Forest Fires bring interesting results

It took three days to quell the massive fire even with the various cities around Kanto offering their help not to mention the current champion getting Hoenn to send a team of Castforms to bring about some much needed rainstorms. Once the blaze was quelled, they managed to find the cause of it. A Magmar had been caught by a heavily inexperienced trainer that had been lucky to catch said pokemon after it had been knocked out during a battle against another of its kind. The kid was yet another example as to why certain pokemon weren't meant to be caught unless you knew what you were doing. Considering the kid had died due the Magmar's resulting rage upon realizing it had been caught by human without honor and brought to a land far from its former home, the kid was fairly lucky despite the way he had died if only because it meant he wouldn't be facing the harsh punishment that the League would have placed on him.

Magmar as a rule were honorable beings despite their sadistic tendencies. Unless you got it as a Magby or hatched it from an egg, you had to battle a Magmar and win the battle in order to be considered a worthy trainer. While Magby were child-like and cheerful, its later evolutions were some of the worst examples of fire-type pride. With that in mind, Vali wasn't going to consider catching one until she could either win a fight head on or manage to get a Magby.

Vali turned away from the TV with a frown as Zaria muttered, "I don't know whether to feel bad for the kid or not."

"Considering the fact he suffered greatly before his death, I'd say feel a bit bad for him," Lance grimaced slightly having been one of the first ones to find the kid's corpse.

"What I want to know is how he managed to get off Cinnabar," Vali said earning a few looks, "As someone with a vested interest in fire-types, I've looked up everything that I could about them including the laws involving them. Cinnabar is one of the only places in Kanto you can get a Magmar," She took out her pokedex and shifted through the notes she had on all the pokemon she was hoping to eventually catch before finding the ones about Magmar, "There are specific laws barring anyone with a Magmar from leaving Cinnabar unless they've been personally vetted by Blaine or one of the older Gym Trainers that are experienced in training Magmar. Adding on, you have to have a permit to own a Magmar/Magmortar due to the severe danger they present to the world at large. There is a damn good reason why you don't find them anywhere in Kanto except on Cinnabar," She gestured to the TV which was still talking about the wild fire, "If you think the wild fire created by that Magmar was bad, you should look at the ones created by stronger ones or a Magmortar. There is a reason Blaine's seen as less than sane due to the fact he's a master of the Magmar evolutionary-line," She ran a hand through her hair which still felt dirty and brittle due to the fact she'd been in and out of the wildfire ever since Ranger Mor drafted her to look for pokemon that needed help, "So how the fuck did that kid without even a single badge managed to get off of Cinnabar with a Arceus be damned Magmar?"

"That's what we're attempting to figure out," Lt. Surge answered from behind her and she turned to see him staring down at her.

"Hope you figure it out soon," Vali muttered feeling exhausted.

"You look like shit," Lt. Surge smirked a bit.

"Considering the fact I was right inside the fire with the Ranger's since I got drafted to look for pokemon, I'm allowed to look as shitty as I feel," Vali glared a bit at him.

You could hear a pen drop at how quiet it got around her as those words rang through the air. Zaria muttered, "Holy shit, you actually cursed in front of a Gym Leader."

"Well excuse me if I'm a bit testy since I got shit for sleep since that little brat decided to release a fucking Magmar in a place that hasn't seen rain in weeks," Vali bit out earning a roar of laughter from Lt. Surge.

Ranger Mor chuckled as he said, "Sirius was right, you're an absolute riot when you're tired."

Vali offered the male a glare that had him flinching away from her before she looked at Lt. Surge who was guffawing, "What brings you two here anyway?"

"Certain vixen is throwing a fit," Ranger Mor answered earning a blank look from Vali since all the pokemon she'd saved ended up kind of blurring together after that first hour in the fire.

"The pregnant Ninetales that threw a bitch fit if anyone other than you tried to touch her," Lt. Surge offered as clarification with an amused smirk, "I actually like that spunky fox,"

"Oh," Vali remembered the Ninetales that could apparently sense that she had the attention of not one, but two powerful beings interested in her.

"Anyway, we're kind of hoping you wouldn't mind coming with us to see what's bothering her so we can transport her and her eggs to a facility that can take care of them while the land is repaired," Ranger Mor said earning a confused look, "She won't speak to anyone else telepathically and none of the psychic-types currently around here have recovered enough to speak with her,"

Biting back a yawn, Vali said, "Sure, I guess..."

"Good!" Ranger Mor grinned at her, "Let's get going,"

Immediatly upon entering the small room where Ninetales was resting, the loud growling immediately stopped. Vali offered the vixen a raised eyebrow as sighs of relief sounded from behind her, "What exactly is the problem? They're trying to send you and your cubs to a safe place until your home is repaired."

"I wanted them to bring me you now that the fire is over," Ninetales answered as she curled up around her eggs.

Vali blinked slowly at the satisfied vixen before turning to Lt. Surge as she held up the coffee he'd given her, "Did you drug this?"

"No," Lt. Surge looked baffled by the suggestion, "Why?"

"Apparently she wanted to you to bring me to her," Vali answered earning a surprised look.

Lt. Surge, Ranger Mor, and the Nurse Joy that was tasked with taking care of Ninetales stared at the vixen. Lt. Surge promptly started laughing, "That's one way to get what she wants."

"So what does she want with you?" Ranger Mor asked her curiously.

Shrugging, Vali turned back to the vixen, "What do you want with me?"

The vixen waved Vali over with a tail and the trainer slowly did as she was bid. The moment she reached Ninetales saw the vixen picking up one of her eggs which was being cradled gently within her tails before holding it out to the trainer. Instinct taking control, she took the egg from it's mother and began to cradle it against her chest as the vixen murmured, "Four eggs is my biggest litter. The egg in your arms is smaller than the others, no?"

Vali looked at the egg she was holding and nodded lightly as she noticed that it wasn't nearly as big, "Yeah, I suppose this means the pokemon inside is a runt?"

Ninetales nodded lightly, "The cub inside would not survive in the wild unless I paid it more attention than my other cubs."

Vali realized what was going on, "You want me to take this egg?"

Ninetales inclined her head seemingly to smile at the trainer, "Indeed, I know the cub inside will be cherished and given the love they will need to grow up in the a great Ninetales."

"But why me?" Vali asked feeling her heart beat quicken a bit.

"Why not you?" Ninetales replied cocking her head to the side, "You wish to have a Ninetales eventually. What better partner could you have than one you raised from an egg?"

"I suppose," Vali looked back down at the egg, "Are you completely sure?"

"Yes," Ninetales curled a tail around Vali's arm and squeezed lightly, "Raise the cub well, Valkyrie Potter,"

"I'll do my best," Vali murmured feeling a small headache begin to form.

Ninetales released her arm and pointed her muzzle towards the door. Knowing a dismissal when she saw one, Vali moved towards the doorway. When she reached it, Ranger Mor commented, "Well that's one of the most convoluted ways to get a pokemon egg."

"Yeah," Vali shook her head lightly, "I think she'll let you move her now,"