Forest Fire Pt. 2

Racing through the blaze on Arwen's back with Balto running right beside her was an exhilarating feeling that made her promise to ride the Ponyta more often, Vali would have preferred their first ride would have been in a better situation. Ranger Mor had them a quick pace though it was definitely slower than he probably normally went though that was to be expected seeing as they needed Balto to be able to help find any wild pokemon. Unlike Arcanine, Growlithe couldn't scent the air while running at their top speed without great difficulty. They had to be specially trained and only the police/Rangers trained them like that. As it was, they had managed to find several wild pokemon that were captured using specially designed pokeballs that sent the captured pokemon to the nearest healing facility. In this case, they were sent to the base.

Despite the withering flames and the smoke that was clouding her vision, Vali found the scenes fairly beautiful. It showed the destructive power of fire even as it offered the earth nutrients that would make whatever grew where the fire destroyed that much stronger. She almost wished she'd had time to grab her camera and take pictures of it. A small smile drew its way across her scarf covered lips as she saw the fire engulf a tree. The sight strangely beautiful as the old was eaten away to give birth to the new. She was taken from her thoughts as Ranger Mor called out, "Beautiful isn't it?"

"Dangerously so," Vali agreed just as Balto let out a howling bark causing them to stop.

They found him digging out a pair of Oddish being guarded by a Gloom that looked a bit panicked by them. Ranger Mor calmed them down and quickly captured them only to gasp at the sight that was hiding behind the wild pokemon. A trio of pokemon eggs. Ranger Mor cursed under his breath, "Damn it," He tapped his ear piece, "This is Ranger Argus Mor, I'm with Trainer Valkyrie Potter. We got a situation. Three pokemon eggs found."

Ranger Mor nodded slowly and tapped his ear piece. Vali looked at him in concern, "What do we do?"

"We need to get them out of here. A pair of Rangers will be coming to take them to the facility," Ranger Mor answered as he took out a storage device and pulled out three incubators, "Let's get them inside, it's a shame we can't use a storage device on them,"

In a matter of moments, they had the eggs safely contained in the incubators which would keep them from being affected by outside elements. Ranger Mor decided that they needed to fully search the area. If there were three eggs, it was likely this was a nursery area for the wild pokemon which no one save for Ekans would bother the eggs unless it was winter when food got scarce. In the end, they discovered over forty diffrent pokemon and triple that in eggs if not more. The other team of Rangers came and ended up having to call even more to help transport them. As the Rangers worked, Balto led Vali over to another area where they ended up moving a fallen tree to reveal a heavily pregnant Ninetales laying on her side. The Ninetales looked at her with a minor glare before wincing and a glance towards her lower end revealed an evaporating pool of liquid. Mentally curse, she called out, "Ranger Mor!"

"Wh-Oh fuck me!" Ranger Mor cursed as he caught sight of the heavily pregnant Ninetales.

"What do we do?" Vali asked as Balto nudged her closer to the Ninetales, "We can't capture her in one of those special pokeballs with her this close to giving birth,"

Vali found herself flinching away from a high powered Flamethrower aimed at Ranger Mor, "Damn it!"

Vali turned back to the Ninetales who was really close right now and found herself staring into a pair of deep crimson pools. Images of her own life flashed before her eyes, she was shocked to see memories of her parents that she didn't even know she had. Eventually, she found herself falling back a bit as a feminine voice murmured, "You."

Vali shook her head lightly as a headache began to build, "You want me to help you leave this place?"

The Ninetales nodded as Ranger Mor asked, "What do you mean?"

"I...I heard her speak to me," Vali answered before shaking her head again, "We need to get her out of here,"

Vali carefully picked the Ninetales up making sure to be very careful of the fox pokemon's belly. Ranger Mor nodded, "Alright. You'll need to take Gene since he knows the exact way out of the forest and will take you to one of the other Rangers. I'll keep Balto and Arwen with me while we look for more pokemon."

Vali was a bit reluctant at leaving her pokemon with someone else, but the determined looks they gave her said enough. She nodded as Ranger Mor whistled for Gene, "Alright. You two," Balto and Arwen looked at her carefully, "Obey Ranger Mor like you would me. Do your best to protect each other and him from the fires. If you get tired, let him know immediately."

Ranger Mor helped her onto Gene's back and then she was off. Keeping a hold on Gene and Ninetales would have been almost impossible if it hadn't been for her magic, Vali whispered to Ninetales to just hold on a bit longer. Ninetales spoke again as they raced through the forest, "He calls to you."

"He?" Vali had a feeling 'he' was the one sending her those vision.

"The Lord of Flames. She calls to you as well, but not to the point as He does," Ninetales murmured softly before letting out a small whine as Gene jarred them a bit when jumping over a fallen tree.

"Why though?" Vali was glad that she was finally getting some kind of answer.

"I do not know only sense their calls," Ninetales laid her head on Vali's arm, "I've never met a human with a flame like yours,"

"I seem to be doing the impossible a lot," Vali tried to joke a bit, "How are you feeling, Ninetales?"

"It hurts, but it is a manageable hurt. Luckily, I've been through this before though keeping myself from birth is fairly difficult," Ninetales murmured softly, "Thank you,"

Vali shook her head lightly as they approached the edge of the wild fire, "Don't thank me until we're out of this and you're able to have your cubs without worrying about the wild fire."

"Odd human," Ninetales chuckled a bit.

"Says the kitsune that's speaking to me despite not being a psychic-type or capable of using Telepathy," Vali snarked a bit earning a small laugh that cut off into a whine, "Easy, Ninetales. You just need to wait a bit longer,"

Gene exited the blaze and jumped over the gaping hole in the ground that was keeping it from spreading further. Vali caught sight of Steven who stared at her with wide eyes from Metagross' back and she offered him a light wave. Oh, she was definitely going to be questioned when they met up after everything was said and done.

Ninetales snapped at anyone that tried to touch her causing Vali to be the one to carry the pregnant fox to the area where all the pokemon affected by the fire were being place. When they got there and Ninetales snapped at everyone again, she was directed to place the pregnant fox in a small room off to the side with some bedding on the ground. Once she place Ninetales down, she went to leave only for the fox to prevent her. As a result, she was present for the fox giving birth and ended up helping it along by channeling some of her magic into Ninetales when the fox began to struggle. By the end of it, Ninetales had four eggs which baffled her a little bit seeing as it was a well known fact you'd be lucky to get two eggs with a rare third one.

Ninetales tiredly instructed Vali in caring for the eggs seeing as each type of pokemon had specific ways to care for their eggs and she hadn't really cared for pokemon eggs beyond the ones that came into the Professor's lab. Only when the eggs were taken care of was she able to leave and head back into the fray so to speak.