fainted and release your next pokemon!"

Grace returned Seel with a sigh, "Good job Seel," She placed Seel's pokeball into her purse and pulled out another one, "Seaking, I have need of your assistance!"